I would probably be in favor of the "right" payment plan or supplemental income for players.
That being said, Choz, don't TONS of players win too? What about the guys that come to school, hardly ever play, but get a fully paid free 4 year education at a great school with alumni contacts that allows them to get a job outside of basketball that they probably never would have been able to sniff in a million years without that schollie? You are absolutely right that the schools make out REALLY well with this deal. I don't deny that. But the vast majority of players who will never even sniff the NBA have the chance to make it too. Free tuition, admission to a school they may not have been able to get into academically otherwise, and alumni connections for future jobs.
The point is, players SHOULD be getting more back from the school for the vast profits made on them, in the form of some supplemental income, but I won't even begin to pretend I know a way that would work and be fair. But the players ALSO SHOULD be taking better advantage of their education. They can set themselves up for life even without ball if they work hard in school, make sure they are well liked by the school admin, and avail themselves to the alumni connections that will come with that.