Are we sure he isn't graduating this year? He was a full time student for 4 years even if one year he was redshirted in hoops. Maybe he will and doesn't want to stay in school so he figured WTF. He doesn't address that in the interview. Or maybe it's because his coach was fired three days ago and he has a feeling he won't get 18 shots per game under new leadership ergo any small amount of draft potential he has now will subside after another season.
I don't know his graduation status. He definitely redshirted as a soph and has a season of eligibility left. Taken at his word he's ready to be a professional baskteball player. I assume without knowing that he was not on the premed track and that whatever schooling he attempted was secondary to athletics. I assume without knowing that he realizes that playing professional basketball means probably doing so overseas or in a league other than the NBA - as it does for 99 percent of all professional basketball players. Taken at Pomeroy's word Roberts was the most valuable player on any team in college basketball in 2012. I don't see how his stock rises any higher, especially at Grambling, even if he has no stock at all. From what I've seen he's at least as good a player as were a bunch of recent SJ grads - Kennedy, Horne , Mason, Brownlee, Hardy - all of whom took a shot at the NBA and all of whom are making a living playing ball. I see no reason to mock him for that, and I can see a reason to mock just about everything.