Got a chance to talk to people close to the situation with these kids this weekend..first off the common theme especially with Abu was what good kids they are and hard workers. Secondly they both are studs, and for those of you obsessed with rankings they are both, especially Abu VASTLY under ranked. What I heard was despite the 10 schools listed by both they are both only considering 4 a piece, 3 in common and one separate. The prevailing thought is its 90-10 they go to school together and that in the last month SJU has gone from a dark horse to right near the top. Of the 5 people I spoke with 2 predicted SJU and 1 said he had no clue. If I hear more will let you know. Since I don't know these kids at all I really don't know. Oh and Zimmerman is a long shot....VERY VERY VERY VERY LONG SHOT