James Padgett - C - Abraham Lincoln HS - Brooklyn, NY - MARYLAND

  • 46 replies


Re: Padgett to Maryland
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2008, 07:14:49 PM »
i'm surprised.  seemed like he didn't like the visit.

no big deal though.


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Re: James Padgett - C - Abraham Lincoln HS - Brooklyn, NY - MARYLAND
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2008, 07:38:43 PM »
MD has space for Jordan Williams, still.  But good; St. John's doesn't need anymore non-scorers on the court.  And Padgett can run a little, it seems, so he can keep up with Vasquez.

Re: James Padgett - C - Abraham Lincoln HS - Brooklyn, NY - MARYLAND
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2008, 11:02:14 PM »
Padgett didn't want to spend two years sitting behind JB.  If we're going after Lance, did we have a scholarship for Padgett?


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Re: James Padgett - C - Abraham Lincoln HS - Brooklyn, NY - MARYLAND
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2008, 11:25:26 PM »
If Padgett were able to do a reasonable Ty Grant impersonation he would have been next to JB, not behind him. That said, Padgett likely sits for a couple of years at nearly every major program. It happens all the time, and it's no slight against him.

If we wait for Lance and pass over quality kids, then the staff really needs to go. If Lance decides in April that he wants to come, room will be made for him, but it shouldn't be at the expense of Williams or another quality big man that gives us a verbal now.

Re: James Padgett - C - Abraham Lincoln HS - Brooklyn, NY - MARYLAND
« Reply #44 on: October 02, 2008, 02:31:53 AM »
If Padgett were able to do a reasonable Ty Grant impersonation he would have been next to JB, not behind him. That said, Padgett likely sits for a couple of years at nearly every major program. It happens all the time, and it's no slight against him.

Dwayne "Tiny" Morton, head coach of Lincoln High School in Brooklyn, N.Y., couldn’t help but notice the athletic, 6-foot-8, 210-pounder on the playgrounds of New York City, running the floor and flying to the hoop.

When Padgett, who verbally committed to Maryland late last week, was looking to leave Xaverian High School in Brooklyn after his sophomore year, Morton recalled that playground prowess and extended an invitation for Padgett to join Lincoln’s squad.
His connection with the players and the available playing time presented an ideal situation, according to Morton.

“I think the situation at Maryland was perfect,” Morton said. “The fact that they’re in the ACC, have a history of winning and a chance for him to compete to play right away [were all major factors in his choice]. Some of these schools, their spots are already set. In reality, those guys already got their plans for the ’09, ‘10 seasons. I think Maryland had an open post spot there.”


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Re: James Padgett - C - Abraham Lincoln HS - Brooklyn, NY - MARYLAND
« Reply #45 on: October 02, 2008, 12:53:26 PM »

When Padgett, who verbally committed to Maryland late last week, was looking to leave Xaverian High School in Brooklyn after his sophomore year, Morton recalled that playground prowess and extended an invitation for Padgett to join Lincoln’s squad.

A little off the topic but the above statement is a blatant lie...

Padgett spent the entire summer after his Sophomore year in summer school @ Xaverian....   Tiny was pressing him all summer to leave and transfer with the other kids that had left and Padgett didn't make his decision until days before the school year started.

Tiny even had Lance to go play with Padgett's AAU program (Starret City) and Coach Jermainne for a few tournaments to let the Xaverian kids see what it would be like playing with Lance...

Tiny Morton is part of the problem tiwht high school/AAU basketball today..   

Re: James Padgett - C - Abraham Lincoln HS - Brooklyn, NY - MARYLAND
« Reply #46 on: December 12, 2008, 05:50:05 PM »
This kid totally disapeared last night! Got to the point wher I forgot he was on the team. MIght be in over his head at Maryland