Watching Creighton on Fox Sports

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Re: Watching Creighton on Fox Sports
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2013, 07:30:39 PM »
It is one game. This is a new season. Last year means nothing to me.  Would you feel better about the Wisco game if we won 3 more games last year?  Makes no sense.

 I'm not trying to convince you guys of anything. Do your thing.  To me, it looks ridiculous.  Maybe I'm in the minority?  Who knows?

Throwing in the towel for two Creighton games on November 12th is a bit extreme? no?   Lol..
Maybe you are the nice person. Just because someone likes Creighton as a team doesn't mean they are negative towards SJU. But you are such a blind homer anything short of declaring one's undying love for the Johnnies has you seeing red.

No, he's right.  It's nice personic.  We have one of the only fan base with anti-fans.  Actually, from what I've gathered, ucla has plenty too.  It's a whole faction of people who come to these boards just to try to criticize actual SJU fans or anybody who supports the team and program.  Any positivity is squashed.  Every loss or even near loss is a harbinger of death to our program.  Any win, and the negatives come out first.    It's the internet's faul that these types were spawned.  Personally I wish they'd chose another program to support.

One game in and we have no shot in the world at beating Creighton and stopping McDermott from incinerating us?  Absurd...

 I was just thinking about this yesterday when I was having that spat with Aristotle and Socrates...  I used to enjoy St. John's basketball much more before I started posting on this site.   Nothing against the site, it's great and all.. But , when you deal with the internet, you inevitably have to deal with the trolls that come along with it..

 We are supposed to all be fans of the same team and root for the same thing.. the team, the players, the coach... Nothing could be further from the truth for 25% of this board. 25% doesn't seem like a lot, but negativity seems to be stronger and makes a bigger impact.. Nothing that can be done about it.

 I will continue to root for St. John's.. If that simple fact makes me a kool-aide drinker or have red colored be it..   I couldn't imagine coming on here and blasting everything anytime something goes wrong...  And if anyone actually reads my posts, I am the farthest thing from a Lavin disciple or apologist.   I just refuse to cry about every single little thing..  If that is your style, good for you, but it must be an awful way to go through life. 

Re: Watching Creighton on Fox Sports
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2013, 07:56:38 PM »
Hang in there Boo!  You are not alone in your thinking.   
When you're a kid from New York and you do it in New York, that lasts forever!

Re: Watching Creighton on Fox Sports
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2013, 08:04:38 PM »
I'm with ya too boo.

I will sit back and enjoy the season, and not pass judgement until the balls have stopped bouncing for the year.

until then...

Re: Watching Creighton on Fox Sports
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2013, 08:28:46 PM »
I'm with you, too, Boo3

Re: Watching Creighton on Fox Sports
« Reply #24 on: November 13, 2013, 09:12:36 PM »
 I love St John's basketball and have for over 50 years.  Many of our newer fans don't realize how successful our teams were well up into the late 1990's, early 2000, etc.

Winning 20 games nearly every year, contending for the Big East title, playing in the NCAA'S, or,NIT at worst was a every year result. Over our history, we've had 3 Hall of Fame Coaches. McGuire, Lapchick, Louie...

Up until recently our Redmen were in the top 5 of winning college BB programs.. We've slipped badly since.

So, many of our fans suffered thru the Jarvis, Roberts eras that patience has long since left the station.. So, yes, some fans and they are fans,have been critical of the Lavin  program and the results but, want the program to regain some semblance of past glories.. And, when that hasn't happened yet , they vent those frustrations.

Others, also fans, are of the my team, win or lose faction and equally loyal and get frustrated that everyone else isn't jumping all over the positives that Lavin has brought so far..

It's the same type of fandom that inhabits nearly every other big time BB program.. Kentucky, UCLA, Indiana, Kansas,UNC.etc all have fans that think a NCAA championship is theirs every year.. And, see what's happened to those Coaches when it hasn't.

Syracuse and Duke, when Boeheim and Coach K retire, aren't going to be terribly happy if their schools success doesn't continue.

So, it is with St John's.. Many of us, me included, praised Lavin's hiring as the right Coach for the times. I still do, as I  think he has brought in players that are capable of winning BASKETBALL but, at the same time, the results on the Court haven't looked too good yet. There is still time but, it is this season it needs to happen

This season, a full one, ending in March with BIG EAST contention, a NCAA bid and a 20 win season will get us back to a place we all want the team to be at.