Monmouth Game Discussion

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Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #100 on: November 23, 2013, 01:23:28 AM »
For the same reason a lot of people thought Harrison wouldn't leave last year, I really doubt Jordan would leave this year. I'm sure the kid has plans of playing pro next year (however realistic they may be) and having to sit out a full season effectively cancels those plans.

That being said, based on the very little that we know (Jordan being yanked last game, not playing today) It kind of does seem like Lavs is being a little bit harsh on a first year player. I mean suspend him for a half or something. I would imagine this his first infraction (though we have no idea). I trust his judgement in genera, but this just seems a bit overboard to me.

If Jordan returns and becomes a part of the team again, then fine, but if this lingers, and we wind up playing down a key player yet again, then I think it is more than reasonable to call Lavin's judgement into question.

These are his recruits. If he can't create an atmosphere where they respect him, we'll find someone that can. I want fiery players on my team. But I want them to intimidate the opponent. We've now had several recruits who have behaved like children, and dramatically changed the outcome of the previous two seasons.

It happens a 3rd consecutive time, and it's not the player who needs to answer for it.

Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #101 on: November 23, 2013, 03:05:36 AM »
For the same reason a lot of people thought Harrison wouldn't leave last year, I really doubt Jordan would leave this year. I'm sure the kid has plans of playing pro next year (however realistic they may be) and having to sit out a full season effectively cancels those plans.

That being said, based on the very little that we know (Jordan being yanked last game, not playing today) It kind of does seem like Lavs is being a little bit harsh on a first year player. I mean suspend him for a half or something. I would imagine this his first infraction (though we have no idea). I trust his judgement in genera, but this just seems a bit overboard to me.

If Jordan returns and becomes a part of the team again, then fine, but if this lingers, and we wind up playing down a key player yet again, then I think it is more than reasonable to call Lavin's judgement into question.

These are his recruits. If he can't create an atmosphere where they respect him, we'll find someone that can. I want fiery players on my team. But I want them to intimidate the opponent. We've now had several recruits who have behaved like children, and dramatically changed the outcome of the previous two seasons.

It happens a 3rd consecutive time, and it's not the player who needs to answer for it.

I'm with you 100% on that.

Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #102 on: November 23, 2013, 03:10:35 AM »
For the same reason a lot of people thought Harrison wouldn't leave last year, I really doubt Jordan would leave this year. I'm sure the kid has plans of playing pro next year (however realistic they may be) and having to sit out a full season effectively cancels those plans.

That being said, based on the very little that we know (Jordan being yanked last game, not playing today) It kind of does seem like Lavs is being a little bit harsh on a first year player. I mean suspend him for a half or something. I would imagine this his first infraction (though we have no idea). I trust his judgement in genera, but this just seems a bit overboard to me.

You trust his judgement, yet it seems overboard.... WTF does that mean?

"I trust his judgement in general": I think most of the time he will make the right decisions, especially regarding personnel, as that is his speciality (recruiting, getting people to want to play for him etc)

"But this just seems a bit overboard to me": While I think he will often make the right decision (as with Harrison last year), this particular decision to suspend a player this early in his career seems overboard based on the assumptions I am making about the situation.

I thought I wrote it out pretty clear in my post, if it wasn't I apologize. You seem a bit touchy tonight.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 03:12:12 AM by survivedc »

Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #103 on: November 23, 2013, 03:15:54 AM »
Saw my first game this season.

We stunk.


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Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #104 on: November 23, 2013, 04:28:37 AM »
Biggest issue to me is how happy Rysheed is here?  Agree we have a glaring need for a penetrating, talented PG. Hope it is him.

My big concern is that I think it's been documented that he legitimately has a sick relative, so if he's unhappy here for some reason, he could use that as an excuse to split come end of semester.


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Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #105 on: November 23, 2013, 04:39:19 AM »
Didn't see any of the game as I had to get some sleep...working overnights sucks..

Disheartening to see we only won by 10 and even moreso, the Jordan news.  I really , really hope this is something minor and not the beginning of a more serious issue.    I want to see this kid succeed so badly.  He really is a good kid.


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Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #107 on: November 23, 2013, 07:32:48 AM »
 If Jordan isn't back by next weekend I will start to get really worried.  I'm concerned about this. Hopefully it is just about blowing off some classes or school work.


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Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #108 on: November 23, 2013, 08:23:18 AM »
What's wrong with holding player's accountable for their actions?  No player is bigger than the program.  I thought we all learned that when Jarvis was here.


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Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #109 on: November 23, 2013, 08:26:34 AM »
If Jordan isn't back by next weekend I will start to get really worried.  I'm concerned about this. Hopefully it is just about blowing off some classes or school work.

Jordan may not have a right to question Lavin's judgement, but we do. I'll be pushing for his removal if we don't make the tournament this year-and do some damage.

It's like with Norm, I don't care why we kept losing to Hofstra, we simply did, and he's the guy in charge. Lavin has his rules, and we have ours. Personally, he really made me angry last year, and he's off to a lousy start again this year, with his "rules".

For his sake, they had better lead the a winning team, or he should be fired.


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Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #110 on: November 23, 2013, 08:31:21 AM »
What's wrong with holding player's accountable for their actions?  No player is bigger than the program.  I thought we all learned that when Jarvis was here.

The players are held accountable for their actions, but the coach is the paid pro. He will be held accountable as well. And he will be held accountable for Jordan's suspension should we bomb yet again.

Jarvis wasn't interested in the character of his players, but speaking of character, let's remember who was in charge of the school at the time. Jarvis was far from the biggest criminal at STJ.


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Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #111 on: November 23, 2013, 08:31:39 AM »
..or Jordan sits out whatever amount of games Lavin deems necessary, comes back with renewed focus, and tears it up the rest of the season.... like D-Lo.  Two ways to look at it..

St. John's fans tend to spin things are super negative.  Lets see what happens before we start calling for heads... that's ridiculous.

Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #112 on: November 23, 2013, 08:36:36 AM »
If Jordan isn't back by next weekend I will start to get really worried.  I'm concerned about this. Hopefully it is just about blowing off some classes or school work.

Jordan may not have a right to question Lavin's judgement, but we do. I'll be pushing for his removal if we don't make the tournament this year-and do some damage.

It's like with Norm, I don't care why we kept losing to Hofstra, we simply did, and he's the guy in charge. Lavin has his rules, and we have ours. Personally, he really made me angry last year, and he's off to a lousy start again this year, with his "rules".

For his sake, they had better lead the a winning team, or he should be fired.
have you ever run a business or a team? It's called being consistent and not enabling poor behavior. Regardless of the status of the player, do you hear grumblings of the other players on the team. You set rules, the players have the choice to follow or leave, simple as that.

Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #113 on: November 23, 2013, 08:47:25 AM »
Lavin doesn't have to tell us what happened. Try deductive reasoning.

Bucknell game, early in the second half, Jordan turns the ball over, and Lavin yanks him. Jordan didn't return. What is it the right move? IDK, but Lavin is the coach. My guess is that Jordan was pissed and has been acting out in practice. Maybe he dogged it on Wednesday? Maybe he had words w coach.

Lavin said that Jordan will be held accountable for his actions. Lavin is making a statement yet again. He wants everyone to know that he's in charge. He decides who starts, who plays, when and for how long.

The inmates will not be running the asylum.

We saw how that approach worked out with Brian Mahoney.

100% agreed.


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Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #114 on: November 23, 2013, 08:48:07 AM »
..or Jordan sits out whatever amount of games Lavin deems necessary, comes back with renewed focus, and tears it up the rest of the season.... like D-Lo.  Two ways to look at it..

St. John's fans tend to spin things are super negative.  Lets see what happens before we start calling for heads... that's ridiculous.

You're absolutely right.  We have no idea at  all what Jordan did or what the circumstances are.   
Some posters sound like parents arguing their kid shouldn't have failed a test, well have you even seen the answers he gave? No?  Then shut up.   

On another note though, did you tape the game?    It was much uglier than the 10pts indicate.    And that's not my glass-half-empty view; objectively speaking, this wasn't a good outing at all. 


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Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #115 on: November 23, 2013, 08:53:05 AM »
Desco-  I did not tape the game and glad i didn't.  Lol..  Move on, take the W.  Next weekend will be a nice test. Hopefully Jordan is back.

Poison's two quotes , one from last night, that Fordham highlights, and the one from this morning, seem  to be from a different people..

Poison- how many people live inside of your head?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 08:53:21 AM by boo3 »


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Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #116 on: November 23, 2013, 08:58:26 AM »
If Jordan isn't back by next weekend I will start to get really worried.  I'm concerned about this. Hopefully it is just about blowing off some classes or school work.

Jordan may not have a right to question Lavin's judgement, but we do. I'll be pushing for his removal if we don't make the tournament this year-and do some damage.

It's like with Norm, I don't care why we kept losing to Hofstra, we simply did, and he's the guy in charge. Lavin has his rules, and we have ours. Personally, he really made me angry last year, and he's off to a lousy start again this year, with his "rules".

For his sake, they had better lead the a winning team, or he should be fired.
have you ever run a business or a team? It's called being consistent and not enabling poor behavior. Regardless of the status of the player, do you hear grumblings of the other players on the team. You set rules, the players have the choice to follow or leave, simple as that.

The manager is accountable too. I don't care if he's in charge.


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Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #117 on: November 23, 2013, 09:09:24 AM »
Desco-  I did not tape the game and glad i didn't.  Lol..  Move on, take the W.  Next weekend will be a nice test. Hopefully Jordan is back.

Poison's two quotes , one from last night, that Fordham highlights, and the one from this morning, seem  to be from a different people..

Poison- how many people live inside of your head?

The optimist in August, and the realist in November. Sadly, it's the same thing every year. Still, while I agree that the inmates can't run the asylum, I also believe that a coach's system is what will make him or break him.

Lavin said it himself when he was hired. "this is the honeymoon period, and I know it's not going to last forever".

We have waited a long time to be relevant again. If he can't control his program with his system in place, then we have to find another coach. He taught Harrison a lesson last year, but let's not pretend that he didn't drag the entire fan base down with the team, because clearly he did.

Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #118 on: November 23, 2013, 09:35:13 AM »
Hey Poison, do you put any of the blame on Harrison?


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Re: Monmouth Game Discussion
« Reply #119 on: November 23, 2013, 09:42:24 AM »
Hey Poison, do you put any of the blame on Harrison?

Of course I do. Everyone is accountable for their actions. Isn't that true in life? (Arod excluded, obviously) Still, the coach is also accountable for his. If his "parenting" ain't working, it's more than reasonable to question the style.

So far, we've seen a trend of players quitting, and others getting suspended routinely. I'm getting sick of it, as I imagine many of you are as well.

How many seasons do we forfeit before the blame shifts from the players to the coach?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 09:44:29 AM by Poison »