Penn State- 82
STJ- 61
Lavin resigns at halftime!
..Only because Prokhorov fires Kidd and hires Lavin... Kidd comes out to coach the second half for us..
Jordan just leaves due to the confusion.. "First you say I'm better than this guy, now he's my coach"
Poison's head spontaneously combusts in the crowd much to the dismay of those around him.. Ironically enough...he bleeds orange.
MCNPA and Redstorm212- tell us not to worry, we are better off anyway
Paultz links all 12.543 tweets about the ridiculous event
WASJU tells everyone that he predicted this all along .
Linda creates a 4200 word post about why Kidd should be fired after the game that makes less sense than the one about Norm being a better talent evaluator than Lavin... Celtics nods in agreement and then falls back asleep.