The Plight of Dangelo Harrison...

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Re: The Plight of Dangelo Harrison...
« Reply #60 on: March 21, 2014, 04:12:13 PM »
Where h
SJUFAN-   I agree with the majority of your posts. they are well thought out and articulate and it's obvious you know the game..

 My only thing is that truly great coaches are able to adapt a style of play that fits their personnel.  I agree, we should have been a pressing , trapping, run and gun team. I said it from Day 1.

 Look at Pat Riley... Showtime Lakers to the Knicks, where it was slow down offense and hardcore, in your face, beat you up defense..  Now some dope will call me an idiot for comparing Lavin to Riley, but I'm just using that as an example.

 Continuously trying to jam a square block into a round hole with this group has proven to be a wrong direction re: coaching philosophy.

I hope my defense of Lavin hasn't come across as though I believe he is a great coach. As you said, great coaches adapt their style to match their roster, clearly Lavin isn't that, not many are. I'm not sure if Lavin is a good coach. What I do believe is that he is a great recruiter, and he will be great for this program. People knock him because he's a "salesman" and "cant win without good players", so what. I want him to sale our program, our school, our city. That is not a bad thing. Its why he is able to compete with the big boys and land top recruits even though he may not be as good as a coach, and not many great coaches win with no talent. If he couldn't land the talent then it would be a issue, but he can. I'm not expecting to win a national championship, we don't win national championships. I expect to make the tournament, and maybe, one day, win a national championship.

What Lavin brings to the entire program in terms of visibility and fund raising is huge, I really don't care if its smoke and mirrors, he does it. He will make this program what it should be, a perennial NCAA tourney team with representation in the NBA. I don't want just a good coach, I want a coach that will put us on the map. Lavin will do that, and in many cases he already has.

Where has the great recruiter been for the last two recruiting seasons.  Oh wait, I forgot, concentrating on the Delarosa brothers.  I can't believe that you are all still buying into the great recruiter crap.  For that matter Mahoney was a great recruiter cause in his first year, his recruits were higher rated then Lavin.  As was Frashilla, look at his first class.  The only real top class Lavin had was his first and even that was based on Pelle, Garett ( who missed half the year) and Jakarr who didn't show up till next year.

A great recruiter needs good results to continue good recruiting.  Are the recruits we are recruiting this year going to take us to the promised land?  And what happens if the 2015 class is mediocre, will you all be happy with a Big East cellar dweller?

There are three reasons for great recruited classes.  1.  A buzz that surrounds the program with a new staff ( see Lavins first class), 2. great results (see Lavins second class) or many HS coaches of players (see Seton Hall)


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Re: The Plight of Dangelo Harrison...
« Reply #61 on: March 21, 2014, 04:14:03 PM »
SJUFAN-   I agree with the majority of your posts. they are well thought out and articulate and it's obvious you know the game..

 My only thing is that truly great coaches are able to adapt a style of play that fits their personnel.  I agree, we should have been a pressing , trapping, run and gun team. I said it from Day 1.

 Look at Pat Riley... Showtime Lakers to the Knicks, where it was slow down offense and hardcore, in your face, beat you up defense..  Now some dope will call me an idiot for comparing Lavin to Riley, but I'm just using that as an example.

 Continuously trying to jam a square block into a round hole with this group has proven to be a wrong direction re: coaching philosophy.

I hope my defense of Lavin hasn't come across as though I believe he is a great coach. As you said, great coaches adapt their style to match their roster, clearly Lavin isn't that, not many are. I'm not sure if Lavin is a good coach. What I do believe is that he is a great recruiter, and he will be great for this program. People knock him because he's a "salesman" and "cant win without good players", so what. I want him to sale our program, our school, our city. That is not a bad thing. Its why he is able to compete with the big boys and land top recruits even though he may not be as good as a coach, and not many great coaches win with no talent. If he couldn't land the talent then it would be a issue, but he can. I'm not expecting to win a national championship, we don't win national championships. I expect to make the tournament, and maybe, one day, win a national championship.

What Lavin brings to the entire program in terms of visibility and fund raising is huge, I really don't care if its smoke and mirrors, he does it. He will make this program what it should be, a perennial NCAA tourney team with representation in the NBA. I don't want just a good coach, I want a coach that will put us on the map. Lavin will do that, and in many cases he already has.

The problem I have with your line of thinking is you seem to believe the things Lavin is good at get us stability and success, I think stability and success will get us the things Lavin supposedly offers.   
Case in point - everyone seems to believe that Lavin is a good spokesman for the program, does a lot of interviews, is media friendly etc  - and this gets us good exposure.   He fund-raises well, supposedly    And finally, he recruits well. 
He does these things well - the theory goes, because his personality is well suited for it.    Right?

The alternative is this....
You find a coach who is good at actually coaching basketball games and developing basketball players.   That coach wins a little, and thereafter the media wants to interview him and recruits want to come play for him, donors even send him money.   
I actually believe this is the more realistic option for sustained success.    Every coach obviously has to be a showman to some degree, but when you start with a salesman, rather then an authentic coach, the risk of the bubble bursting is just too great.   
With the exception of a few slick guys like Cal, most coaches aren't awesome tv personalities... they're coaches first, who the media happen to interview a lot because their teams win.   
I don't think Izzo, Self, Thad Matta, Shaka Smart, Billy Donovan, Bo Ryan etc are where they are because they have media friendly personalities.

We're putting the cart before the horse.    Get a good basketball coach, that will drive the exposure.   

What your saying sounds good in theory, but in reality, Mike Jarvis is a good basketball coach, how did that turn out? Rhetorical queston. So its more then just being a good basketball coach. You need to be able to bring in good players. This program has been down for too long to roll the dice again. 


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Re: The Plight of Dangelo Harrison...
« Reply #62 on: March 21, 2014, 04:23:12 PM »
Where has the great recruiter been for the last two recruiting seasons.  Oh wait, I forgot, concentrating on the Delarosa brothers.  I can't believe that you are all still buying into the great recruiter crap.

Didn't he bring in Jordan last year? With only one ship available, he lands the best player on the SJU roster. As for this year, the class hasn't signed yet, so we can't say if it was a bad year or not. I don't want to get hung up on rankings. I let the play of the players speak for themselves.


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Re: The Plight of Dangelo Harrison...
« Reply #63 on: March 21, 2014, 04:55:36 PM »
Mike Jarvis is a good basketball coach,

Mike Jarvis is a shitty basketball coach:  77 and 110 at FAU and 60 and 120 at SJU, that's makes 130 and 170 over the past 20 years and one winning record this century. He's also a repulsive human being.


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Re: The Plight of Dangelo Harrison...
« Reply #64 on: March 21, 2014, 05:42:28 PM »
Mike Jarvis is a good basketball coach,

Mike Jarvis is a shitty basketball coach:  77 and 110 at FAU and 60 and 120 at SJU, that's makes 130 and 170 over the past 20 years and one winning record this century. He's also a repulsive human being.

Repulsive, yes. But his record at SJU was 112-74, not 60-120. BU he was 101-51 and GW he was 152-90. Recruiting has changed over the last 15 years. If your a A-hole, handlers will not send there kids to your school. Doesn't matter how good a coach you are, and you need talent to win. His arrogance has lead to his down fall, couldn't have happened to a better person.


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Re: The Plight of Dangelo Harrison...
« Reply #65 on: March 21, 2014, 05:48:52 PM »
his record at SJU was 112-74, not 60-120.

Those wins were vacated.

BU he was 101-51 and GW he was 152-90.

And Holland was a world power, in the 16th century. What's your point?


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Re: The Plight of Dangelo Harrison...
« Reply #66 on: March 21, 2014, 06:19:45 PM »
Where has the great recruiter been for the last two recruiting seasons.  Oh wait, I forgot, concentrating on the Delarosa brothers.  I can't believe that you are all still buying into the great recruiter crap.

Didn't he bring in Jordan last year? With only one ship available, he lands the best player on the SJU roster. As for this year, the class hasn't signed yet, so we can't say if it was a bad year or not. I don't want to get hung up on rankings. I let the play of the players speak for themselves.

Technically he had zero ships available.

"Where's Garrett Lav?"

Re: The Plight of Dangelo Harrison...
« Reply #67 on: March 21, 2014, 07:24:48 PM »
Where has the great recruiter been for the last two recruiting seasons.  Oh wait, I forgot, concentrating on the Delarosa brothers.  I can't believe that you are all still buying into the great recruiter crap.

Didn't he bring in Jordan last year? With only one ship available, he lands the best player on the SJU roster. As for this year, the class hasn't signed yet, so we can't say if it was a bad year or not. I don't want to get hung up on rankings. I let the play of the players speak for themselves.

Technically he had zero ships available.

"Where's Garrett Lav?"

Anybody else feel we would have been better this year if Garrett and Dom swapped?

Re: The Plight of Dangelo Harrison...
« Reply #68 on: March 31, 2014, 08:45:42 PM »
at least he's positive

"Next season will be great!! #ready #takesework #tnd"

Re: The Plight of Dangelo Harrison...
« Reply #69 on: March 31, 2014, 09:03:47 PM »
I can't believe there is anything negative written here about D.

The guy give this program everything he has. Period. With everything happening right now, it's refreshing to see this.


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Re: The Plight of Dangelo Harrison...
« Reply #70 on: March 31, 2014, 09:14:42 PM »
Where has the great recruiter been for the last two recruiting seasons.  Oh wait, I forgot, concentrating on the Delarosa brothers.  I can't believe that you are all still buying into the great recruiter crap.

Didn't he bring in Jordan last year? With only one ship available, he lands the best player on the SJU roster. As for this year, the class hasn't signed yet, so we can't say if it was a bad year or not. I don't want to get hung up on rankings. I let the play of the players speak for themselves.

Technically he had zero ships available.

"Where's Garrett Lav?"

Anybody else feel we would have been better this year if Garrett and Dom swapped?

Garrett wasn't able to work on his game over the summer. Dom is a 2 year old. So, really neither are what we need.