A good rule of thumb is that if you would not voice the harsh and personal criticisms posted on this board about our players to their face in a one on one meeting, you should not post it here. Your anonymity on this board is not a license to make persoanl attacks. Constructive criticism, positively stated, is fine. But the insults on this board are way over the top. Every player on the team and every coach on the staff has been attacked on this board. They play for our school. We are supposed to be supporters. Instead many posters here more resemble a circus mob in Rome. Frankly, I don't know why any reruit would come here with this pack of wolves nipping at their heels in the guise of fans. It has been a disappointing season. We all know that. But can we at least act in a mannerly, civilized way and remember these are our players you are denigrating and ridiculing. If you are not willing to say what you have to say directly to the player at issue, don't post it. Among other things, it is cowardly to hide behing your screen name.