Nice post PMG, I can only speak for myself, but land one of Briscoe/Diallo and make the tournament. That would make me very happy.
Show me that in most years you'll secure at least one very good recruit, and that we'll make the tournament every once in awhile, and that's enough for me.
I think most of us were quite happy after he got here, signed Harrison, Moe, Dom etc and then made the tournament with DJ and Hardy. We were on the road to success, everyone was thrilled.
Then, almost all of us were patient during the Dunlap year, and things were even OK during year 3 until Harrison got suspended. Granted, we were going to miss the tournament anyway that season, but in general things looked "up" and we grabbed Jordan in the spring - so most fans were content, if not thrilled.
This last year is when the rumbling started to build up.
Show us that last season was an aberration and not what is going to be the norm, and he'll have the fan base back on his side in no time.