Marillac breaks his silence to let Phil Greene IV know that Marillac watched that last three with tears in his eyes. Marillac could literally write for an hour about the respect and admiration he has for you.
What the people that knock you don't know is that--TO A MAN--every coach these past four seasons says that you are the most coachable kid on the roster. Dunlap raved about your IQ, work ethic, demeanor, maturity, and ability to protect the basketball. When there is a big recruit on campus, it is you who the staff turns to to take them around. Marillac caught slack this week for suggesting you would be a good coach one day. You will if that is the path you choose.
St. John's loses without Phil Greene IV question. Until you took over it was a stretch of mistake-filled ball that seemed very likely to continue.
Marillac asks anyone with access to ESPN3, DVR, or any sort of replay of the game to go back to one the last timeouts before Phil took over (maybe it was at the 7 minute mark, but definitely no further out than that) to see the look on Phil's face. It was a look of genuine fearlessness. Marillac knew then and there it was PGIV time. Those Syracuse kids never had any doubt...they do now.
For once, let's keep this clean and positive. PGIV has taken more than his share of criticism. 6-1 with a possible ranking on Monday. To Phil Greene IV!