Not exactly. Some of us who support Lavin want more than we've gotten in the past 5 years. We just believe that Lavin can take us there. I certainly have more faith in Lavin than most of the names that have been thrown around on thus site.
There lies the 64k question: Did the huge influx of needed recruits set wheels in motion that, when coupled with some other factors (cancer, poor due diligence, etc), put us where the staff currently is, and can this be rectified the next 5 years (smoothing out of recruiting classes, consistent winning, limited player nonsense, i.e., more professionalism)? Run on sentence question, but that's what this situation does to my mind - makes it run on and on.
I am still on the fence, as I feel there is good and bad to both options. I do think having AC Whitesell with some time here helped the team run more organized this year.
Can Lavin turn the corner?