Depaul prediction thread

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Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #140 on: February 15, 2018, 02:29:14 PM »
Comparing Ponds to other "2 year players" you have to realize his 2 years are Frosh and Soph--not Jr. and Sr. after JUCO.  Last night he surpassed Chris' first 2 year total points in 4 less games (yes Chris did not get benefit of 3 point shot).  He already is the leading Freshman scorer in team history and baring injury should become out leading Soph scorer.  Thus when comparing him to others please also consider the chronological age when making comparisons.  The young man is a wonderful player and a pleasure to watch as long as he is here.

Sorry, I thought I mentioned that. Oh wait I did: "OTOH Ponds is a sophomore whereas Hatten was an upperclassman."

Comparing Ponds to Hatten - IM not at all HO one of the best half dozen St John's players I've ever seen -  isn't negative. It's high praise. He's great, nobody's saying he isn't. If he stays four years he's going to be the player all subsequent players get compared to. He's just not that player yet.

Not there yet as a player? Or not there yet there in  terms of accomplishments? I doubt we’ll see a better five game stretch than this even if he stays two more years.

Either. It's been a wonderful five games and he's a wonderful player and maybe nobody will top his week. The game before this five he was oh for 12 from the floor. I doubt we'll see that either and anyway neither is a useful benchmark. I'm talking about the body of his work, his career. Mullin and Berry were more impactful - Boo Harvey was more impactful - and I can't remember one game they played much less how they did in any particular five game stretch. I don't understand the hurry to anoint him as the GOAT.

In 1972 Nate Colbert hit five home runs on six pitches and drove in 13 runs in a double header. I doubt we'll ever see that again. Nobody compares anybody to Nate Colbert.

I agree but have Hatten slightly lower in my ratings then you do. As far as Harvey goes didn't he hit like 3 game winners his Senior Year? And I think he scored 40 against Seton Hall that year.

Here is a good one for you. Who had better ST John's career, Felipe Lopez or Harrison?

Harrison, with no hesitation.

Taking away the hype factor I think I would go with Lopez. I know it was not what we were expecting but I think he was a better player for us.

BTW started reading Blood Meridian. So far so good but for me does not compare to Lonesome Dove. Different kind of books and authors. LD was more character driven which is more my preference. LD, Blood Meridian, True Grit and The Virginian are usually listed in some order as the best Western books.

I can't dismiss the hype. If I saw Harrison on a trampoline in front of a Houston skyline before he game here I'd have a whole different opinion of his career.

BM Is just so savage and nihilistic, it makes No Country for Old Men look like Mary Poppins. True Grit is really good, I just read it recently. I don't know who's list that is but Little Big Man should be on it, it's on my list of desert island books.

Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #141 on: February 15, 2018, 02:34:17 PM »
And I’m probably taking him over Hatten.

That's because you're young and in love.

Pick one of these guys

22 pts /5 reb /5 ass /3 st /44% FG /30 % three / 75 % FT


21 pts /4 reb /3 ass /2 st /42 % FG /26 % three / 85 % FT

Like I said, eye test. Regardless, neither of those are Ponds career or season stats so not sure the point.

Those are Ponds stats for this year (which according to you is the bench mark for all future generations) according to sports reference dot com and the point is that Hatten had better numbers across the board his best year.

There's no point in arguing the eye test. It's like arguing whether you like gin better than vodka or Beethoven better than Mozart. You like what you like. You like Ponds and nothing will dissuade you from your preference. Fine. Discussion over.

Choosing Hatten is fine. But if your gonna bring stats to prove your point just bring the right stats.

Ponds this year:
22 pts / 5 rbs/ 5 asts / 2.5 stls/ .43 fg/ .26 3gf / .84 ft

Neither of the ones you listed are that.
*wipes ketchup from his eyes* - I guess Heinz sight isn’t 20/20.

Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #142 on: February 15, 2018, 02:38:23 PM »
Comparing Ponds to other "2 year players" you have to realize his 2 years are Frosh and Soph--not Jr. and Sr. after JUCO.  Last night he surpassed Chris' first 2 year total points in 4 less games (yes Chris did not get benefit of 3 point shot).  He already is the leading Freshman scorer in team history and baring injury should become out leading Soph scorer.  Thus when comparing him to others please also consider the chronological age when making comparisons.  The young man is a wonderful player and a pleasure to watch as long as he is here.

Sorry, I thought I mentioned that. Oh wait I did: "OTOH Ponds is a sophomore whereas Hatten was an upperclassman."

Comparing Ponds to Hatten - IM not at all HO one of the best half dozen St John's players I've ever seen -  isn't negative. It's high praise. He's great, nobody's saying he isn't. If he stays four years he's going to be the player all subsequent players get compared to. He's just not that player yet.

Not there yet as a player? Or not there yet there in  terms of accomplishments? I doubt we’ll see a better five game stretch than this even if he stays two more years.

Either. It's been a wonderful five games and he's a wonderful player and maybe nobody will top his week. The game before this five he was oh for 12 from the floor. I doubt we'll see that either and anyway neither is a useful benchmark. I'm talking about the body of his work, his career. Mullin and Berry were more impactful - Boo Harvey was more impactful - and I can't remember one game they played much less how they did in any particular five game stretch. I don't understand the hurry to anoint him as the GOAT.

In 1972 Nate Colbert hit five home runs on six pitches and drove in 13 runs in a double header. I doubt we'll ever see that again. Nobody compares anybody to Nate Colbert.

I agree but have Hatten slightly lower in my ratings then you do. As far as Harvey goes didn't he hit like 3 game winners his Senior Year? And I think he scored 40 against Seton Hall that year.

Here is a good one for you. Who had better ST John's career, Felipe Lopez or Harrison?

Harrison, with no hesitation.

Taking away the hype factor I think I would go with Lopez. I know it was not what we were expecting but I think he was a better player for us.

BTW started reading Blood Meridian. So far so good but for me does not compare to Lonesome Dove. Different kind of books and authors. LD was more character driven which is more my preference. LD, Blood Meridian, True Grit and The Virginian are usually listed in some order as the best Western books.

I can't dismiss the hype. If I saw Harrison on a trampoline in front of a Houston skyline before he game here I'd have a whole different opinion of his career.

BM Is just so savage and nihilistic, it makes No Country for Old Men look like Mary Poppins. True Grit is really good, I just read it recently. I don't know who's list that is but Little Big Man should be on it, it's on my list of desert island books.

Fair enough about Lopez

If you google best Western novels same books are listed in some order. Never read Virginian but that always pops up.
If you liked True Grit def give Lonesome Dove another shot. I think it is like 1200 pages and have read it at least 3 times.
If you do like it just never ever read any of the sequel books.

Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #143 on: February 15, 2018, 03:02:11 PM »
And I’m probably taking him over Hatten.

That's because you're young and in love.

Pick one of these guys

22 pts /5 reb /5 ass /3 st /44% FG /30 % three / 75 % FT


21 pts /4 reb /3 ass /2 st /42 % FG /26 % three / 85 % FT

Like I said, eye test. Regardless, neither of those are Ponds career or season stats so not sure the point.

I know you never saw him play but at this point I think you have Ponds over Mullin

Lol no. Thank god for youtube. But you saw him play and didn’t think he had a great looking jumper? Starting to wonder about your opinion on jump shooting form.

Mullin is best jump shooter I have ever seen. It wasn't classic shot like say Allan Houston or Klay Thompson. It was sort of a snap shot. He shot it the same way every time and I was confused when he missed. You sure you are not confusing something I posted about BERRY? Who is my all time favorite basketball player.
Larry Wright had a really nice looking jumper. Do you really think I think he shot better than Mullin?
Two separate things. I like to breakdown jumpshots and hitters swings.
Ponds has a nice touch. He just has way to many moving parts. Especially when his feet are set. I think he could clean it up and but I don't think he will ever be a high % shooter.
I really like Simon. His shot is a hot mess. I am surprised when his shot goes in. I can like a guys game but still look at it objectively.

Here’s what you said.

“This should make all the Harrison fans happy but Mullin's jumper wasn't that pretty. Now he shot great and he is my 2nd favorite SJU player of all time. But honestly he shot a "flick" shot with all wrist. It is the reason he was not a particulary great Pro three point shooter.”
*wipes ketchup from his eyes* - I guess Heinz sight isn’t 20/20.

Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #144 on: February 15, 2018, 03:16:00 PM »
And I’m probably taking him over Hatten.

That's because you're young and in love.

Pick one of these guys

22 pts /5 reb /5 ass /3 st /44% FG /30 % three / 75 % FT


21 pts /4 reb /3 ass /2 st /42 % FG /26 % three / 85 % FT

Like I said, eye test. Regardless, neither of those are Ponds career or season stats so not sure the point.

I know you never saw him play but at this point I think you have Ponds over Mullin

Lol no. Thank god for youtube. But you saw him play and didn’t think he had a great looking jumper? Starting to wonder about your opinion on jump shooting form.

Mullin is best jump shooter I have ever seen. It wasn't classic shot like say Allan Houston or Klay Thompson. It was sort of a snap shot. He shot it the same way every time and I was confused when he missed. You sure you are not confusing something I posted about BERRY? Who is my all time favorite basketball player.
Larry Wright had a really nice looking jumper. Do you really think I think he shot better than Mullin?
Two separate things. I like to breakdown jumpshots and hitters swings.
Ponds has a nice touch. He just has way to many moving parts. Especially when his feet are set. I think he could clean it up and but I don't think he will ever be a high % shooter.
I really like Simon. His shot is a hot mess. I am surprised when his shot goes in. I can like a guys game but still look at it objectively.

Here’s what you said.

“This should make all the Harrison fans happy but Mullin's jumper wasn't that pretty. Now he shot great and he is my 2nd favorite SJU player of all time. But honestly he shot a "flick" shot with all wrist. It is the reason he was not a particulary great Pro three point shooter.”

Yeah that sounds right. 'Not that pretty". Difference is it was technically sound and he shot the same shot every time.
Forgot about getting flak for Harrison's push shot.


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Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #145 on: February 15, 2018, 06:23:18 PM »
I have no problem with someone choosing Hatten, but I 100% believe Ponds beats that mediocre 18-12 Wisconsin team if he had Hatten's guys.

We outrebounded Wisconsin on both sides of the ball and 30-25 overall (we were ranked #10 in the entire country in offensive rebounding). Our starting front court scored 38 pts on 10-18 shooting 14-16 from the line (wow), 4-10 from three, and four assists. Ponds has to find ways to win games with 20-rebound deficits like last night.

Hatten was bad. 12-33 from the field, only 1-3 from the line, 3-13 from three, and only 1 assist.

Glover and King were two of the top four offensive  rebounders I've seen in my time (with Postell and Grant) and Fordham wasn't far behind.

That team had three other ball handlers in Andre Stanley, Sharif Fordham, and Tristan Smith to take pressure off Hatten. I think Tristan Smith, even though he wasn't that good, would be 20 minutes per game on this team.

Hatten's junior stats: 

38% from the field, 28% from three, 72% from the line, 3.7 turnovers, 5.3 rebounds, 4.5 assists, 20.1 points.

Ponds sophomore stats:

42% from the field, 26% (and rising) from three, 84% from the line, 2.7 turnovers, 5.1 rebounds, 4.8 assists, 21.6 points.


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Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #146 on: February 15, 2018, 06:27:21 PM »
Andre Staley, Tristan smith, and sharif Fordham Ball handlers? Wooooow!


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Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #147 on: February 15, 2018, 06:37:29 PM »
Let's also not forget that Donald Emanuel played 31 games for a team that was a shot away from the Final Four in 98-99 and then 33 games for a team that won the old Big East in 99-00 where he and Glover were our only two front court players. They played every minute of the center position well enough to get to lose to an eventual elite 8 team, Gonzaga. Glover was a 5-star top 20 recruit and he went averaged 14 and 6 on 91.7% shooting in the 2001 NCAA tournament.


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Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #148 on: February 15, 2018, 06:46:05 PM »
Andre Staley, Tristan smith, and sharif Fordham Ball handlers? Wooooow!

This is the typical St. John's fan reaction. Sharif Fordham was as an exceptional glue guy. Stanley to a lesser degree. Smith was just a pure PG with a decent shot that can give backup minutes. You can win with guys like that if you have a Ponds or Hatten. Not everyone has to be a star or a super athlete.

We are surviving now by having Simon taking the load of Ponds just enough to allow ponds to conserve his energy to win the second half. Ponds would really benefit from any one of those

Our new PG  recruiting strategy should be to send WASJU out to find the one guy he hates most and sign him to be our backup. Your crazy if you think Stanley and Fordham wouldn't have take all of Trimble's minutes.


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Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #149 on: February 15, 2018, 07:41:17 PM »
Andre Staley, Tristan smith, and sharif Fordham Ball handlers? Wooooow!

This is the typical St. John's fan reaction. Sharif Fordham was as an exceptional glue guy. Stanley to a lesser degree. Smith was just a pure PG with a decent shot that can give backup minutes. You can win with guys like that if you have a Ponds or Hatten. Not everyone has to be a star or a super athlete.

We are surviving now by having Simon taking the load of Ponds just enough to allow ponds to conserve his energy to win the second half. Ponds would really benefit from any one of those

Our new PG  recruiting strategy should be to send WASJU out to find the one guy he hates most and sign him to be our backup. Your crazy if you think Stanley and Fordham wouldn't have take all of Trimble's minutes.
Fordham played defense . Andre Staley is freshman Brian Trimble. Tristan smith should have played division 3 football


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Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #150 on: February 15, 2018, 07:52:29 PM »
Andre Staley, Tristan smith, and sharif Fordham Ball handlers? Wooooow!

This is the typical St. John's fan reaction. Sharif Fordham was as an exceptional glue guy. Stanley to a lesser degree. Smith was just a pure PG with a decent shot that can give backup minutes. You can win with guys like that if you have a Ponds or Hatten. Not everyone has to be a star or a super athlete.

We are surviving now by having Simon taking the load of Ponds just enough to allow ponds to conserve his energy to win the second half. Ponds would really benefit from any one of those

Our new PG  recruiting strategy should be to send WASJU out to find the one guy he hates most and sign him to be our backup. Your crazy if you think Stanley and Fordham wouldn't have take all of Trimble's minutes.
Fordham played defense . Andre Staley is freshman Brian Trimble. Tristan smith should have played division 3 football

Trimble just shoots jumpers and Andre Stanley only tried to get in the lane. They are nothing alike.  Stanley would help this current team more....better defender and better ball handler. I'd be inclined to take Trimble over him long term.

Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #151 on: February 15, 2018, 08:06:38 PM »
Andre Staley, Tristan smith, and sharif Fordham Ball handlers? Wooooow!

This is the typical St. John's fan reaction. Sharif Fordham was as an exceptional glue guy. Stanley to a lesser degree. Smith was just a pure PG with a decent shot that can give backup minutes. You can win with guys like that if you have a Ponds or Hatten. Not everyone has to be a star or a super athlete.

We are surviving now by having Simon taking the load of Ponds just enough to allow ponds to conserve his energy to win the second half. Ponds would really benefit from any one of those

Our new PG  recruiting strategy should be to send WASJU out to find the one guy he hates most and sign him to be our backup. Your crazy if you think Stanley and Fordham wouldn't have take all of Trimble's minutes.
Fordham played defense . Andre Staley is freshman Brian Trimble. Tristan smith should have played division 3 football

Andre Staley, Tristan smith, and sharif Fordham Ball handlers? Wooooow!

Took 3902 posts but we agree
See Marillac. You have gone so far off the reservation I am agreeing with Tony.


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Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #152 on: February 15, 2018, 08:31:14 PM »
I have no problem with someone choosing Hatten, but I 100% believe Ponds beats that mediocre 18-12 Wisconsin team if he had Hatten's guys.

We outrebounded Wisconsin on both sides of the ball and 30-25 overall (we were ranked #10 in the entire country in offensive rebounding). Our starting front court scored 38 pts on 10-18 shooting 14-16 from the line (wow), 4-10 from three, and four assists.

You're silly. Stanley, Glover and King fouled out of the Wisconsin game. Stanley scored 0 points in 20 minutes. Fordham scored 0 points in 20 minutes. Cuffe scored 2 points in 15 minutes. Wisconsin shot 60 percent from three and made 30 of 40 FTs (wow).

Ponds has to find ways to win games with 20-rebound deficits like last night.

Ponds has found a way to lose 10 straight games on his way to a lifetime 28-32 record.

Hatten was bad. 12-33 from the field, only 1-3 from the line, 3-13 from three, and only 1 assist.

Hatten was magic. He carried SJ on his back for two years to two post seasons including a NIT championship. That you feel the need to shit on him is sad.

Glover and King were two of the top four offensive  rebounders I've seen in my time (with Postell and Grant) and Fordham wasn't far behind.

Eric King wasn't the top anything anyone has ever seen do anything ever.

That team had three other ball handlers in Andre Stanley, Sharif Fordham, and Tristan Smith to take pressure off Hatten. I think Tristan Smith, even though he wasn't that good, would be 20 minutes per game on this team.

Stanley was a walk on. Fordham was a great on the ball defender and not much else. Smith - who I thought Jarvis ill used - averaged two points in 20 minute a game in the NEC at St Francis.  Justin Simon who you shit on is averaging a bit off a triple double in the best basketball conference in the country.

You really need to lie down, I think you're unwell.


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Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #153 on: February 15, 2018, 08:32:24 PM »
Andre Staley, Tristan smith, and sharif Fordham Ball handlers? Wooooow!

This is the typical St. John's fan reaction. Sharif Fordham was as an exceptional glue guy. Stanley to a lesser degree. Smith was just a pure PG with a decent shot that can give backup minutes. You can win with guys like that if you have a Ponds or Hatten. Not everyone has to be a star or a super athlete.

We are surviving now by having Simon taking the load of Ponds just enough to allow ponds to conserve his energy to win the second half. Ponds would really benefit from any one of those

Our new PG  recruiting strategy should be to send WASJU out to find the one guy he hates most and sign him to be our backup. Your crazy if you think Stanley and Fordham wouldn't have take all of Trimble's minutes.
Fordham played defense . Andre Staley is freshman Brian Trimble. Tristan smith should have played division 3 football

Andre Staley, Tristan smith, and sharif Fordham Ball handlers? Wooooow!

Took 3902 posts but we agree
See Marillac. You have gone so far off the reservation I am agreeing with Tony.

I'm just happy to see Tony posting again, I was worried he was constipated.


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Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #154 on: February 15, 2018, 09:35:47 PM »
I have no problem with someone choosing Hatten, but I 100% believe Ponds beats that mediocre 18-12 Wisconsin team if he had Hatten's guys.

We outrebounded Wisconsin on both sides of the ball and 30-25 overall (we were ranked #10 in the entire country in offensive rebounding). Our starting front court scored 38 pts on 10-18 shooting 14-16 from the line (wow), 4-10 from three, and four assists.

You're silly. Stanley, Glover and King fouled out of the Wisconsin game. Stanley scored 0 points in 20 minutes. Fordham scored 0 points in 20 minutes. Cuffe scored 2 points in 15 minutes. Wisconsin shot 60 percent from three and made 30 of 40 FTs (wow).

Ponds has to find ways to win games with 20-rebound deficits like last night.

Ponds has found a way to lose 10 straight games on his way to a lifetime 28-32 record.

Hatten was bad. 12-33 from the field, only 1-3 from the line, 3-13 from three, and only 1 assist.

Hatten was magic. He carried SJ on his back for two years to two post seasons including a NIT championship. That you feel the need to shit on him is sad.

Glover and King were two of the top four offensive  rebounders I've seen in my time (with Postell and Grant) and Fordham wasn't far behind.

Eric King wasn't the top anything anyone has ever seen do anything ever.

That team had three other ball handlers in Andre Stanley, Sharif Fordham, and Tristan Smith to take pressure off Hatten. I think Tristan Smith, even though he wasn't that good, would be 20 minutes per game on this team.

Stanley was a walk on. Fordham was a great on the ball defender and not much else. Smith - who I thought Jarvis ill used - averaged two points in 20 minute a game in the NEC at St Francis.  Justin Simon who you shit on is averaging a bit off a triple double in the best basketball conference in the country.

You really need to lie down, I think you're unwell.

We would never lose 10 games in a row with a team that played defense and hit the boards as consistent as that team did.

I do not think listing Hatten as the third best guard that we've had in my 25 years as
a fan is sh*tting on him.

1. Barkley
2. Ponds
3. Hatten


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Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #155 on: February 15, 2018, 10:27:40 PM »
Andre Staley, Tristan smith, and sharif Fordham Ball handlers? Wooooow!

This is the typical St. John's fan reaction. Sharif Fordham was as an exceptional glue guy. Stanley to a lesser degree. Smith was just a pure PG with a decent shot that can give backup minutes. You can win with guys like that if you have a Ponds or Hatten. Not everyone has to be a star or a super athlete.

We are surviving now by having Simon taking the load of Ponds just enough to allow ponds to conserve his energy to win the second half. Ponds would really benefit from any one of those

Our new PG  recruiting strategy should be to send WASJU out to find the one guy he hates most and sign him to be our backup. Your crazy if you think Stanley and Fordham wouldn't have take all of Trimble's minutes.
Fordham played defense . Andre Staley is freshman Brian Trimble. Tristan smith should have played division 3 football

Trimble just shoots jumpers and Andre Stanley only tried to get in the lane. They are nothing alike.  Stanley would help this current team more....better defender and better ball handler. I'd be inclined to take Trimble over him long term.


Trimble is Ricky Torres. Stanley was a street baller.

Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #156 on: February 16, 2018, 03:08:20 AM »
Andre Staley, Tristan smith, and sharif Fordham Ball handlers? Wooooow!

This is the typical St. John's fan reaction. Sharif Fordham was as an exceptional glue guy. Stanley to a lesser degree. Smith was just a pure PG with a decent shot that can give backup minutes. You can win with guys like that if you have a Ponds or Hatten. Not everyone has to be a star or a super athlete.

We are surviving now by having Simon taking the load of Ponds just enough to allow ponds to conserve his energy to win the second half. Ponds would really benefit from any one of those

Our new PG  recruiting strategy should be to send WASJU out to find the one guy he hates most and sign him to be our backup. Your crazy if you think Stanley and Fordham wouldn't have take all of Trimble's minutes.
Fordham played defense . Andre Staley is freshman Brian Trimble. Tristan smith should have played division 3 football

Trimble just shoots jumpers and Andre Stanley only tried to get in the lane. They are nothing alike.  Stanley would help this current team more....better defender and better ball handler. I'd be inclined to take Trimble over him long term.


Trimble is Ricky Torres. Stanley was a street baller.

Trimble is way better than Ricky Torres already.


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Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #157 on: February 16, 2018, 08:09:28 AM »
I do not think listing Hatten as the third best guard that we've had in my 25 years as
a fan is sh*tting on him.

You're denigrating his accomplishments to make Ponds look better by comparison.

Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #158 on: February 16, 2018, 08:54:28 AM »
I do not think listing Hatten as the third best guard that we've had in my 25 years as
a fan is sh*tting on him.

You're denigrating his accomplishments to make Ponds look better by comparison.

What would providing the wrong stats for ponds in comparison to Hatten be considered as?
*wipes ketchup from his eyes* - I guess Heinz sight isn’t 20/20.


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Re: Depaul prediction thread
« Reply #159 on: February 16, 2018, 09:28:22 AM »
I do not think listing Hatten as the third best guard that we've had in my 25 years as
a fan is sh*tting on him.

You're denigrating his accomplishments to make Ponds look better by comparison.

What would providing the wrong stats for ponds in comparison to Hatten be considered as?

If I got the stats wrong I'd call it a mistake. If you think I quoted stats incorrectly on purpose then you're stupider than I take you for and I didn't give you much credit to begin with.