6th Man of St. John's Basketball

Non-Sport Related Discussion => Off Topic => Topic started by: Marco Baldi on October 11, 2008, 05:11:13 PM

Title: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 11, 2008, 05:11:13 PM
What a huge mistake!

Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: newsman13 on October 12, 2008, 01:50:42 PM
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marillac on October 12, 2008, 03:12:20 PM

It's not like it happened in a diehard red state like Georgia.  It was only sent to a few hundred absentees and nothing will turn NY away from a democrat.  I believe there is a good chance it could have been a mistake.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Randomhero423 on October 12, 2008, 03:13:27 PM
didn't democrats run this anyway.

i can't see how this coulda went by 3 editters though. that's just plain stupid.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Poster on October 16, 2008, 06:56:56 PM
Barack Obama?

Did anyone see this guy last night?

With a pair of ears like that he looks like he should be in the next Dumbo movie and not running for POTUSA.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: simplyred on October 16, 2008, 08:49:18 PM
The rednecks of this country deserve to have Obama elected President.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: erickthered on October 17, 2008, 01:18:17 AM
What a stupid comment.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: simplyred on October 17, 2008, 12:50:28 PM
Whatever you say.  If you see some of the racist crap that is being spread---such as Obama's picture on a "Food Stamp" with a bucket of fried chicken, watermelon, etc on it, all in the name of good clean humor--- you might understand why I said that. 

[I edited my post to remove any hint of anger toward the previous post, although It seems like an attack directed at me.]
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: newsman13 on October 17, 2008, 04:03:36 PM
mccain has lost what little honor he had with this presidential run.

it's sad to see a basically decent man's legacy turn to slime.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: pmg911 on October 21, 2008, 07:34:19 AM
mccain has lost what little honor he had with this presidential run.

it's sad to see a basically decent man's legacy turn to slime.

Suck a typical lefty comment...

Enjoy the four years you get with Obama..    it will be a sad sad time in American history and all of the liberals will be pleased as punch...   Robin Hood Obama is going to save the day...   take from those who earn their money and give it to the non tax payers who are already living off the government dime...     that is THE New American Way... 

Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: peter on October 21, 2008, 08:38:27 AM
the next 4 years with anyone are going to be a sad sad time.  bump, yawn.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: JohnnyJungle on October 21, 2008, 10:45:12 AM
mccain has lost what little honor he had with this presidential run.

it's sad to see a basically decent man's legacy turn to slime.

Suck a typical lefty comment...

Enjoy the four years you get with Obama..    it will be a sad sad time in American history and all of the liberals will be pleased as punch...   Robin Hood Obama is going to save the day...   take from those who earn their money and give it to the non tax payers who are already living off the government dime...     that is THE New American Way... 

What would the next 4 years be like with McCain?
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: erickthered on October 21, 2008, 11:31:47 AM
Who ever wins will do very little to improve our way of life. If this is the best we have to run this country we are in a ton of trouble, call me in 4 yrs maybe then someone will step up catch my vote.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: newsman13 on October 21, 2008, 01:47:09 PM
mccain has lost what little honor he had with this presidential run.

it's sad to see a basically decent man's legacy turn to slime.

Suck a typical lefty comment...

Enjoy the four years you get with Obama..    it will be a sad sad time in American history and all of the liberals will be pleased as punch...   Robin Hood Obama is going to save the day...   take from those who earn their money and give it to the non tax payers who are already living off the government dime...     that is THE New American Way... 

first of all...the race is FAR from over. 

second, let's go back to the OLD american way...where people paid their fair share.  the CURRENT american way is where the rich expect to be treated like royalty while they insult hard working americans who they truly believe are beneath them.

personally, i'd like to see a draft reinstituted so the people you say are already living off the government aren't the only ones fighting for this country.  the rich need to see that everyday americans really aren't disposible losers...but are the backbone of this great nation.

it's not like anyone is saying progressive taxes should be like they were in the '60s when multimillionaires were in the 90 percent tax bracket. (not that they paid with all the shelters).  the so-called "liberals" are saying taxes for the rich should be the same as they were in the clinton years...you remember...the years of prosperity?

people making monopoly money should pay their fair share...and the obama tax proposal doesn't come close to that.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: pmg911 on October 21, 2008, 01:57:11 PM
mccain has lost what little honor he had with this presidential run.

it's sad to see a basically decent man's legacy turn to slime.

Suck a typical lefty comment...

Enjoy the four years you get with Obama..    it will be a sad sad time in American history and all of the liberals will be pleased as punch...   Robin Hood Obama is going to save the day...   take from those who earn their money and give it to the non tax payers who are already living off the government dime...     that is THE New American Way... 

first of all...the race is FAR from over. 

second, let's go back to the OLD american way...where people paid their fair share.  the CURRENT american way is where the rich expect to be treated like royalty while they insult hard working americans who they truly believe are beneath them.

personally, i'd like to see a draft reinstituted so the people you say are already living off the government aren't the only ones fighting for this country.  the rich need to see that everyday americans really aren't disposible losers...but are the backbone of this great nation.

it's not like anyone is saying progressive taxes should be like they were in the '60s when multimillionaires were in the 90 percent tax bracket. (not that they paid with all the shelters).  the so-called "liberals" are saying taxes for the rich should be the same as they were in the clinton years...you remember...the years of prosperity?

people making monopoly money should pay their fair share...and the obama tax proposal doesn't come close to that.


Please explain to me what you mean. .  why should I pay 30 - 35% is federal income tax because I make more money and someone else in America pay 20% because they make less.....    you can try and tell me anything you like. .  that is not the American way...  and its certainly not fair...

Since you served your country you are certainly entitled to any opinion you like regarding the draft and since I didn't and count on others to protect me. . I will just say thank you to those who serve...   they should all get bonuses to help them get started when their service ends..

You crack me up with the years of prosperity comments...   Clinto was in office for some great times but he left the econmy in shambles in late 2000...   and he took office from Bush just as all of things Bush had worked on were taking hold in the economy...     

You are right.   the race isn't over but I do sadly think Obama will win...

Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 21, 2008, 02:00:04 PM
mccain has lost what little honor he had with this presidential run.

it's sad to see a basically decent man's legacy turn to slime.

Suck a typical lefty comment...

Enjoy the four years you get with Obama..    it will be a sad sad time in American history and all of the liberals will be pleased as punch...   Robin Hood Obama is going to save the day...   take from those who earn their money and give it to the non tax payers who are already living off the government dime...     that is THE New American Way... 

first of all...the race is FAR from over. 

second, let's go back to the OLD american way...where people paid their fair share.  the CURRENT american way is where the rich expect to be treated like royalty while they insult hard working americans who they truly believe are beneath them.

personally, i'd like to see a draft reinstituted so the people you say are already living off the government aren't the only ones fighting for this country.  the rich need to see that everyday americans really aren't disposible losers...but are the backbone of this great nation.

it's not like anyone is saying progressive taxes should be like they were in the '60s when multimillionaires were in the 90 percent tax bracket. (not that they paid with all the shelters).  the so-called "liberals" are saying taxes for the rich should be the same as they were in the clinton years...you remember...the years of prosperity?

people making monopoly money should pay their fair share...and the obama tax proposal doesn't come close to that.


Please explain to me what you mean. .  why should I pay 30 - 35% is federal income tax because I make more money and someone else in America pay 20% because they make less.....    you can try and tell me anything you like. .  that is not the American way...  and its certainly not fair...

Since you served your country you are certainly entitled to any opinion you like regarding the draft and since I didn't and count on others to protect me. . I will just say thank you to those who serve...   they should all get bonuses to help them get started when their service ends..

You crack me up with the years of prosperity comments...   Clinto was in office for some great times but he left the econmy in shambles in late 2000...   and he took office from Bush just as all of things Bush had worked on were taking hold in the economy...     

You are right.   the race isn't over but I do sadly think Obama will win...

PMG, lets not forget the Bradley Effect!
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: newsman13 on October 21, 2008, 07:25:25 PM
baldi is right...the racists are coming out of the closet, big time.  i thought nothing surprised me anymore...but, i'll admit, i'm surprised. 

pmg911's arguments have nothing to do with racism.  unlike mccain/palin, he's apparently a proponent of a flat tax.

why should you pay 30-35 percent while others pay 20???

because the ones who pay 20 do the country's "real work".  they're the ones who put their lives on hold for years to serve their country to protect you. they're the ones who get dirt and grease on their hands.  they're the ones who move the freight and build the homes and deliver the mail and pound a beat and fight fires and teach your kids. 

theres nothing wrong with spending one's life playing "monopoly" and other games with real money...but you should expect to pay to play.  that's the cost of keeping out of harm's way and keeping your clothes clean and not having your back hurt at the end of the day.  it's a fair tradeoff. 

personally, i believe in the 90 percent tax brackets we had in the 60's.  people still had the incentive and the ambition to make money.  what they didn't have was the incentive to make money by laying off tens of thousands of workers as if they were chattel in exchange for high bonuses.  i'm no socialist.  we know how it worked in russia.  capitalism is the engine that drives this nation.  greed is the monkey wrench in the gears. 

as far as bonuses for serving the country...along with opposing your flat tax, mccain opposes a g-i bill that might make a difference in veterans' lives.  too "socialistic", i guess.  it's better to rebuild iraq so the haliburtons of the world can get rich and pay no taxes. 

as you may know, my cousin is ending her deployment in iraq in a few weeks.  she's a blackhawk pilot who just got promoted to captain.  her husband just returned to iraq for his second tour.  he won a bronze star for bravery in his first go-round.  they've been married over a year and have been together for only a few weeks.  they'll never make any real money.  what's their fair share in taxes...the same as yours?  i guarantee if you pay 90 percent, your take home is still far greater than both of them combined.  believe me, you're entitled.  you're the one who asked about "fair share".

we can argue forever about clinton.  i'm convinced if gore had the stones to continue to fight for the presidency that was "stolen" from him, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today.  when bush number one left office, the economy was in a shambles.  when bush number two leaves office, the economy will be in a shambles. you can blame the democrats all you want, but i see a pattern here.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: PEEKSKILLREDDEVIL on October 21, 2008, 07:53:07 PM
Newsman you hit it right on the head with regards to the "real work". Could not have said it better myself.

My cousin is a West Point grad (was the leading rebounder when he graduated Tatum) and he is over in Iraq. My prayers go out to you and your family members.

Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: pmg911 on October 21, 2008, 10:17:05 PM
baldi is right...the racists are coming out of the closet, big time.  i thought nothing surprised me anymore...but, i'll admit, i'm surprised. 

pmg911's arguments have nothing to do with racism.  unlike mccain/palin, he's apparently a proponent of a flat tax.

why should you pay 30-35 percent while others pay 20???

because the ones who pay 20 do the country's "real work".  they're the ones who put their lives on hold for years to serve their country to protect you. they're the ones who get dirt and grease on their hands.  they're the ones who move the freight and build the homes and deliver the mail and pound a beat and fight fires and teach your kids. 

theres nothing wrong with spending one's life playing "monopoly" and other games with real money...but you should expect to pay to play.  that's the cost of keeping out of harm's way and keeping your clothes clean and not having your back hurt at the end of the day.  it's a fair tradeoff. 

personally, i believe in the 90 percent tax brackets we had in the 60's.  people still had the incentive and the ambition to make money.  what they didn't have was the incentive to make money by laying off tens of thousands of workers as if they were chattel in exchange for high bonuses.  i'm no socialist.  we know how it worked in russia.  capitalism is the engine that drives this nation.  greed is the monkey wrench in the gears. 

as far as bonuses for serving the country...along with opposing your flat tax, mccain opposes a g-i bill that might make a difference in veterans' lives.  too "socialistic", i guess.  it's better to rebuild iraq so the haliburtons of the world can get rich and pay no taxes. 

as you may know, my cousin is ending her deployment in iraq in a few weeks.  she's a blackhawk pilot who just got promoted to captain.  her husband just returned to iraq for his second tour.  he won a bronze star for bravery in his first go-round.  they've been married over a year and have been together for only a few weeks.  they'll never make any real money.  what's their fair share in taxes...the same as yours?  i guarantee if you pay 90 percent, your take home is still far greater than both of them combined.  believe me, you're entitled.  you're the one who asked about "fair share".

we can argue forever about clinton.  i'm convinced if gore had the stones to continue to fight for the presidency that was "stolen" from him, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today.  when bush number one left office, the economy was in a shambles.  when bush number two leaves office, the economy will be in a shambles. you can blame the democrats all you want, but i see a pattern here.

Krusty. . I have all the respect for your family members that serve the country..  PLEASE THANK THEM for me...

As for the rest of your post. . you are losing your mind..    those people who are doing the real work. . moving the freight, building homes..      they wouldn't have those jobs if not for the people who are spending money, building businesses...

90% tax brackets.. come on man..  I think you are still smoking the same stuff you were in the 60's.. 

We live in different worlds..    the problem is that your world is just not reality..

Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: newsman13 on October 21, 2008, 11:15:38 PM
we're all living in reality.  our reality is better than most.

i respect those who spend money and build businesses.  that's what capitalism is all about.  it shouldn't be about survival of the fittest.  that's for the animal kingdom.  we're human...presumably with souls.

i may be smoking the same stuff...but thanks to capitalist greed...it's gotten much more expensive.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: pmg911 on October 22, 2008, 07:17:36 AM
Obama and the Tax Tipping Point
How long before taxpayers are pushed too far?
What happens when the voter in the exact middle of the earnings spectrum receives more in benefits from Washington than he pays in taxes? Economists Allan Meltzer and Scott Richard posed this question 27 years ago. We may soon enough know the answer.

Barack Obama is offering voters strong incentives to support higher taxes and bigger government. This could be the magic income-redistribution formula Democrats have long sought.

Sen. Obama is promising $500 and $1,000 gift-wrapped packets of money in the form of refundable tax credits. These will shift the tax demographics to the tipping point where half of all voters will receive a cash windfall from Washington and an overwhelming majority will gain from tax hikes and more government spending.

In 2006, the latest year for which we have Census data, 220 million Americans were eligible to vote and 89 million -- 40% -- paid no income taxes. According to the Tax Policy Center (a joint venture of the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute), this will jump to 49% when Mr. Obama's cash credits remove 18 million more voters from the tax rolls. What's more, there are an additional 24 million taxpayers (11% of the electorate) who will pay a minimal amount of income taxes -- less than 5% of their income and less than $1,000 annually.

In all, three out of every five voters will pay little or nothing in income taxes under Mr. Obama's plans and gain when taxes rise on the 40% that already pays 95% of income tax revenues.

The plunder that the Democrats plan to extract from the "very rich" -- the 5% that earn more than $250,000 and who already pay 60% of the federal income tax bill -- will never stretch to cover the expansive programs Mr. Obama promises.

What next? A core group of Obama enthusiasts -- those educated professionals who applaud the "fairness" of their candidate's tax plans -- will soon see their $100,000-$150,000 incomes targeted. As entitlements expand and a self-interested majority votes, the higher tax brackets will kick in at lower levels down the ladder, all the way to households with a $75,000 income.

Calculating how far society's top earners can be pushed before they stop (or cut back on) producing is difficult. But the incentives are easy to see. Voters who benefit from government programs will push for higher tax rates on higher earners -- at least until those who power the economy and create jobs and wealth stop working, stop investing, or move out of the country.

Other nations have tried the ideology of fairness in the place of incentives and found that reward without work is a recipe for decline. In the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, Margaret Thatcher took on the unions and slashed taxes to restore growth and jobs in Great Britain. In Germany a few years ago, Social Democrat Gerhard Schroeder defied his party's dogma and loosened labor's grip on the economy to end stagnation. And more recently in France, Nicolas Sarkozy was swept to power on a platform of restoring flexibility to the economy.

The sequence is always the same. High-tax, big-spending policies force the economy to lose momentum. Then growth in government spending outstrips revenues. Fiscal and trade deficits soar. Public debt, excessive taxation and unemployment follow. The central bank tries to solve the problem by printing money. International competitiveness is lost and the currency depreciates. The system stagnates. And then a frightened electorate returns conservatives to power.

The economic tides will not stand still while Washington experiments with European-type social democracy, even though the dollar's role as the global reserve currency will buy some time. Our trademark competitive advantage will be lost, and once lost, it will be hard to regain. There are too many emerging economies focused on prosperity and not redistribution for the U.S. to easily recapture its role of global economic leader.

Tomorrow's children may come to question why their parents sold their birthright for a mess of "fairness" -- whatever that will signify when jobs are scarce and American opportunity is no longer the envy of the world.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Jacstorm on October 22, 2008, 09:48:36 AM
I think the most accurate.. and wisest.. way to look at it is this: Any ideology carried too far is a recipe for disaster. We've seen what a Republican administration run by ideologues brings us. Disaster on almost every front it touched. Would an administration run for 8 years by ideologues of the opposite side be any better? Likely not. But it's more likely that with Obama that won't happen. The Democrats at least have a history of moderation. Witness the Clinton years. Remember where we were when he left office? Can you say 'surplus'? Can you say 'respect internationally'? Can you say 'let's bring the best and the brightest and the most competent into government''? ('Good job, Brownie!')

We know, beyond any shadow of doubt, what a McCain administration would bring us. We've seen who he's become over the last 10 years and we see how he's run his campaign. We see Palin. We see the wild, panicked swings in the face of crisis. We see the sad, compromised figure McCain has become.

Perhaps Obama will be a poor, weak leader and be run by others. Perhaps those others will be the worst of his party. We've been there with Bush for eight years. That's the worst case scenario for Obama and I'd still vote for him if for no other reason than to swing the pendulum back.

But there's reason to believe.. to hope.. that we won't get the worst case scenario. If he's moderately capable he'll be a quantum leap better than the alternative. It's even possible we'll get something extraordinary.

And that seems to be the choice this election. More of the same, hideously run government.. or.. the certainty that, even if Obama isn't a 'transformational' leader, he'll at least to infinitely better than McCain. How can I say 'certainty'? Well, let's face it, the odds that anything could be as bad as what we've seen for 8 years (and what McCain & the republican platform are pledged to continue) are astronomical.

Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: peter on October 22, 2008, 10:01:15 AM
I think the most accurate.. and wisest.. way to look at it is this: Any ideology carried too far is a recipe for disaster. We've seen what a Republican administration run by ideologues brings us. Disaster on almost every front it touched. Would an administration run for 8 years by ideologues of the opposite side be any better? Likely not. But it's more likely that with Obama that won't happen. The Democrats at least have a history of moderation. Witness the Clinton years. Remember where we were when he left office? Can you say 'surplus'? Can you say 'respect internationally'? Can you say 'let's bring the best and the brightest and the most competent into government''? ('Good job, Brownie!')

We know, beyond any shadow of doubt, what a McCain administration would bring us. We've seen who he's become over the last 10 years and we see how he's run his campaign. We see Palin. We see the wild, panicked swings in the face of crisis. We see the sad, compromised figure McCain has become.

Perhaps Obama will be a poor, weak leader and be run by others. Perhaps those others will be the worst of his party. We've been there with Bush for eight years. That's the worst case scenario for Obama and I'd still vote for him if for no other reason than to swing the pendulum back.

But there's reason to believe.. to hope.. that we won't get the worst case scenario. If he's moderately capable he'll be a quantum leap better than the alternative. It's even possible we'll get something extraordinary.

And that seems to be the choice this election. More of the same, hideously run government.. or.. the certainty that, even if Obama isn't a 'transformational' leader, he'll at least to infinitely better than McCain. How can I say 'certainty'? Well, let's face it, the odds that anything could be as bad as what we've seen for 8 years (and what McCain & the republican platform are pledged to continue) are astronomical.

well said.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: newsman13 on October 22, 2008, 01:45:13 PM
i agree...well said.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: mjmaherjr on October 22, 2008, 03:31:01 PM
I think the most accurate.. and wisest.. way to look at it is this: Any ideology carried too far is a recipe for disaster. We've seen what a Republican administration run by ideologues brings us. Disaster on almost every front it touched. Would an administration run for 8 years by ideologues of the opposite side be any better? Likely not. But it's more likely that with Obama that won't happen. The Democrats at least have a history of moderation. Witness the Clinton years. Remember where we were when he left office? Can you say 'surplus'? Can you say 'respect internationally'? Can you say 'let's bring the best and the brightest and the most competent into government''? ('Good job, Brownie!')

We know, beyond any shadow of doubt, what a McCain administration would bring us.

The thing is Clintons last 4 or 5 years in congress were with a republican majority congress so he had to work with the other side. He got a lot of things done working with the other side. Dem's are going to try to pass thru their own agenda just like repubs just tried and I dont see any positives in that just like I didnt with that Nightmare Bush

How much could McCain get thru with a democrat majority congress ?

Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: newsman13 on October 22, 2008, 03:57:15 PM
so you think it's better if we're deadlocked in the middle of this crisis?

and palin...if she becomes president...makes bush look like thomas jefferson.

yesterday was another hat trick for the hockey mom...1)for the fourth time, she couldn't say accurately what the vice president does (chilling)...2)gets 150-thousand dollars worth of clothes (sending a message to people scrimping and saving)...3)and scams money from alaska taxpayers for trips with her kids (acting in their official capacities).

i'll be honest.  there's no candidate running in this election i'd rather have sitting on my face than sarah palin.  but her talents end there.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: pmg911 on October 22, 2008, 04:11:16 PM

i'll be honest.  there's no candidate running in this election i'd rather have sitting on my face than sarah palin.  but her talents end there.

T. I will be honest too...  there is no candidate running in this election that I would ever like to see in the White Hosue...
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: peter on October 22, 2008, 04:15:14 PM
so you think it's better if we're deadlocked in the middle of this crisis?

and palin...if she becomes president...makes bush look like thomas jefferson.

yesterday was another hat trick for the hockey mom...1)for the fourth time, she couldn't say accurately what the vice president does (chilling)...2)gets 150-thousand dollars worth of clothes (sending a message to people scrimping and saving)...3)and scams money from alaska taxpayers for trips with her kids (acting in their official capacities).

i'll be honest.  there's no candidate running in this election i'd rather have sitting on my face than sarah palin.  but her talents end there.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: mjmaherjr on October 22, 2008, 04:53:15 PM

i'll be honest.  there's no candidate running in this election i'd rather have sitting on my face than sarah palin.  but her talents end there.

T. I will be honest too...  there is no candidate running in this election that I would ever like to see in the White Hosue...
so you think it's better if we're deadlocked in the middle of this crisis?

Yes. Because we wont be deadlocked because McCain has shown the abilty to work with Democrats
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: newsman13 on October 23, 2008, 02:40:11 AM
from the "you can't make this stuff up" file...AP story.

Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin is scheduled to stump in Beaver, Pennsylvania on Thursday.
The Alaska governor will appear at Beaver Area High School on Thursday evening.

mccain has shown some ability to work with democrats... some.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: pmg911 on October 23, 2008, 08:15:00 AM
Be sure to read the "where they are now" at the end !!

Here is a quick look into 3 former Fannie Mae executives who have brought down Wall Street.

Franklin Raines was a Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Fannie Mae.  Raines was forced to retire from his position with Fannie Mae  when auditing discovered severe irregularities in Fannie Mae's accounting activities. At the time of his departure The Wall Street Journal noted, " Raines, who long defended the company's accounting despite mounting evidence that it wasn't proper, issued a statement late Tuesday conceding that "mistakes were made" and saying he would assume responsibility as he had earlier promised. News reports indicate the company was under growing pres sure from regulators to shake up its management in the wake of findings that the company's books ran afoul of generally accepted accounting principles for four years."  Fannie Mae had to reduce its surplus by $9 billion.
Raines left with a "golden parachute valued at $240 Million in benefits. The Government filed suit against Raines when the depth of the accounting scandal became clear. http://housingdoom.com/2006/12/18/fannie-charges/ . The Government noted, "The 101 charges reveal how the individuals improperly manipulated earnings to maximize their bonuses, while knowingly neglecting accounting systems and internal controls, misapplying over twenty accounting principles and misleading the regulator and the public. The Notice explains how they submitted six years of misleading and inaccurate accounting statements and inaccurate capital reports that enabled them to grow Fannie Mae in an unsafe and unsou nd manner." & amp; amp; nbsp;These charges were made in 2006.  The Court ordered Raines to return $50 Million Dollars he received in bonuses based on the miss-stated Fannie Mae profits.
Net windfall . . . $190 million!

Tim Howard -  Was the Chief Financial Officer of Fannie Mae. Howard "was a strong internal proponent of using accounting strategies that would ensure a "stable pattern of earnings" at Fannie. In everyday English - he was cooking the books.  The Government Investigation determined that, "Chief Financial Officer, Tim Howard, failed to provide adequate oversight to key control and reporting functions within Fannie Mae,"
On June 16, 2006, Rep. Richard Baker, R-La., asked the Justice Department to investigate his allegations that two former Fannie Mae executives lied to Congress in October 2004 when they denied manipulating the mortgage-finance giant's income statement to achieve management pay bonuses. Investigations by federal regulators and the company's board of directors since concluded that management did manipulate 1998 earnings to trigger bonuses. Raines and Howard resigned under pressure in late 2004.
Howard's Golden Parachute was estimated at $20 Million!

Jim Johnson -   A former executive at Lehman Brothers and who was later forced from his position as Fannie Mae CEO.   A look at the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight's May 2006 report on mismanagement and corruption inside Fannie Mae, and you'll see some interesting things about Johnson. Investigators found that Fannie Mae had hidden a substantial amount of Johnson's 1998 compensation from the public, reporting that it was between $6 million and $7 million when it fact it was $21 million."   Johnson is currently under investigation for taking illegal loans from Countrywide while serving as CEO of Fannie Mae. 
Johnson's Golden Parachute was estimated at $28 Million.
FRANKLIN RAINES-  Raines works for the Obama Campaign as Chief Economic Advisor
TIM HOWARD -  Howard is also a Chief Economic Advisor to Obama
JIM JOHNSON -   Johnson hired as a Senior Obama Finance Advisor and was selected to run Obama's Vice Presidential Search Committee
IF OBAMA PLANS ON CLEANING UP THE MESS - HIS ADVISORS HAVE THE EXPERTISE - THEY MADE THE MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE.   Would you trust the men who tore Wall Street down to build the New Wall Street ?

What is wrong with our media, Not reporting the facts . . God forbid the liberal media says a bad word about its golden child...

Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: peter on October 23, 2008, 10:18:56 AM
Be sure to read the "where they are now" at the end !!

Here is a quick look into 3 former Fannie Mae executives who have brought down Wall Street.

Franklin Raines was a Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Fannie Mae.  Raines was forced to retire from his position with Fannie Mae  when auditing discovered severe irregularities in Fannie Mae's accounting activities. At the time of his departure The Wall Street Journal noted, " Raines, who long defended the company's accounting despite mounting evidence that it wasn't proper, issued a statement late Tuesday conceding that "mistakes were made" and saying he would assume responsibility as he had earlier promised. News reports indicate the company was under growing pres sure from regulators to shake up its management in the wake of findings that the company's books ran afoul of generally accepted accounting principles for four years."  Fannie Mae had to reduce its surplus by $9 billion.
Raines left with a "golden parachute valued at $240 Million in benefits. The Government filed suit against Raines when the depth of the accounting scandal became clear. http://housingdoom.com/2006/12/18/fannie-charges/ . The Government noted, "The 101 charges reveal how the individuals improperly manipulated earnings to maximize their bonuses, while knowingly neglecting accounting systems and internal controls, misapplying over twenty accounting principles and misleading the regulator and the public. The Notice explains how they submitted six years of misleading and inaccurate accounting statements and inaccurate capital reports that enabled them to grow Fannie Mae in an unsafe and unsou nd manner." & amp; amp; nbsp;These charges were made in 2006.  The Court ordered Raines to return $50 Million Dollars he received in bonuses based on the miss-stated Fannie Mae profits.
Net windfall . . . $190 million!

Tim Howard -  Was the Chief Financial Officer of Fannie Mae. Howard "was a strong internal proponent of using accounting strategies that would ensure a "stable pattern of earnings" at Fannie. In everyday English - he was cooking the books.  The Government Investigation determined that, "Chief Financial Officer, Tim Howard, failed to provide adequate oversight to key control and reporting functions within Fannie Mae,"
On June 16, 2006, Rep. Richard Baker, R-La., asked the Justice Department to investigate his allegations that two former Fannie Mae executives lied to Congress in October 2004 when they denied manipulating the mortgage-finance giant's income statement to achieve management pay bonuses. Investigations by federal regulators and the company's board of directors since concluded that management did manipulate 1998 earnings to trigger bonuses. Raines and Howard resigned under pressure in late 2004.
Howard's Golden Parachute was estimated at $20 Million!

Jim Johnson -   A former executive at Lehman Brothers and who was later forced from his position as Fannie Mae CEO.   A look at the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight's May 2006 report on mismanagement and corruption inside Fannie Mae, and you'll see some interesting things about Johnson. Investigators found that Fannie Mae had hidden a substantial amount of Johnson's 1998 compensation from the public, reporting that it was between $6 million and $7 million when it fact it was $21 million."   Johnson is currently under investigation for taking illegal loans from Countrywide while serving as CEO of Fannie Mae. 
Johnson's Golden Parachute was estimated at $28 Million.
FRANKLIN RAINES-  Raines works for the Obama Campaign as Chief Economic Advisor
TIM HOWARD -  Howard is also a Chief Economic Advisor to Obama
JIM JOHNSON -   Johnson hired as a Senior Obama Finance Advisor and was selected to run Obama's Vice Presidential Search Committee
IF OBAMA PLANS ON CLEANING UP THE MESS - HIS ADVISORS HAVE THE EXPERTISE - THEY MADE THE MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE.   Would you trust the men who tore Wall Street down to build the New Wall Street ?

What is wrong with our media, Not reporting the facts . . God forbid the liberal media says a bad word about its golden child...


Exactly who is McCain going to put in place to fix the mess?  Phil "mental recession" Gramm?  The woman who started EBay?  I don't think either candidate is going to find economic advisors who are intimate with the financial system and want to work in this kind of environment who haven't participated.  I don't like it either.  But man, why do right-wingers always have to whip out the "liberal media" card?  People talk about the race card, but it doesn't get half as much traction amongst people as the "liberal media" card. 

Never seen so many media tough guys (O'Reilly, et al) talking like media victims.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 23, 2008, 10:21:52 AM
Nobody can criticize Obama without being called a bigot or rascist, includint the media. Its a joke
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: peter on October 23, 2008, 10:36:41 AM
Nobody can criticize Obama without being called a bigot or rascist, includint the media. Its a joke
http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20081023/pl_politico/14835 - what are the candidates hiding?

Sorry, I read anti-Obama stuff fairly often - not as much as "McCain's campaign is off the rails" articles, because from the Palin pick to his his behavior to the McCain/ Palin rallies, there's been more juicy stuff.  Obama's kept it close to the vest.  And there's so much stupid noise that gets brought up around Obama - whether he's a "Muslim" or not, for example - that it is hard to compare their policies.

Which doesn't often happen, except the policy diehards who dig in to the papers that the candidates have their people write (or search for that info on more wonky blogs).  The media always plays up a good story, and they don't analyze the frontrunner, they pick at the one in the rear (see: Kerry in '04).

The "liberal media" whine is an excuse.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Jacstorm on October 23, 2008, 11:34:43 AM

PMG, you need to scratch a little below the surface of the garbage you receive before you post it, or you risk being seen as either a fool or a liar.

For those who wish to know the truth about that joke PMG posted (you might read this too, PMG), please go to www.snopes.com/politics/obama/fanniemae.asp 

The article is headed:

Claim: Three former Fannie Mae executives are linked to the Obama campaign as chief economic advisors.

Status: False.

Of course, snopes might be part of that great liberal media cabal and be lying about this as well...

What's next, PMG? That he didn't go to Hawaii to see his ailing grandmother, but rather to cover up evidence that he's not really an american citizen? Yeah.... that one's out there, too.

Please. Wise up. Just a little.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: yankcranker on October 23, 2008, 12:23:16 PM

PMG, you need to scratch a little below the surface of the garbage you receive before you post it, or you risk being seen as either a fool or a liar.

For those who wish to know the truth about that joke PMG posted (you might read this too, PMG), please go to www.snopes.com/politics/obama/fanniemae.asp 

The article is headed:

Claim: Three former Fannie Mae executives are linked to the Obama campaign as chief economic advisors.

Status: False.

Of course, snopes might be part of that great liberal media cabal and be lying about this as well...

What's next, PMG? That he didn't go to Hawaii to see his ailing grandmother, but rather to cover up evidence that he's not really an american citizen? Yeah.... that one's out there, too.

Please. Wise up. Just a little.

I heard he brought a stray chihuahua home from Mexico and it ate his cat.  (PS this was after he got drunk in a bar in Ensenada and woke up in a bathtub full of ice sans one of his kidneys),
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: pmg911 on October 23, 2008, 12:29:30 PM

PMG, you need to scratch a little below the surface of the garbage you receive before you post it, or you risk being seen as either a fool or a liar.

For those who wish to know the truth about that joke PMG posted (you might read this too, PMG), please go to www.snopes.com/politics/obama/fanniemae.asp 

The article is headed:

Claim: Three former Fannie Mae executives are linked to the Obama campaign as chief economic advisors.

Status: False.

Of course, snopes might be part of that great liberal media cabal and be lying about this as well...

What's next, PMG? That he didn't go to Hawaii to see his ailing grandmother, but rather to cover up evidence that he's not really an american citizen? Yeah.... that one's out there, too.

Please. Wise up. Just a little.

While you are right about Raines. . MY BAD..    please don't tell me to wise up...
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: yankcranker on October 23, 2008, 12:31:16 PM
Above myth aside it is interesting that this would be brought up as it is a disturbing trend not just in this campaign but in the nation in general.  While I find the present McCain campaign strategy of muckraking and lying despicable (and have no doubt that this statement was started by someone at least peripherally involved in his campaign) the fact that prospective voters would just accept it as gospel without question says more about the voters than the candidate.   This is just one of the many reasons that the American people get the candidates that they deserve and the democratic process is such an effing mess.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: TRabinowitz on October 23, 2008, 12:49:29 PM
Nobody can criticize Obama without being called a bigot or rascist, includint the media. Its a joke

Baldi, why do you have a picture of Obama wearing a turban?  Is it to insinuate that there's something wrong with dressing as an Arab or Muslim?  

I really don't think it's true that media that criticize Obama are viewed as racists or bigots...unless they're saying he's Muslim or Arab, in which case they probably are bigots.  Colin Powell had the right idea: what's wrong with being a Muslim or Arab in this country?
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: pmg911 on October 23, 2008, 12:50:55 PM
what's wrong with being a Muslim or Arab in this country?

Nothing. . unless you are denying it was ever part of your life for polical reasons...
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: yankcranker on October 23, 2008, 12:58:05 PM
what's wrong with being a Muslim or Arab in this country?

Nothing. . unless you are denying it was ever part of your life for polical reasons...

Luckily no candidates have done that. 

Do you fall for every urban myth thrust upon the unwise?


It's no secret that Obama has a Muslim father and stepfather and lived in Indonesia.  Of course spinning that out into character assassination is a specialty of the swift boat style Republicans.

And given the penchant for fools to not only believe this stuff allow it to affect their opinions of the candidate as well as the bias apparent throughout many parts of the country do you think he should celebrate this part of his personal history given that some folks won't even vote for him because he's black.

PMG, read more or stick to basketball.   ;)

Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 23, 2008, 01:00:16 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: yankcranker on October 23, 2008, 01:05:32 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

No because idiots like you would make a big deal of it.  And given that all Muslim Arabs (forget about the fact that Obamas father and stepfather while both Muslims,  were not Arabs)  hate Americans (stupidest thing ever posted on any of the three boards - and I've read Realfan and Oldred/Scotch).  You are aware that there are white muslims, black muslims, and asian muslims as well as middle easter muslims aren't you?  didn't think so.  Remind me not to send any of my kids to Iona.

At least Marco is man enough to admit he's a racist bigot.  Anyone else want to raise their hand?

Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 23, 2008, 01:14:29 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

No because idiots like you would make a big deal of it.  And given that all Muslim Arabs (forget about the fact that Obamas father and stepfather while both Muslims,  were not Arabs)  hate Americans (stupidest thing ever posted on any of the three boards - and I've read Realfan and Oldred/Scotch).  You are aware that there are white muslims, black muslims, and asian muslims as well as middle easter muslims aren't you?  didn't think so.  Remind me not to send any of my kids to Iona.

At least Marco is man enough to admit he's a racist bigot.  Anyone else want to raise their hand?

Yup thats why I put a comma inbetween Arabs and Muslims. I dont care what color they are(I never said anything about color,you did), if I see someone with a turbin whether hes Arab or not I think terrorist. What do you think when you see them taking photographs of buildings or the subway? You think tourist or terrorist. Cmon bleeding heart, lets hear it
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: yankcranker on October 23, 2008, 01:19:14 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

No because idiots like you would make a big deal of it.  And given that all Muslim Arabs (forget about the fact that Obamas father and stepfather while both Muslims,  were not Arabs)  hate Americans (stupidest thing ever posted on any of the three boards - and I've read Realfan and Oldred/Scotch).  You are aware that there are white muslims, black muslims, and asian muslims as well as middle easter muslims aren't you?  didn't think so.  Remind me not to send any of my kids to Iona.

At least Marco is man enough to admit he's a racist bigot.  Anyone else want to raise their hand?

Yup thats why I put a comma inbetween Arabs and Muslims. I dont care what color they are(I never said anything about color,you did), if I see someone with a turbin whether hes Arab or not I think terrorist. What do you think when you see them taking photographs of buildings or the subway? You think tourist or terrorist. Cmon bleeding heart, lets hear it

You see, I think tourist.  I'm not a racist.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: buckeyestorm on October 23, 2008, 01:26:03 PM
marco, your avatar is killing me.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 23, 2008, 01:27:45 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

No because idiots like you would make a big deal of it.  And given that all Muslim Arabs (forget about the fact that Obamas father and stepfather while both Muslims,  were not Arabs)  hate Americans (stupidest thing ever posted on any of the three boards - and I've read Realfan and Oldred/Scotch).  You are aware that there are white muslims, black muslims, and asian muslims as well as middle easter muslims aren't you?  didn't think so.  Remind me not to send any of my kids to Iona.

At least Marco is man enough to admit he's a racist bigot.  Anyone else want to raise their hand?

Yup thats why I put a comma inbetween Arabs and Muslims. I dont care what color they are(I never said anything about color,you did), if I see someone with a turbin whether hes Arab or not I think terrorist. What do you think when you see them taking photographs of buildings or the subway? You think tourist or terrorist. Cmon bleeding heart, lets hear it

You see, I think tourist.  I'm not a racist.

Since you have no problems calling me a bigot and a racist, I have no problem calling you a liar. IM comfortable with my postion, are you?
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 23, 2008, 01:29:07 PM
marco, your avatar is killing me.

"Killing you"?
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: pmg911 on October 23, 2008, 01:31:46 PM
what's wrong with being a Muslim or Arab in this country?

Nothing. . unless you are denying it was ever part of your life for polical reasons...

Luckily no candidates have done that. 

Do you fall for every urban myth thrust upon the unwise?


It's no secret that Obama has a Muslim father and stepfather and lived in Indonesia.  Of course spinning that out into character assassination is a specialty of the swift boat style Republicans.

And given the penchant for fools to not only believe this stuff allow it to affect their opinions of the candidate as well as the bias apparent throughout many parts of the country do you think he should celebrate this part of his personal history given that some folks won't even vote for him because he's black.

PMG, read more or stick to basketball.   ;)

PLEASE PLEASE show me where I said Obama denied it...

Stay out in LA with all your lefty buddies...
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: yankcranker on October 23, 2008, 01:40:45 PM
what's wrong with being a Muslim or Arab in this country?

Nothing. . unless you are denying it was ever part of your life for polical reasons...

Luckily no candidates have done that. 

Do you fall for every urban myth thrust upon the unwise?


It's no secret that Obama has a Muslim father and stepfather and lived in Indonesia.  Of course spinning that out into character assassination is a specialty of the swift boat style Republicans.

And given the penchant for fools to not only believe this stuff allow it to affect their opinions of the candidate as well as the bias apparent throughout many parts of the country do you think he should celebrate this part of his personal history given that some folks won't even vote for him because he's black.

PMG, read more or stick to basketball.   ;)

PLEASE PLEASE show me where I said Obama denied it...

Stay out in LA with all your lefty buddies...

So who was denying it for political "for political reasons"?  Were you meaning to imply that W hasn't been forthright about his family's far stronger connection to the Bin Laden family?  If so please accept my apologies.  And continue to enjoy that Right Wing stronghold of New York where Obama is presently running at  61%. (only 58% in CA)   :D
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: yankcranker on October 23, 2008, 01:41:18 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

No because idiots like you would make a big deal of it.  And given that all Muslim Arabs (forget about the fact that Obamas father and stepfather while both Muslims,  were not Arabs)  hate Americans (stupidest thing ever posted on any of the three boards - and I've read Realfan and Oldred/Scotch).  You are aware that there are white muslims, black muslims, and asian muslims as well as middle easter muslims aren't you?  didn't think so.  Remind me not to send any of my kids to Iona.

At least Marco is man enough to admit he's a racist bigot.  Anyone else want to raise their hand?

Yup thats why I put a comma inbetween Arabs and Muslims. I dont care what color they are(I never said anything about color,you did), if I see someone with a turbin whether hes Arab or not I think terrorist. What do you think when you see them taking photographs of buildings or the subway? You think tourist or terrorist. Cmon bleeding heart, lets hear it

You see, I think tourist.  I'm not a racist.

Since you have no problems calling me a bigot and a racist, I have no problem calling you a liar. IM comfortable with my postion, are you?

Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: buckeyestorm on October 23, 2008, 01:46:15 PM
marco, your avatar is killing me.

"Killing you"?

i meant your signature photo.....LMFAO
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: pmg911 on October 23, 2008, 01:49:29 PM
I just hope that the Democrats will have the courage to run Obama out of office in 4 years if he wins and proves to be the WORST President in the history of our country...
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: simplyred on October 23, 2008, 01:51:45 PM
Like the Republicans did W.?
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: JohnnyJungle on October 23, 2008, 01:53:36 PM
I just hope that the Democrats will have the courage to run Obama out of office in 4 years if he wins and proves to be the WORST President in the history of our country...

I think Bush has that title locked up. Is there anything positive you can say about Obama? Is there anything that you agree with him? Just curious
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: newsman13 on October 23, 2008, 01:57:23 PM

PMG, you need to scratch a little below the surface of the garbage you receive before you post it, or you risk being seen as either a fool or a liar.

For those who wish to know the truth about that joke PMG posted (you might read this too, PMG), please go to www.snopes.com/politics/obama/fanniemae.asp 

The article is headed:

Claim: Three former Fannie Mae executives are linked to the Obama campaign as chief economic advisors.

Status: False.

Of course, snopes might be part of that great liberal media cabal and be lying about this as well...

What's next, PMG? That he didn't go to Hawaii to see his ailing grandmother, but rather to cover up evidence that he's not really an american citizen? Yeah.... that one's out there, too.

Please. Wise up. Just a little.
pmg "conveniently" leaves out mccain's campaign manager's connection to fannie mae.

and, please...no more shrill references to "liberal" media.  these are multi billion dollar corporations...not socialist institutions.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: pmg911 on October 23, 2008, 02:11:36 PM
I just hope that the Democrats will have the courage to run Obama out of office in 4 years if he wins and proves to be the WORST President in the history of our country...

I think Bush has that title locked up. Is there anything positive you can say about Obama? Is there anything that you agree with him? Just curious

I think if he had put his time in the Senate a little longer he would be a far better candidate for America...

honestly...   I really don't see any positive in him being elected President...

Guys your age make me laugh in calling Bush the worst President...    how old were you when he took office...    14..  15..  what would you know..?   

Get into the real world...   become a real income earner. . home owner..   tax payer..  then talk to me...

Pile up everything the man has dealt with in office..   really think about it and try to understand it and then come back to me...  you will realize what a stupid statement you just made...

Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: peter on October 23, 2008, 02:18:29 PM
I just hope that the Democrats will have the courage to run Obama out of office in 4 years if he wins and proves to be the WORST President in the history of our country...

I think Bush has that title locked up. Is there anything positive you can say about Obama? Is there anything that you agree with him? Just curious

I think if he had put his time in the Senate a little longer he would be a far better candidate for America...

honestly...   I really don't see any positive in him being elected President...

Guys your age make me laugh in calling Bush the worst President...    how old were you when he took office...    14..  15..  what would you know..?  

Get into the real world...   become a real income earner. . home owner..   tax payer..  then talk to me...

Pile up everything the man has dealt with in office..   really think about it and try to understand it and then come back to me...  you will realize what a stupid statement you just made...

Don't call the man's opinion "stupid."  Who are you to be the arbiter of smart and stupid opinions?  Stay on topic and quit browbeating people for being too young, or too blind. 
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: pmg911 on October 23, 2008, 02:22:45 PM
I just hope that the Democrats will have the courage to run Obama out of office in 4 years if he wins and proves to be the WORST President in the history of our country...

I think Bush has that title locked up. Is there anything positive you can say about Obama? Is there anything that you agree with him? Just curious

I think if he had put his time in the Senate a little longer he would be a far better candidate for America...

honestly...   I really don't see any positive in him being elected President...

Guys your age make me laugh in calling Bush the worst President...    how old were you when he took office...    14..  15..  what would you know..?  

Get into the real world...   become a real income earner. . home owner..   tax payer..  then talk to me...

Pile up everything the man has dealt with in office..   really think about it and try to understand it and then come back to me...  you will realize what a stupid statement you just made...

Don't call the man's opinion "stupid."  Who are you to be the arbiter of smart and stupid opinions?  Stay on topic and quit browbeating people for being too young, or too blind. 

I never called JJ stupid. . I said the statement was stupid, there is a huge difference, so if you are going to correct me..   please make sure you are correcting me for the right thing....   or just stay out of a response that was not directed at you...
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: peter on October 23, 2008, 02:26:52 PM
I just hope that the Democrats will have the courage to run Obama out of office in 4 years if he wins and proves to be the WORST President in the history of our country...

I think Bush has that title locked up. Is there anything positive you can say about Obama? Is there anything that you agree with him? Just curious

I think if he had put his time in the Senate a little longer he would be a far better candidate for America...

honestly...   I really don't see any positive in him being elected President...

Guys your age make me laugh in calling Bush the worst President...    how old were you when he took office...    14..  15..  what would you know..?  

Get into the real world...   become a real income earner. . home owner..   tax payer..  then talk to me...

Pile up everything the man has dealt with in office..   really think about it and try to understand it and then come back to me...  you will realize what a stupid statement you just made...

Don't call the man's opinion "stupid."  Who are you to be the arbiter of smart and stupid opinions?  Stay on topic and quit browbeating people for being too young, or too blind. 

I never called JJ stupid. . I said the statement was stupid, there is a huge difference, so if you are going to correct me..   please make sure you are correcting me for the right thing....   or just stay out of a response that was not directed at you...

It's an open thread.

I said "don't call the man's opinion stupid."  I never said you called JJ stupid.  So I corrected you for the right thing.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: pmg911 on October 23, 2008, 02:31:19 PM
Guys.. . I ma backing out of this thread..

For those voting for Obama..   good luck...  please find me in four years and tell me if you are happy with your choice...
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Jacstorm on October 23, 2008, 02:35:37 PM
lol I think, as absurd as they may be, that I meet your criteria to be allowed to talk with you, PMG. I earn an income, own my home, pay taxes... I think that covers it?

I'm also a life-long (and mine's been fairly long) student of history (among other things); and taking everything into consideration I think it's a slam-dunk that W and his administration are not only the worst in our history, no other even comes close.

I said once before in response to something you posted that there are none so blind as those that will not see.

It fits you perfectly.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: yankcranker on October 23, 2008, 02:44:31 PM
lol I think, as absurd as they may be, that I meet your criteria to be allowed to talk with you, PMG. I earn an income, own my home, pay taxes... I think that covers it?

I'm also a life-long (and mine's been fairly long) student of history (among other things); and taking everything into consideration I think it's a slam-dunk that W and his administration are not only the worst in our history, no other even comes close.

I said once before in response to something you posted that there are none so blind as those that will not see.

It fits you perfectly.

I fit the bill as well, and I'm in a bracket where personally I would benefit more from McCain's tax plan than Obama's.

It's an issue that's barely debatable, even the Republican party has disowned him throughout this year's campaigns (at all levels, not just POTUS).  And it was already being discussed during his first term.  W is one of the three or four worst President's in the history of the US and certainly the worst in my lifetime.

Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: JohnnyJungle on October 23, 2008, 02:48:22 PM

I asked you two questions about Obama that you clearly avoided and instead tried to attack me by saying I'm too young or I don't make enough money to have an opinion.

I'll ask it again...

Is there anything you like about Obama?

Is there anything you agree with him in his policy?

I'm not for or against either Obama or Mccain. My vote can still be swayed. I just want to see your thoughts since you seem so involved in the topic.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: yankcranker on October 23, 2008, 03:23:07 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

No because idiots like you would make a big deal of it.  And given that all Muslim Arabs (forget about the fact that Obamas father and stepfather while both Muslims,  were not Arabs)  hate Americans (stupidest thing ever posted on any of the three boards - and I've read Realfan and Oldred/Scotch).  You are aware that there are white muslims, black muslims, and asian muslims as well as middle easter muslims aren't you?  didn't think so.  Remind me not to send any of my kids to Iona.

At least Marco is man enough to admit he's a racist bigot.  Anyone else want to raise their hand?

Yup thats why I put a comma inbetween Arabs and Muslims. I dont care what color they are(I never said anything about color,you did), if I see someone with a turbin whether hes Arab or not I think terrorist. What do you think when you see them taking photographs of buildings or the subway? You think tourist or terrorist. Cmon bleeding heart, lets hear it

You see, I think tourist.  I'm not a racist.

Since you have no problems calling me a bigot and a racist, I have no problem calling you a liar. IM comfortable with my postion, are you?

Maybe you're not a bigot and a racist, you just post bigoted and racist things. 
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: PEEKSKILLREDDEVIL on October 23, 2008, 04:24:19 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

I believe that pictures was taken when Obama was visiting a muslim country and out of respect he wore the local dress. Anyway....I hope you truely don't believe all Abrabs are the same, all Black people and Jews are the same. We are all individuals. My grandmother grew during segragation in North Carolina and tells me stories you would not believe but yet see taught me to judge people as individuals based on how they treat you. I am black so if I walk into your office for an interview I really have no chance of get the job?
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: newsman13 on October 23, 2008, 04:34:02 PM
there are plenty of pictures of bush holding hands with sheiks...and in awfully funny looking local garb.

this doesn't qualify me for anything...but i'm one of the oldest people on this site...own my own home...raised a family and have held some pretty decent jobs.  in my humble opinion, bush is the worst president in american history in practically any level you look at him...economy, internationally, constitutionally, etc.  to say, as pmg911 does, that he's one of the best is like saying norm is the best basketball coach in ncaa history...the results don't count.

geez...even mccain says he wants to end the bungling we've seen over the last eight years.  that doesn't tell you anything?
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: mjmaherjr on October 23, 2008, 05:43:29 PM

I asked you two questions about Obama that you clearly avoided and instead tried to attack me by saying I'm too young or I don't make enough money to have an opinion.

I'll ask it again...

Is there anything you like about Obama?

Is there anything you agree with him in his policy?

I'm not for or against either Obama or Mccain. My vote can still be swayed. I just want to see your thoughts since you seem so involved in the topic.
I agree with Obama that going into Iraq was a mistake. I agree with Obama that we should be talking to Cuba and I'm all for free trade with cuba.

That's pretty much all I agree with him on. :)
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 23, 2008, 06:41:11 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

I believe that pictures was taken when Obama was visiting a muslim country and out of respect he wore the local dress. Anyway....I hope you truely don't believe all Abrabs are the same, all Black people and Jews are the same. We are all individuals. My grandmother grew during segragation in North Carolina and tells me stories you would not believe but yet see taught me to judge people as individuals based on how they treat you. I am black so if I walk into your office for an interview I really have no chance of get the job?

Right now, I have to say I have problems with the Muslim worlds. This because of recent history which is embedded in my head and plays in my mind daily. Im being portrayed as a racist which I dont think is the case. I hold a grudge, that  I probably will hold a lifetime as will some others I assume. People have been murdered,people I knew because of these extremists and I have trouble looking past that and bunch them all together.
 I dont know how black or Jewish people  became part of this conversation but to answer your question, I have no problems with that at all. But in saying that, if a white,black,jewish, hell even if a martian showed up wearing a turbin-well you know what Im thinking. Thats just the way it is.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: mjmaherjr on October 23, 2008, 07:22:46 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

I believe that pictures was taken when Obama was visiting a muslim country and out of respect he wore the local dress. Anyway....I hope you truely don't believe all Abrabs are the same, all Black people and Jews are the same. We are all individuals. My grandmother grew during segragation in North Carolina and tells me stories you would not believe but yet see taught me to judge people as individuals based on how they treat you. I am black so if I walk into your office for an interview I really have no chance of get the job?

Right now, I have to say I have problems with the Muslim worlds. This because of recent history which is embedded in my head and plays in my mind daily. Im being portrayed as a racist which I dont think is the case. I hold a grudge, that  I probably will hold a lifetime as will some others I assume. People have been murdered,people I knew because of these extremists and I have trouble looking past that and bunch them all together.
 I dont know how black or Jewish people  became part of this conversation but to answer your question, I have no problems with that at all. But in saying that, if a white,black,jewish, hell even if a martian showed up wearing a turbin-well you know what Im thinking. Thats just the way it is.

Imagine how black people feel when they see white people then.

What we did to them in our country's history was far worse than 9/11
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: yankcranker on October 23, 2008, 07:37:33 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

I believe that pictures was taken when Obama was visiting a muslim country and out of respect he wore the local dress. Anyway....I hope you truely don't believe all Abrabs are the same, all Black people and Jews are the same. We are all individuals. My grandmother grew during segragation in North Carolina and tells me stories you would not believe but yet see taught me to judge people as individuals based on how they treat you. I am black so if I walk into your office for an interview I really have no chance of get the job?

Right now, I have to say I have problems with the Muslim worlds. This because of recent history which is embedded in my head and plays in my mind daily. Im being portrayed as a racist which I dont think is the case. I hold a grudge, that  I probably will hold a lifetime as will some others I assume. People have been murdered,people I knew because of these extremists and I have trouble looking past that and bunch them all together.
 I dont know how black or Jewish people  became part of this conversation but to answer your question, I have no problems with that at all. But in saying that, if a white,black,jewish, hell even if a martian showed up wearing a turbin-well you know what Im thinking. Thats just the way it is.

You may not realize it but what you are describing is bigotry/racism in its purest form.  Holding an entire race/religion accountable for the acts of a few is a narrow minded and hateful view. 
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 23, 2008, 09:20:45 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

I believe that pictures was taken when Obama was visiting a muslim country and out of respect he wore the local dress. Anyway....I hope you truely don't believe all Abrabs are the same, all Black people and Jews are the same. We are all individuals. My grandmother grew during segragation in North Carolina and tells me stories you would not believe but yet see taught me to judge people as individuals based on how they treat you. I am black so if I walk into your office for an interview I really have no chance of get the job?

Right now, I have to say I have problems with the Muslim worlds. This because of recent history which is embedded in my head and plays in my mind daily. Im being portrayed as a racist which I dont think is the case. I hold a grudge, that  I probably will hold a lifetime as will some others I assume. People have been murdered,people I knew because of these extremists and I have trouble looking past that and bunch them all together.
 I dont know how black or Jewish people  became part of this conversation but to answer your question, I have no problems with that at all. But in saying that, if a white,black,jewish, hell even if a martian showed up wearing a turbin-well you know what Im thinking. Thats just the way it is.

You may not realize it but what you are describing is bigotry/racism in its purest form.  Holding an entire race/religion accountable for the acts of a few is a narrow minded and hateful view. 
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

I believe that pictures was taken when Obama was visiting a muslim country and out of respect he wore the local dress. Anyway....I hope you truely don't believe all Abrabs are the same, all Black people and Jews are the same. We are all individuals. My grandmother grew during segragation in North Carolina and tells me stories you would not believe but yet see taught me to judge people as individuals based on how they treat you. I am black so if I walk into your office for an interview I really have no chance of get the job?

Right now, I have to say I have problems with the Muslim worlds. This because of recent history which is embedded in my head and plays in my mind daily. Im being portrayed as a racist which I dont think is the case. I hold a grudge, that  I probably will hold a lifetime as will some others I assume. People have been murdered,people I knew because of these extremists and I have trouble looking past that and bunch them all together.
 I dont know how black or Jewish people  became part of this conversation but to answer your question, I have no problems with that at all. But in saying that, if a white,black,jewish, hell even if a martian showed up wearing a turbin-well you know what Im thinking. Thats just the way it is.

Imagine how black people feel when they see white people then.

What we did to them in our country's history was far worse than 9/11

I cant imagine how black people feel,but some have expessed their feelings and thats fine.I dont blame them.This is America, everyone has the right to express their opinion. Im just telling  you how I feel. I wasnt around for slavery, but I had a front row seat for 9/11 and some friends are not with us anymore because of these people.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 23, 2008, 09:33:09 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

I believe that pictures was taken when Obama was visiting a muslim country and out of respect he wore the local dress. Anyway....I hope you truely don't believe all Abrabs are the same, all Black people and Jews are the same. We are all individuals. My grandmother grew during segragation in North Carolina and tells me stories you would not believe but yet see taught me to judge people as individuals based on how they treat you. I am black so if I walk into your office for an interview I really have no chance of get the job?

Right now, I have to say I have problems with the Muslim worlds. This because of recent history which is embedded in my head and plays in my mind daily. Im being portrayed as a racist which I dont think is the case. I hold a grudge, that  I probably will hold a lifetime as will some others I assume. People have been murdered,people I knew because of these extremists and I have trouble looking past that and bunch them all together.
 I dont know how black or Jewish people  became part of this conversation but to answer your question, I have no problems with that at all. But in saying that, if a white,black,jewish, hell even if a martian showed up wearing a turbin-well you know what Im thinking. Thats just the way it is.

You may not realize it but what you are describing is bigotry/racism in its purest form.  Holding an entire race/religion accountable for the acts of a few is a narrow minded and hateful view. 

Like I said, call it what you want-I dont care either way. It is what it is and Im being honest.   And BTW, you said in earlier post you wouldnt send your kids to IONA College because of what I say or think-thats kinda narrow minded as well. Ya know-lumping all those Iona people in the same category as me.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Randomhero423 on October 23, 2008, 09:53:10 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

I believe that pictures was taken when Obama was visiting a muslim country and out of respect he wore the local dress. Anyway....I hope you truely don't believe all Abrabs are the same, all Black people and Jews are the same. We are all individuals. My grandmother grew during segragation in North Carolina and tells me stories you would not believe but yet see taught me to judge people as individuals based on how they treat you. I am black so if I walk into your office for an interview I really have no chance of get the job?

Right now, I have to say I have problems with the Muslim worlds. This because of recent history which is embedded in my head and plays in my mind daily. Im being portrayed as a racist which I dont think is the case. I hold a grudge, that  I probably will hold a lifetime as will some others I assume. People have been murdered,people I knew because of these extremists and I have trouble looking past that and bunch them all together.
 I dont know how black or Jewish people  became part of this conversation but to answer your question, I have no problems with that at all. But in saying that, if a white,black,jewish, hell even if a martian showed up wearing a turbin-well you know what Im thinking. Thats just the way it is.

You may not realize it but what you are describing is bigotry/racism in its purest form.  Holding an entire race/religion accountable for the acts of a few is a narrow minded and hateful view. 
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

I believe that pictures was taken when Obama was visiting a muslim country and out of respect he wore the local dress. Anyway....I hope you truely don't believe all Abrabs are the same, all Black people and Jews are the same. We are all individuals. My grandmother grew during segragation in North Carolina and tells me stories you would not believe but yet see taught me to judge people as individuals based on how they treat you. I am black so if I walk into your office for an interview I really have no chance of get the job?

Right now, I have to say I have problems with the Muslim worlds. This because of recent history which is embedded in my head and plays in my mind daily. Im being portrayed as a racist which I dont think is the case. I hold a grudge, that  I probably will hold a lifetime as will some others I assume. People have been murdered,people I knew because of these extremists and I have trouble looking past that and bunch them all together.
 I dont know how black or Jewish people  became part of this conversation but to answer your question, I have no problems with that at all. But in saying that, if a white,black,jewish, hell even if a martian showed up wearing a turbin-well you know what Im thinking. Thats just the way it is.

Imagine how black people feel when they see white people then.

What we did to them in our country's history was far worse than 9/11

I cant imagine how black people feel,but some have expessed their feelings and thats fine.I dont blame them.This is America, everyone has the right to express their opinion. Im just telling  you how I feel. I wasnt around for slavery, but I had a front row seat for 9/11 and some friends are not with us anymore because of these people.

not because of arabs or muslims.  it's because of extremists.  major difference...
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 23, 2008, 11:03:08 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

I believe that pictures was taken when Obama was visiting a muslim country and out of respect he wore the local dress. Anyway....I hope you truely don't believe all Abrabs are the same, all Black people and Jews are the same. We are all individuals. My grandmother grew during segragation in North Carolina and tells me stories you would not believe but yet see taught me to judge people as individuals based on how they treat you. I am black so if I walk into your office for an interview I really have no chance of get the job?

Right now, I have to say I have problems with the Muslim worlds. This because of recent history which is embedded in my head and plays in my mind daily. Im being portrayed as a racist which I dont think is the case. I hold a grudge, that  I probably will hold a lifetime as will some others I assume. People have been murdered,people I knew because of these extremists and I have trouble looking past that and bunch them all together.
 I dont know how black or Jewish people  became part of this conversation but to answer your question, I have no problems with that at all. But in saying that, if a white,black,jewish, hell even if a martian showed up wearing a turbin-well you know what Im thinking. Thats just the way it is.

You may not realize it but what you are describing is bigotry/racism in its purest form.  Holding an entire race/religion accountable for the acts of a few is a narrow minded and hateful view. 
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

I believe that pictures was taken when Obama was visiting a muslim country and out of respect he wore the local dress. Anyway....I hope you truely don't believe all Abrabs are the same, all Black people and Jews are the same. We are all individuals. My grandmother grew during segragation in North Carolina and tells me stories you would not believe but yet see taught me to judge people as individuals based on how they treat you. I am black so if I walk into your office for an interview I really have no chance of get the job?

Right now, I have to say I have problems with the Muslim worlds. This because of recent history which is embedded in my head and plays in my mind daily. Im being portrayed as a racist which I dont think is the case. I hold a grudge, that  I probably will hold a lifetime as will some others I assume. People have been murdered,people I knew because of these extremists and I have trouble looking past that and bunch them all together.
 I dont know how black or Jewish people  became part of this conversation but to answer your question, I have no problems with that at all. But in saying that, if a white,black,jewish, hell even if a martian showed up wearing a turbin-well you know what Im thinking. Thats just the way it is.

Imagine how black people feel when they see white people then.

What we did to them in our country's history was far worse than 9/11

I cant imagine how black people feel,but some have expessed their feelings and thats fine.I dont blame them.This is America, everyone has the right to express their opinion. Im just telling  you how I feel. I wasnt around for slavery, but I had a front row seat for 9/11 and some friends are not with us anymore because of these people.

not because of arabs or muslims.  it's because of extremists.  major difference...

Right, I said this 20 posts ago. Just curious who are the extremists in the most recent terrorists attacks that changed the world?
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Randomhero423 on October 23, 2008, 11:26:19 PM
there are extremists of all kinds.

if the hijackers on the plane were black, would you then think every black person is a terrorist?
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: JohnnyJungle on October 24, 2008, 12:17:45 AM
I think what Marco said about a muslim or arab man taking photos or taking notes of some sort in the subway or of buildings would make me a bit leery too but I think thats because thats something a terrorist would possibly do and a majority of terrorists happen to be of muslim or arab descent.

I wouldn't go and punch them in the face and yell "terrorist!" but I might alert a nearby police officer and bring it to his attention to perhaps look into a situation. I believe thats being a good citizen. Thats like if I saw a man walking into a convenience store with his hat low and a puffy coat on I might avoid the store because he might be robbing the joint. I could go on an on about examples of just being perceptive and aware of your surroundings. 
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 24, 2008, 12:34:23 AM
there are extremists of all kinds.

if the hijackers on the plane were black, would you then think every black person is a terrorist?

I guess you'll just avoid the question and terrorist act which I am talking about
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: peter on October 24, 2008, 01:37:31 AM
Leaving alone the well-researched and unfounded "Barack Obama is a Muslim" line (there have been nearly 20 months of campaigning and every right winger and media outlet has tried to find dirt on Obama -if there was anything besides a school registration at a Muslim school in Jakarta, for a couple of years and long ago, it would have come out!);

and avoiding the fact that the guy the US assumes sent the Anthrax mailers was a white American (like the Unabomber);

and generally avoiding the slippery slope that we get into when we decide as a group that people who look a certain way are all threats, when most of the ones you see in Queens probably hate those a-holes and what they did as well, because they are immigrants who want to make that money like most folks who work hard to get to the US...

I don't think that any of the 9/11 killers wore turbAns.  They worked hard to look Americanized so as not to arouse suspicion.  And Sikhs (mostly Indian) wear turbans. 

I was fortunate not to lose anyone in the attacks (I know some successful evacuees, and a close friend lost someone on one of the flights) but we don't have to paint a whole people with the Threat Assessment Red brush.  Muslim extremists aren't the only threat, either from terrorism or in general.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: JohnnyJungle on October 24, 2008, 01:52:16 AM
Take a look at the unabomber and he'd raise an eyebrow of suspicion taking pictures too.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 24, 2008, 02:04:03 AM
Leaving alone the well-researched and unfounded "Barack Obama is a Muslim" line (there have been nearly 20 months of campaigning and every right winger and media outlet has tried to find dirt on Obama -if there was anything besides a school registration at a Muslim school in Jakarta, for a couple of years and long ago, it would have come out!);

and avoiding the fact that the guy the US assumes sent the Anthrax mailers was a white American (like the Unabomber);

and generally avoiding the slippery slope that we get into when we decide as a group that people who look a certain way are all threats, when most of the ones you see in Queens probably hate those a-holes and what they did as well, because they are immigrants who want to make that money like most folks who work hard to get to the US...

I don't think that any of the 9/11 killers wore turbAns.  They worked hard to look Americanized so as not to arouse suspicion.  And Sikhs (mostly Indian) wear turbans. 

I was fortunate not to lose anyone in the attacks (I know some successful evacuees, and a close friend lost someone on one of the flights) but we don't have to paint a whole people with the Threat Assessment Red brush.  Muslim extremists aren't the only threat, either from terrorism or in general.

So Peter, basically what youre saying is the terrorists didnt wear turbans because they didnt want to be noticed? Correct?
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: JohnnyJungle on October 24, 2008, 02:25:05 AM
Leaving alone the well-researched and unfounded "Barack Obama is a Muslim" line (there have been nearly 20 months of campaigning and every right winger and media outlet has tried to find dirt on Obama -if there was anything besides a school registration at a Muslim school in Jakarta, for a couple of years and long ago, it would have come out!);

and avoiding the fact that the guy the US assumes sent the Anthrax mailers was a white American (like the Unabomber);

and generally avoiding the slippery slope that we get into when we decide as a group that people who look a certain way are all threats, when most of the ones you see in Queens probably hate those a-holes and what they did as well, because they are immigrants who want to make that money like most folks who work hard to get to the US...

I don't think that any of the 9/11 killers wore turbAns.  They worked hard to look Americanized so as not to arouse suspicion.  And Sikhs (mostly Indian) wear turbans. 

I was fortunate not to lose anyone in the attacks (I know some successful evacuees, and a close friend lost someone on one of the flights) but we don't have to paint a whole people with the Threat Assessment Red brush.  Muslim extremists aren't the only threat, either from terrorism or in general.

So Peter, basically what youre saying is the terrorists didnt wear turbans because they didnt want to be noticed? Correct?

Now I think you're just stirring the pot for the sake of stirring the pot.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 24, 2008, 02:33:18 AM
Leaving alone the well-researched and unfounded "Barack Obama is a Muslim" line (there have been nearly 20 months of campaigning and every right winger and media outlet has tried to find dirt on Obama -if there was anything besides a school registration at a Muslim school in Jakarta, for a couple of years and long ago, it would have come out!);

and avoiding the fact that the guy the US assumes sent the Anthrax mailers was a white American (like the Unabomber);

and generally avoiding the slippery slope that we get into when we decide as a group that people who look a certain way are all threats, when most of the ones you see in Queens probably hate those a-holes and what they did as well, because they are immigrants who want to make that money like most folks who work hard to get to the US...

I don't think that any of the 9/11 killers wore turbAns.  They worked hard to look Americanized so as not to arouse suspicion.  And Sikhs (mostly Indian) wear turbans. 

I was fortunate not to lose anyone in the attacks (I know some successful evacuees, and a close friend lost someone on one of the flights) but we don't have to paint a whole people with the Threat Assessment Red brush.  Muslim extremists aren't the only threat, either from terrorism or in general.

So Peter, basically what youre saying is the terrorists didnt wear turbans because they didnt want to be noticed? Correct?

Now I think you're just stirring the pot for the sake of stirring the pot.

In most cases you might be right, but not in this case. Im being called a bigot all over the place here,just trying to prove a point. Here is the quote in question:
     " I don't think that any of the 9/11 killers wore turbAns.  They worked hard to look Americanized so as not to arouse suspicion."

Now why wouldnt they wear turbans? Because that would look suspicious? Why is wearing a turban suspicious? HMM
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: JohnnyJungle on October 24, 2008, 02:46:21 AM
Leaving alone the well-researched and unfounded "Barack Obama is a Muslim" line (there have been nearly 20 months of campaigning and every right winger and media outlet has tried to find dirt on Obama -if there was anything besides a school registration at a Muslim school in Jakarta, for a couple of years and long ago, it would have come out!);

and avoiding the fact that the guy the US assumes sent the Anthrax mailers was a white American (like the Unabomber);

and generally avoiding the slippery slope that we get into when we decide as a group that people who look a certain way are all threats, when most of the ones you see in Queens probably hate those a-holes and what they did as well, because they are immigrants who want to make that money like most folks who work hard to get to the US...

I don't think that any of the 9/11 killers wore turbAns.  They worked hard to look Americanized so as not to arouse suspicion.  And Sikhs (mostly Indian) wear turbans. 

I was fortunate not to lose anyone in the attacks (I know some successful evacuees, and a close friend lost someone on one of the flights) but we don't have to paint a whole people with the Threat Assessment Red brush.  Muslim extremists aren't the only threat, either from terrorism or in general.

So Peter, basically what youre saying is the terrorists didnt wear turbans because they didnt want to be noticed? Correct?

Now I think you're just stirring the pot for the sake of stirring the pot.

In most cases you might be right, but not in this case. Im being called a bigot all over the place here,just trying to prove a point. Here is the quote in question:
     " I don't think that any of the 9/11 killers wore turbAns.  They worked hard to look Americanized so as not to arouse suspicion."

Now why wouldnt they wear turbans? Because that would look suspicious? Why is wearing a turban suspicious? HMM

Because this country is filled with evil biggots like yourself lol. This thread is out of control. You do have the worst sigs by the way first all the gay-rod now this.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: peter on October 24, 2008, 08:29:24 AM
Leaving alone the well-researched and unfounded "Barack Obama is a Muslim" line (there have been nearly 20 months of campaigning and every right winger and media outlet has tried to find dirt on Obama -if there was anything besides a school registration at a Muslim school in Jakarta, for a couple of years and long ago, it would have come out!);

and avoiding the fact that the guy the US assumes sent the Anthrax mailers was a white American (like the Unabomber);

and generally avoiding the slippery slope that we get into when we decide as a group that people who look a certain way are all threats, when most of the ones you see in Queens probably hate those a-holes and what they did as well, because they are immigrants who want to make that money like most folks who work hard to get to the US...

I don't think that any of the 9/11 killers wore turbAns.  They worked hard to look Americanized so as not to arouse suspicion.  And Sikhs (mostly Indian) wear turbans. 

I was fortunate not to lose anyone in the attacks (I know some successful evacuees, and a close friend lost someone on one of the flights) but we don't have to paint a whole people with the Threat Assessment Red brush.  Muslim extremists aren't the only threat, either from terrorism or in general.

So Peter, basically what youre saying is the terrorists didnt wear turbans because they didnt want to be noticed? Correct?

Now I think you're just stirring the pot for the sake of stirring the pot.

In most cases you might be right, but not in this case. Im being called a bigot all over the place here,just trying to prove a point. Here is the quote in question:
     " I don't think that any of the 9/11 killers wore turbAns.  They worked hard to look Americanized so as not to arouse suspicion."

Now why wouldnt they wear turbans? Because that would look suspicious? Why is wearing a turban suspicious? HMM

Actually, what JJ said.  I'm not even calling you a bigot, though, not going to get into name-calling.  I understand how people can get angry.  But there are millions of Muslims (maybe billions) and millions of Arabs, and a few thousand extremists.  And Obama is none of the above.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 24, 2008, 08:44:19 AM
Leaving alone the well-researched and unfounded "Barack Obama is a Muslim" line (there have been nearly 20 months of campaigning and every right winger and media outlet has tried to find dirt on Obama -if there was anything besides a school registration at a Muslim school in Jakarta, for a couple of years and long ago, it would have come out!);

and avoiding the fact that the guy the US assumes sent the Anthrax mailers was a white American (like the Unabomber);

and generally avoiding the slippery slope that we get into when we decide as a group that people who look a certain way are all threats, when most of the ones you see in Queens probably hate those a-holes and what they did as well, because they are immigrants who want to make that money like most folks who work hard to get to the US...

I don't think that any of the 9/11 killers wore turbAns.  They worked hard to look Americanized so as not to arouse suspicion.  And Sikhs (mostly Indian) wear turbans. 

I was fortunate not to lose anyone in the attacks (I know some successful evacuees, and a close friend lost someone on one of the flights) but we don't have to paint a whole people with the Threat Assessment Red brush.  Muslim extremists aren't the only threat, either from terrorism or in general.

So Peter, basically what youre saying is the terrorists didnt wear turbans because they didnt want to be noticed? Correct?

Now I think you're just stirring the pot for the sake of stirring the pot.

In most cases you might be right, but not in this case. Im being called a bigot all over the place here,just trying to prove a point. Here is the quote in question:
     " I don't think that any of the 9/11 killers wore turbAns.  They worked hard to look Americanized so as not to arouse suspicion."

Now why wouldnt they wear turbans? Because that would look suspicious? Why is wearing a turban suspicious? HMM

Actually, what JJ said.  I'm not even calling you a bigot, though, not going to get into name-calling.  I understand how people can get angry.  But there are millions of Muslims (maybe billions) and millions of Arabs, and a few thousand extremists.  And Obama is none of the above.

I didnt mean to single you out, I was only using part of your post to prove a point. Half of this thread isnt about Obama, its about Muslim extremists and how people with turbans are sterotyped or not streotyped.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: yankcranker on October 24, 2008, 02:19:02 PM
NO thanks, Muslims,Arabs arent one of my favorites right now. They have shown their hatred towards Americans too many times that now I only have that image of them and I hold a grudge for my own reasons. My signature pic was taken a couple of years ago, do you think Obama would dress in a turbin now during an election?

I believe that pictures was taken when Obama was visiting a muslim country and out of respect he wore the local dress. Anyway....I hope you truely don't believe all Abrabs are the same, all Black people and Jews are the same. We are all individuals. My grandmother grew during segragation in North Carolina and tells me stories you would not believe but yet see taught me to judge people as individuals based on how they treat you. I am black so if I walk into your office for an interview I really have no chance of get the job?

Right now, I have to say I have problems with the Muslim worlds. This because of recent history which is embedded in my head and plays in my mind daily. Im being portrayed as a racist which I dont think is the case. I hold a grudge, that  I probably will hold a lifetime as will some others I assume. People have been murdered,people I knew because of these extremists and I have trouble looking past that and bunch them all together.
 I dont know how black or Jewish people  became part of this conversation but to answer your question, I have no problems with that at all. But in saying that, if a white,black,jewish, hell even if a martian showed up wearing a turbin-well you know what Im thinking. Thats just the way it is.

You may not realize it but what you are describing is bigotry/racism in its purest form.  Holding an entire race/religion accountable for the acts of a few is a narrow minded and hateful view. 

Like I said, call it what you want-I dont care either way. It is what it is and Im being honest.   And BTW, you said in earlier post you wouldnt send your kids to IONA College because of what I say or think-thats kinda narrow minded as well. Ya know-lumping all those Iona people in the same category as me.

That was a joke.  But you are being serious.
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: JohnnyJungle on October 25, 2008, 05:26:06 PM
How about the world series promo....thoughts?


Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Marco Baldi on October 25, 2008, 05:31:51 PM
How about the world series promo....thoughts?


Geez Politicians can ruin anything
Title: Re: Barack Osama?
Post by: Choz4Life on October 25, 2008, 07:17:56 PM
I know many righteous and God-fearin Muslim brother and sisters.
And ya'll best realize this statement come from a brother who loves Jesus. 

Peace out!