This was the first installment of the ESPN series, "The Season". Followed Coach Mike Jarvis and the St Johns Red Storm in 2002. Takeaways...
1] Wow. What an a rear of a donkey. Calling out Donald Emanuel in the locker room, " I am the last person to give a shit how you end up in life."; Eric King, maybe it was the editing, but that poor kid.
2] Game plan was get out of Hatten's way, let him do what he has to do. Needed a comeback, a steal, the big shot...Hatten was the man.
3] Junior Jarvi telling the team after a big loss; you guys didnt want it enough. Imagine having to take crap from Junior Whopper Jarvis?
4] Focused on Jarvis; Emanuel; Hatten; Bangura; Glover,.
King and Cuffe. Mentions to Tristan Smith, Curtis Johnson career game v ND, Willie Shaw. Cameo by Abe Keita.
Its on Youtube, worth the watch