Sarah Palin

  • 85 replies
Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2008, 05:11:30 PM »
All these great things about obama, however not one post about his relationship with a known domestic terrorist william ayers. And a great point that Rudy brought up was the PATHETIC response by obama in regards to the problem in Georgia. How in the world do people feel comfortable with this guy.

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2008, 05:21:16 PM »
I just watched that video....Don't go overboard there Sarah....yea thanks....thanks
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2008, 08:27:29 AM »
All these great things about obama, however not one post about his relationship with a known domestic terrorist william ayers. And a great point that Rudy brought up was the PATHETIC response by obama in regards to the problem in Georgia. How in the world do people feel comfortable with this guy.
i see no posts about mccain being backed by his wife's mob money.  she refuses to open her income tax to the public the way kerry's wife was badgered by conservatives into doing.  mccain's campaign is backed by mob money.

i see no posts about the affairs the married mccain had...including the one he had with his current wife/mistress at the time that devastated the woman who waited for him for five and a half years while he was a pow.

i see no posts about the senate censuring the immoral mccain for his role as a member of the keating five where he took care of his banking friends at taxpayer expense.

i see too many posts about mccain's heroism.  give it a rest.  he "confessed" to being a war criminal and called ho chi minh a great leader.  yes, he was tortured and i'm man enough to admit i might have "confessed" sooner than he did.  but every time i opened my mouth, i wouldn't be telling you i'm a war hero. 

two things here.  conservatives had no problem making admiral stockdale look like a fool when he ran with perot...this is the same admiral stockdale to took extra torture on himself so his fellow pows could be spared.  he won the congressional medal of honor.  that was a disgrace by the right wingers who found their unique way to swiftboat one of america's greatest heros.  mccain is no admiral stockdale.

second, mccain should have spoken out more forcefully against torture in abu graib and guantanamo bay.  torture is immoral and america should never be on the side of immorality.  again, it's mccain first and morality second.

speaking about morality can anyone bring up rudy's name knowing what an amoral person he is. 

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2008, 10:27:05 PM »
how about the fact that Obama is one of the dirtiest politicians around...

1)when he was elected to Illinois state senate he effectively eliminated the competition before it started...
In his first race for office, seeking a state Senate seat on Chicago's gritty South Side in 1996, Obama effectively used election rules to eliminate his Democratic competition.

As a community organizer, he had helped register thousands of voters. But when it came time to run for office, he employed Chicago rules to invalidate the voting petition signatures of three of his challengers.

The move denied each of them, including incumbent Alice Palmer, a longtime Chicago activist, a place on the ballot. It cleared the way for Obama to run unopposed on the Democratic ticket in a heavily Democrat district.

"That was Chicago politics," said John Kass, a veteran Chicago Tribune columnist. "Knock out your opposition, challenge their petitions, destroy your enemy, right? It is how Barack Obama destroyed his enemies back in 1996 that conflicts with his message today. He may have gotten his start registering thousands of voters. But in that first race, he made sure voters had just one choice."

Obama's challenge was perfectly legal, said Jay Stewart of the Chicago's Better Government Association. Although records of the challenges are no longer on file for review with the election board, Stewart said Obama is not the only politician to resort to petition challenges to eliminate the competition.

"He came from Chicago politics," Stewart said. "Politics ain't beanbag, as they say in Chicago. You play with your elbows up, and you're pretty tough and ruthless when you have to be. Sen. Obama felt that's what was necessary at the time, that's what he did. Does it fit in with the rhetoric now? Perhaps not."

2) when he was elected to US Senate...he dispatched his menacing mob and was able to get divorce records released on his opponent Jack Ryan.  It was revealed that Ryan had asked his exwife to have sex in public.  His opponent was forced to drop out from the embarassment. 

"What would take place, rather, is a brutal, scorched-earth campaign--the kind of campaign that has turned off so many voters, the kind of politics I refuse to play," Ryan said.

3) Primary for President...He refused to let the votes of the people of Florida and Michigan count.

Whatever happened to every vote should count?

And I like Obama...I voted for him for US Senate when I lived in Illinois.  I just don't think he's ready for president.  He's a man that made sure his record was a blank slate when he ran for president.  Hardly a man that would bring legitimate change to Washington.

He's obviously a brilliant guy and knows how to inspire while reading from a teleprompter.  And it truly has been great watching an African American have a legit shot at the presidency.  Shows how far our country has come.

But I would love if someone would ask Obama one single question.  What is your biggest accomplishment?  Name one thing that you have accomplished in your life that would convince the American people that you could bring change to Washington.

It kills me that Palin has gotten more questions in 1 week about her experience than Obama has in 2 years.  Either Mccain is an idiot for picking Palin or he's a genius because it will get everyone asking about Obama's experience...which Obama admitted his best experience was his campaign.  How could your campaign be the experience that qualifies you for the position you're campaigning for?

When you're a kid from New York and you do it in New York, that lasts forever!

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2008, 10:34:52 PM »
i see no posts about mccain being backed by his wife's mob money.  she refuses to open her income tax to the public the way kerry's wife was badgered by conservatives into doing.  mccain's campaign is backed by mob money.

i see no posts about the affairs the married mccain had...including the one he had with his current wife/mistress at the time that devastated the woman who waited for him for five and a half years while he was a pow.

i see no posts about the senate censuring the immoral mccain for his role as a member of the keating five where he took care of his banking friends at taxpayer expense.

i see too many posts about mccain's heroism.  give it a rest.  he "confessed" to being a war criminal and called ho chi minh a great leader.  yes, he was tortured and i'm man enough to admit i might have "confessed" sooner than he did.  but every time i opened my mouth, i wouldn't be telling you i'm a war hero. 

two things here.  conservatives had no problem making admiral stockdale look like a fool when he ran with perot...this is the same admiral stockdale to took extra torture on himself so his fellow pows could be spared.  he won the congressional medal of honor.  that was a disgrace by the right wingers who found their unique way to swiftboat one of america's greatest heros.  mccain is no admiral stockdale.

second, mccain should have spoken out more forcefully against torture in abu graib and guantanamo bay.  torture is immoral and america should never be on the side of immorality.  again, it's mccain first and morality second.

speaking about morality can anyone bring up rudy's name knowing what an amoral person he is. 

Mob money?  c'mon!  Obama is ahead no reason to get desparate.

Affairs?  Clinton still managed to be a good president(other than depleting our armed forces)

Keating five?  He did nothing wrong...he was thrown into the investigation by the Democrats to try and say it was both parties involved.

War criminal?  That is possibly the biggest cheap shot I've read in a while.  You should be ashamed of yourself.

Stockdale?  See Obama's tactics in my above post.  Democrats play dirty politics just as much as the Republicans do.

Mccain did speak out quite forcefully against torture.  He's kind of an expert on the subject.

Should be a fun race...its been a long time since I've actually liked both candidates.  Usually I don't even like one.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 10:35:18 PM by jumpinjohnny »
When you're a kid from New York and you do it in New York, that lasts forever!


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Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2008, 11:00:38 PM »
Now, Obama's been getting questions about his record/ accomplishments for years.  Without that line of questioning, he'd have 10% more of the vote and this wouldn't even be a race.

Chicago politics are mad dirty though; I worked in and around politics and policy in NY and when I moved to Chicago, I chose to stay away from that buzzsaw.  NY political folks who moved here warned me... or are moving back to NY.  Not saying Obama is dirty relative to other politicians (Palin's beginning in politics left a trail of rancor, for sure), but Chicago has a long dirty tradition.  Would have liked Obama, btw, to have found a way to take over the Governor's mansion.  Then he'd be a shoo-in for high office (if he can make Illinois a little less dirty than a sewer).

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2008, 11:08:18 PM »
I like when we have political discussion here at johnny jungle everyone brings their A game.
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2008, 11:20:26 PM »
Now, Obama's been getting questions about his record/ accomplishments for years.  Without that line of questioning, he'd have 10% more of the vote and this wouldn't even be a race.

Chicago politics are mad dirty though; I worked in and around politics and policy in NY and when I moved to Chicago, I chose to stay away from that buzzsaw.  NY political folks who moved here warned me... or are moving back to NY.  Not saying Obama is dirty relative to other politicians (Palin's beginning in politics left a trail of rancor, for sure), but Chicago has a long dirty tradition.  Would have liked Obama, btw, to have found a way to take over the Governor's mansion.  Then he'd be a shoo-in for high office (if he can make Illinois a little less dirty than a sewer).

You definitely can't get dirtier politics than in Chicago. 

I think if he had some years in the governors office or another term or 2 in the US Senate it definitely wouldn't be a race.
When you're a kid from New York and you do it in New York, that lasts forever!

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #28 on: September 06, 2008, 09:24:25 AM »
i see no posts about mccain being backed by his wife's mob money.  she refuses to open her income tax to the public the way kerry's wife was badgered by conservatives into doing.  mccain's campaign is backed by mob money.

i see no posts about the affairs the married mccain had...including the one he had with his current wife/mistress at the time that devastated the woman who waited for him for five and a half years while he was a pow.

i see no posts about the senate censuring the immoral mccain for his role as a member of the keating five where he took care of his banking friends at taxpayer expense.

i see too many posts about mccain's heroism.  give it a rest.  he "confessed" to being a war criminal and called ho chi minh a great leader.  yes, he was tortured and i'm man enough to admit i might have "confessed" sooner than he did.  but every time i opened my mouth, i wouldn't be telling you i'm a war hero. 

two things here.  conservatives had no problem making admiral stockdale look like a fool when he ran with perot...this is the same admiral stockdale to took extra torture on himself so his fellow pows could be spared.  he won the congressional medal of honor.  that was a disgrace by the right wingers who found their unique way to swiftboat one of america's greatest heros.  mccain is no admiral stockdale.

second, mccain should have spoken out more forcefully against torture in abu graib and guantanamo bay.  torture is immoral and america should never be on the side of immorality.  again, it's mccain first and morality second.

speaking about morality can anyone bring up rudy's name knowing what an amoral person he is. 

Mob money?  c'mon!  Obama is ahead no reason to get desparate.

Affairs?  Clinton still managed to be a good president(other than depleting our armed forces)

Keating five?  He did nothing wrong...he was thrown into the investigation by the Democrats to try and say it was both parties involved.

War criminal?  That is possibly the biggest cheap shot I've read in a while.  You should be ashamed of yourself.

Stockdale?  See Obama's tactics in my above post.  Democrats play dirty politics just as much as the Republicans do.

Mccain did speak out quite forcefully against torture.  He's kind of an expert on the subject.

Should be a fun race...its been a long time since I've actually liked both candidates.  Usually I don't even like one.
mob money??? google it.  it's going to come out sooner or later.  maybe cindy should open her books.  the republicans badgered kerry's wife to open hers.

affairs???it was a clinton negative.  the president is supposed to provide moral leadership.  the republicans took advantage when they used it in an attempt to overturn the vote of the american public.  depleted military?  what do we have now?  we're no longer a superpower thanks to president bush/cheney's criminal adventures.   

keating five?  if he did nothing wrong, he wouldn't have been censured.  the scandal took place in his state.  yes, democrats were involved.  a large number of them are also crooks.

war criminal?  those are mccain's words describing mine.  you should be ashamed for not knowing that.

stockdale?  i'll address the so-called "dirty politics" in another thread.  war heroes should be treated with respect.  republicans have a habit of honoring veterans in speeches then doing otherwise when they come home.  it's unconcionable to treat a medal of honor winner the way stockdale was treated.  kerry's service was also dishonored.  now mccain is posing as the biggest hero of the vietnam war.  yes, he's a hero...but he's a hero who stood silent when his vietnam veteran friends were being degraded by members of his party. 

mccain wasn't nearly as forceful as he could have been on the torture issue. that's shameful in its own right.


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Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #29 on: September 06, 2008, 09:34:20 AM »
we're no longer a superpower thanks to president bush/cheney's criminal adventures.  

God knows everyone entitled to their own opinion but that is just ridiculous statement...

I love all the Democrats  take shots at Bush...    history is going to judge this man...  and when people look back they are going to see that he has done a tremedous job as President..    especially considering everything he has had to deal with...

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #30 on: September 06, 2008, 09:44:56 AM »
how about the fact that Obama is one of the dirtiest politicians around...

1)when he was elected to Illinois state senate he effectively eliminated the competition before it started...
In his first race for office, seeking a state Senate seat on Chicago's gritty South Side in 1996, Obama effectively used election rules to eliminate his Democratic competition.

As a community organizer, he had helped register thousands of voters. But when it came time to run for office, he employed Chicago rules to invalidate the voting petition signatures of three of his challengers.

The move denied each of them, including incumbent Alice Palmer, a longtime Chicago activist, a place on the ballot. It cleared the way for Obama to run unopposed on the Democratic ticket in a heavily Democrat district.

"That was Chicago politics," said John Kass, a veteran Chicago Tribune columnist. "Knock out your opposition, challenge their petitions, destroy your enemy, right? It is how Barack Obama destroyed his enemies back in 1996 that conflicts with his message today. He may have gotten his start registering thousands of voters. But in that first race, he made sure voters had just one choice."

Obama's challenge was perfectly legal, said Jay Stewart of the Chicago's Better Government Association. Although records of the challenges are no longer on file for review with the election board, Stewart said Obama is not the only politician to resort to petition challenges to eliminate the competition.

"He came from Chicago politics," Stewart said. "Politics ain't beanbag, as they say in Chicago. You play with your elbows up, and you're pretty tough and ruthless when you have to be. Sen. Obama felt that's what was necessary at the time, that's what he did. Does it fit in with the rhetoric now? Perhaps not."

2) when he was elected to US Senate...he dispatched his menacing mob and was able to get divorce records released on his opponent Jack Ryan.  It was revealed that Ryan had asked his exwife to have sex in public.  His opponent was forced to drop out from the embarassment. 

"What would take place, rather, is a brutal, scorched-earth campaign--the kind of campaign that has turned off so many voters, the kind of politics I refuse to play," Ryan said.

3) Primary for President...He refused to let the votes of the people of Florida and Michigan count.

Whatever happened to every vote should count?

And I like Obama...I voted for him for US Senate when I lived in Illinois.  I just don't think he's ready for president.  He's a man that made sure his record was a blank slate when he ran for president.  Hardly a man that would bring legitimate change to Washington.

He's obviously a brilliant guy and knows how to inspire while reading from a teleprompter.  And it truly has been great watching an African American have a legit shot at the presidency.  Shows how far our country has come.

But I would love if someone would ask Obama one single question.  What is your biggest accomplishment?  Name one thing that you have accomplished in your life that would convince the American people that you could bring change to Washington.

It kills me that Palin has gotten more questions in 1 week about her experience than Obama has in 2 years.  Either Mccain is an idiot for picking Palin or he's a genius because it will get everyone asking about Obama's experience...which Obama admitted his best experience was his campaign.  How could your campaign be the experience that qualifies you for the position you're campaigning for?

when he was elected to Illinois state senate he effectively eliminated the competition before it started..

what does going through petitions to eliminate ineligible voters have to do with dirty politics?  i've covered elections for more years than i can remember.  i have never seen even one where nominating petitions aren't gone through tooth and nail.  that's the way it's done..even down to the school board level.

don't quote john kass of the chicago tribune.  he's a right wing conservative columnist at a right wing newspaper whose mission these days is to spread false rumors about obama.  he does a great job doing just that.

b]2) when he was elected to US Senate...he dispatched his menacing mob and was able to get divorce records released on his opponent Jack Ryan.  It was revealed that Ryan had asked his exwife to have sex in public.  His opponent was forced to drop out from the embarassment.  [/b]

he dispatched his menacing mob?  who wrote that???bulldog drummond???  divorce records are a matter of public record.  you can walk into any city or county clerk's office and read about your neighbor's messy divorce.  to report on the moral fiber of a candidate or lack of same is a public service.  ryan didn't drop out from the embarassment...he was an embarassment.  

b]3) Primary for President...He refused to let the votes of the people of Florida and Michigan count.[/b]

this was agreed upon before the primaries...because the states in question moved up those votes after the democratic party told them not to.  the republicans halved the number of florida delegates to punish that state for doing the same.  when hillary won, she wanted the decision changed.  is it fair to change the rules in the middle of the game?  you tell me.

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #31 on: September 06, 2008, 09:53:56 AM »
we're no longer a superpower thanks to president bush/cheney's criminal adventures.  

God knows everyone entitled to their own opinion but that is just ridiculous statement...

I love all the Democrats  take shots at Bush...    history is going to judge this man...  and when people look back they are going to see that he has done a tremedous job as President..    especially considering everything he has had to deal with...

so what happens when the russians invade georgia?  more trash talk, no action.  the french are dispatched to get both sides together.

what happens when iran says it wants nuclear weapons?  trash talk, no action.  our troops are spread way too thin to do anything about it.  i'm sure washington is hoping the israelis bomb the plants.

the war in afghanistan is going badly and there isn't much we can do about it except talk trash because our troops are spread too thin.

we're certainly not an economic superpower anymore.  the dollar is a joke.  an arab country owns the chrysler building.  japan owns a big chunk of hawaii...and i think they still own rockefeller center.  i'm too lazy to look it up.

history may or may not judge bush favorably...but god makes his own judgements.

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #32 on: September 06, 2008, 09:55:22 AM »

not good at that either.
i'd give her a break here.  my first tapes weren't much better.  it's why we start out in small markets.

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #33 on: September 06, 2008, 11:52:09 AM »
mob money??? google it.  it's going to come out sooner or later.  maybe cindy should open her books.  the republicans badgered kerry's wife to open hers.

It doesn't make say you don't like smear campaigns yet you do nothing but smear.  And like I said the fact that McCain's father in law had ties with the mob has nothing to do with this race...nothing.

Just like the fact that Obama launched his political career from Mr. Ayers' (a left wing radical terrorist) apartment has nothing to do with this race.  Other than to let people know that Obama IS a typical politician who will befriend the people who will enable him to further his power.

affairs???it was a clinton negative.  the president is supposed to provide moral leadership.  the republicans took advantage when they used it in an attempt to overturn the vote of the american public.  depleted military?  what do we have now?  we're no longer a superpower thanks to president bush/cheney's criminal adventures. 
Yes it was a negative and he embarassed the country and the Republicans took it and ran with it and embarassed our country even more by trying to impeach him...And if you don't think Clinton depleted military...then there is no way we can debate anything because you have blinders on.   

keating five?  if he did nothing wrong, he wouldn't have been censured.  the scandal took place in his state.  yes, democrats were involved.  a large number of them are also crooks.

You're reaching...he was collateral damage because he associated with the group.  He was not part of the criminal activity.

war criminal?  those are mccain's words describing mine.  you should be ashamed for not knowing that.

He never said that!!  And its pretty pathetic that you would throw this stuff around.

On 60 minutes he said he signed a confession he was a war criminal while in a Vietnamese prison.  Again pretty say veterans should be treated with respect but you continue to smear McCain.

mccain wasn't nearly as forceful as he could have been on the torture issue. that's shameful in its own right.
Not as forceful as he should have been?...I'm thinking anything short of torturing Bush/Cheney would not have been enough for you.
When you're a kid from New York and you do it in New York, that lasts forever!

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #34 on: September 06, 2008, 11:53:50 AM »
so what happens when the russians invade georgia?  more trash talk, no action.  the french are dispatched to get both sides together.

what happens when iran says it wants nuclear weapons?  trash talk, no action.  our troops are spread way too thin to do anything about it.  i'm sure washington is hoping the israelis bomb the plants.

the war in afghanistan is going badly and there isn't much we can do about it except talk trash because our troops are spread too thin.

we're certainly not an economic superpower anymore.  the dollar is a joke.  an arab country owns the chrysler building.  japan owns a big chunk of hawaii...and i think they still own rockefeller center.  i'm too lazy to look it up.

history may or may not judge bush favorably...but god makes his own judgements.
Bush has plenty of negatives...but you really have to stop reading those left wing'll live a much happier life!
When you're a kid from New York and you do it in New York, that lasts forever!

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #35 on: September 06, 2008, 12:25:17 PM »
"when people look back they are going to see that he has done a tremedous job as President.. "

Support McCain or Obama.. come down on one side of the issues or another - we all have opinions... but to look at the last 8 years and say "when people look back they are going to see that he has done a tremedous job as President.. " is hysterically funny and profoundly sad. As someone once said, "you can fool some of the people all of the time..."

 I don't think I have seen or heard a more ignorant, out-of-touch, delusional statement in the last 50 years....


Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #36 on: September 06, 2008, 12:25:40 PM »
but you won't be living in reality.

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #37 on: September 06, 2008, 12:33:23 PM »
so what happens when the russians invade georgia?  more trash talk, no action.  the french are dispatched to get both sides together.

what happens when iran says it wants nuclear weapons?  trash talk, no action.  our troops are spread way too thin to do anything about it.  i'm sure washington is hoping the israelis bomb the plants.

the war in afghanistan is going badly and there isn't much we can do about it except talk trash because our troops are spread too thin.

we're certainly not an economic superpower anymore.  the dollar is a joke.  an arab country owns the chrysler building.  japan owns a big chunk of hawaii...and i think they still own rockefeller center.  i'm too lazy to look it up.

history may or may not judge bush favorably...but god makes his own judgements.
Bush has plenty of negatives...but you really have to stop reading those left wing'll live a much happier life!
i don't read left wing blogs.  i write them.


Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #38 on: September 06, 2008, 01:02:12 PM »

Re: Sarah Palin
« Reply #39 on: September 06, 2008, 01:05:58 PM »
mccain famously said "it's all about fu-king spin".  you call it smear campaigns.  i'll agree with mccain and call it spin.  you read the spin one way...others read it another.  that's how you get the poorest, least educated americans with the highest percentage without health care voting republican.  of course, i'm talking about the solid south.  the republicans showed in black and what what they think of these americans by their actions after katrina.  still, louisiana and mississippi will vote contest.  spin.  
mccain is running for president on his father in law's mob it does have something to do with the campaign.  as far as in the world would obama's association with him help?

you may say i have blinders on re: clinton's depleted military...but we beat serbia with one friendly fire casualty in 1999...and he left bush with enough of a military that we went through afghanistan after 9/11 like sh-t through a goose.  we initially did the same in iraq.  unfortunately, bush fired the generals who proposed a "surge" at the beginning of the war to eliminate the fence sitters...and he had no exit plan.  you want to blame clinton for bush's failures and you say i'm wearing blinders?

you're misinformed if you think mccain was totally clean in the keating five case.

you say mccain never called himself a war criminal..then you point to a 60 minutes program where says he signed a confession that he was a war criminal.  am i missing something?

i don't think bush or cheney should be tortured.  i believe torture is un-american...or at least it should be.  i do think they should be tried in a legitimate international court as war criminals.