Not to start some beef, but Marillac, I take some issue with your last statement. Affirmative Action and Black History Month are causes of racism? Please explain. People get into schools for all kinds of reasons - legacy, money, grades + achievements, achievements + an ability to sell themselves, excellent former schools, even minor royalty. A school can choose to look for a more diverse student body, vs. a bunch of grads from Choate and Exeter, if they so choose. Some schools genuinely claim it as part of the collegiate experience. And don't those people supposedly harmed by Affirmative Action... still get jobs? I don't know, I have no statistics on that; I could be wrong.
Though in fact, one recent study shows a bias against "black-sounding names" in job apps: It's not a perfect counter to "affirmative action gets black people jobs," but consider that perhaps fears about affirmative action are overstated.
Not to say that race-based "point" measures used by some schools don't need to be revamped - if there is an issue with inequality and young people of comparable quality getting in to school, I'd say the issue would be economic/ income-based, and any efforts to elevate the level of folks' education has to start from elementary school.
And everyone has a History Month. Is sexism a larger problem because of Women's History Month? There's even an Irish-American Heritage Month.