I wanted to beef up the recruiting page because its kind of weak right now. I don't really tell you too much about the guys and I link everyone to rivals or scout. People say redmen.com is good because of their recruiting page which is great but I'd like to be even better.
-We will have individual player pages giving in depth bios as well as providing links on write ups or any news on the players for the easy access to quick navigation to get any and all news
-We will be having write ups on High School games in the NYC area including player interviews of guys on St. John's radar and some guys that should be giving you exclusive insight on where they stand in the recruiting process. In addition to the player interviews we will also be speaking to the high school coaches getting their opinions on their players as well as their thoughts on the big east and st. john's.
The first featured game will be Half Hallows West vs. All Hallows 1/21/08 (Mon at 11:30) where we will be interviewing St. John's 2010 recruit of interest Tobias Harris and coach of Half Hallows West.
So let me know of thoughts on this new recruiting page. If you have something you would like on there or if you would like to help...speak up!