Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa - TEXAS TECH

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Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #60 on: April 30, 2011, 09:29:37 PM »
There are valuable big man who put up 2 and 2. Boxing out, defending and creating an intimidating presence in the middle should be enough here. We need a defender. Not a scorer. We have 7 scorers coming in. We usually get one per class. And it's been that way for decades.

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #61 on: April 30, 2011, 09:39:56 PM »
I'm told Soumaoro's possible recruitment is not reflective of any of the other incoming 9 recruits.  They fully expect all 9 to enroll and qualify.

Also his recruitment will not stop their continued pursuit of 2012 targets including KA and RG.  So the staff is aware of the schollie situation and they know what they are doing.  Keep in mind, Sean Miller and Arizona among others are still technically over the limit for 2011-12 season.  All I can say is they'll be room if it is needed.

Last thing is they like this kid's upside.  They have been tracking him for a few months and think they may get a steal with this kid.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2011, 09:41:53 PM by fordham96 »

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #62 on: April 30, 2011, 09:47:36 PM »

Don't really understand this but I trust Lavin's judgment.

Iona's on this kid too?

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #63 on: April 30, 2011, 11:25:13 PM »
If I might take a minute to answer a few things in this thread: First for Dave indeed I did post on Redmen dot com that I liked him. What I liked is that the two high end skills he has are rebounding and running for a center. He really goes after the ball and on a team (the city rocks) where guards dominated the ball, he didn't worry about getting shots. He ran hard, rebounded finished around the rim. He impacted every game I watched him play in a positive way. He clearly has some limitations (experience,back to basket moves and shooting) but he's a diligent rebounder and defender, and my guess is that the staff likes that. Since they've met him they found as I did that despite a short stay in this country there are no language issues that could hinder instructing him, he is in fact a kid who plays extremely hard but smiles. He'll be great in the locker room. I for one think it makes perfect sense to recruit both Daoudo behind God's Gift because it means a freshman will be behind a junior at center. Balancing the roster has to begin somewhere and if both players arrive on campus next season and everyone stays the roster will have two juniors (Stith and GG) two sophs (Lindsay and Polee) and the remaining eight freshman. While that's far from perfect it's better than what could've been projected at the start of this season. Also, at the position that GG and Daoudo share you have a juco backed up by a bright athletic freshman who can be developed by a fine coaching staff. I'm not suggesting he'll be a star by any means but he fits the puzzle, is physically ready to compete for rebounds and is coachable. Lastly to try and answer TIS question about how a kid playing high school ball on Long Island ends up with the City Rocks it's likely that Erick Jacklitsh (sp) a guy who's close to the OSNA program and other LI players had something to do with it. Other OSNA players (including recent U of Albany commit Gerardo Suero) have played for Jim Hart and the City Rocks Also Tobias Harris of Tennessee LuHi and HH West played for Jim, who's a very good guy.


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Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #64 on: April 30, 2011, 11:34:32 PM »
I don't care what anyone says to the contrary, I think Stith is a goner, and I'll stick with that until I see him listed on the roster next fall. Soumaoro or some other tall guy will be the 11th man next year.

I also think ties with Thomas will be severed if we bring in Anderson in 2012.

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #65 on: April 30, 2011, 11:40:28 PM »
I don't care what anyone says to the contrary, I think Stith is a goner, and I'll stick with that until I see him listed on the roster next fall. Soumaoro or some other tall guy will be the 11th man next year.

I also think ties with Thomas will be severed if we bring in Anderson in 2012.

I've long thought your former and somewhat is starting to believe your latter.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2011, 11:42:22 PM by mjdinkins »

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #66 on: May 01, 2011, 12:18:09 AM »
so if he does take up the last scholarship and noone leaves and we cant sign anyoneelse is he really worth it? when we could get either gathers or anderson?

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #67 on: May 01, 2011, 12:44:05 AM »
so if he does take up the last scholarship and noone leaves and we cant sign anyoneelse is he really worth it? when we could get either gathers or anderson?

If noone leaves and we can get either of those guys, someone will be forced to leave.  We are a big time program now, stuff like this happens all the time.  Look at Arizona.  But when you have potentially 9 freshmen, a JUCO, a junior and a sophomore, most of whom have similar skill sets and big egos, you are bound to get an unhappy player or two.  You think on senior day in 2015 we will see all 9 of these kids honored?  Not a chance.  If this kid has skills then we should sign him.  You can never have enough good big men.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 12:46:27 AM by STJ11Redmen »

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #68 on: May 01, 2011, 12:46:36 AM »
so if he does take up the last scholarship and noone leaves and we cant sign anyoneelse is he really worth it? when we could get either gathers or anderson?

Go to the 2nd post on this page and fordham explains it.  I also believe something is up, in reference to LJSA's post, as well.

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #69 on: May 01, 2011, 01:19:53 AM »
so if he does take up the last scholarship and noone leaves and we cant sign anyoneelse is he really worth it? when we could get either gathers or anderson?

Go to the 2nd post on this page and fordham explains it.  I also believe something is up, in reference to LJSA's post, as well.
ooo ok cool

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #70 on: May 01, 2011, 01:42:27 AM »
To date what Steve Lavin has done what he said.He now speak of Stith in the future of his team. Thomas  the 2012 scholarship holder presently hold nothing and has had academic problems in the past.For some reason I believe that Soumaoro  is a young high school senior 17 or 18 not 19, which mean you can expect greater improvement and a great possibilty of additonal growth both in height ans skill.

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #71 on: May 01, 2011, 03:17:41 AM »
Don't worry people, the likelihood that all 10 recruits and the 2 returners stay is slim to none.  We will have room for everyone we want.  When you bring in this many people, a few will be destined to be upset with their playing time or something like that and leave.  If not there are always ways to make room for superior talents.  I have no problem offering another big man.

Very True, but usually players sign during the early signing period.  I know Anderson stated he wants to commit before his HS season and Gathers said he plans on signing in November.  I dont see us freeing up those ships in time unless Stith leaves, Jevon preps and becomes a 2013 recruit, or someone doesnt academically qualify.  And if Soumaoro commits, two of those will have to happen to make room (if we'd be so lucky).

Also, i may be mistaken but earlier in the the thread it stated that Soumaoro may move to 2013. 

THat being said, Lavin can do what he wants with who he offers.  After the last 10 years we've had and to see what he's accomplished in a year, he has an unlimited grace period with me. 
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 03:32:12 AM by B-Squared »


Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #72 on: May 01, 2011, 03:54:53 AM »
I'm told Soumaoro's possible recruitment is not reflective of any of the other incoming 9 recruits.  They fully expect all 9 to enroll and qualify.

Also his recruitment will not stop their continued pursuit of 2012 targets including KA and RG.  So the staff is aware of the schollie situation and they know what they are doing.  Keep in mind, Sean Miller and Arizona among others are still technically over the limit for 2011-12 season.  All I can say is they'll be room if it is needed.

Last thing is they like this kid's upside.  They have been tracking him for a few months and think they may get a steal with this kid.

Then, there are three options: Stith (or Polee) will transfer , Thomas won´t play in 2012-13 or some of the newcomers will be a walk-on.

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #73 on: May 01, 2011, 05:41:23 AM »
If I might take a minute to answer a few things in this thread: First for Dave indeed I did post on Redmen dot com that I liked him. What I liked is that the two high end skills he has are rebounding and running for a center. He really goes after the ball and on a team (the city rocks) where guards dominated the ball, he didn't worry about getting shots. He ran hard, rebounded finished around the rim. He impacted every game I watched him play in a positive way. He clearly has some limitations (experience,back to basket moves and shooting) but he's a diligent rebounder and defender, and my guess is that the staff likes that. Since they've met him they found as I did that despite a short stay in this country there are no language issues that could hinder instructing him, he is in fact a kid who plays extremely hard but smiles. He'll be great in the locker room. I for one think it makes perfect sense to recruit both Daoudo behind God's Gift because it means a freshman will be behind a junior at center. Balancing the roster has to begin somewhere and if both players arrive on campus next season and everyone stays the roster will have two juniors (Stith and GG) two sophs (Lindsay and Polee) and the remaining eight freshman. While that's far from perfect it's better than what could've been projected at the start of this season. Also, at the position that GG and Daoudo share you have a juco backed up by a bright athletic freshman who can be developed by a fine coaching staff. I'm not suggesting he'll be a star by any means but he fits the puzzle, is physically ready to compete for rebounds and is coachable. Lastly to try and answer TIS question about how a kid playing high school ball on Long Island ends up with the City Rocks it's likely that Erick Jacklitsh (sp) a guy who's close to the OSNA program and other LI players had something to do with it. Other OSNA players (including recent U of Albany commit Gerardo Suero) have played for Jim Hart and the City Rocks Also Tobias Harris of Tennessee LuHi and HH West played for Jim, who's a very good guy.

Thanks John for answering  the Rocks question I had.
Fire Mullin.

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #74 on: May 01, 2011, 10:56:30 AM »
I'm not sure if this is allowed but could we have Amir Garrett take a baseball ship next year to free one up? Anyone know if Coach Lavin could do this? On the subject of offering this kid, anything the coach and staff decide to do is great in my opinion. They have more than exceeded anything we could have hoped for.

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #75 on: May 01, 2011, 11:31:21 AM »
I'm not sure if this is allowed but could we have Amir Garrett take a baseball ship next year to free one up? Anyone know if Coach Lavin could do this? On the subject of offering this kid, anything the coach and staff decide to do is great in my opinion. They have more than exceeded anything we could have hoped for.

No...two sport football and basketball players cannot take scholarships from other sports.  They always count as football or basketball scholarships.  I'm not sure what happens if the player plays both football and basketball.  The reason being is because college bowling and chess teams would be stocked with a lot of Point Guards and Running Backs.
When you're a kid from New York and you do it in New York, that lasts forever!

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #76 on: May 01, 2011, 12:28:39 PM »
I don't care what anyone says to the contrary, I think Stith is a goner, and I'll stick with that until I see him listed on the roster next fall. Soumaoro or some other tall guy will be the 11th man next year.

I also think ties with Thomas will be severed if we bring in Anderson in 2012.

No way Jevon is cut loose. Kid is going to be special. Kyle won't play the point in college.


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Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #77 on: May 01, 2011, 12:43:57 PM »
I'm gonna throw the conspiracy theory out there again.  Ala Mike Perez and Dwight Meikle.  Garner some attention for Soumaroro and maybe some other big schools sweep in.  No shock its an OSNA player and teammate of Jevon so maybe its helping out?  Otherwise we over extend and the ships clean themselves up next year ala Arizona.
Remember who broke the Slice news


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Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #78 on: May 01, 2011, 01:09:22 PM »
I'm gonna throw the conspiracy theory out there again.  Ala Mike Perez and Dwight Meikle.  Garner some attention for Soumaroro and maybe some other big schools sweep in.  No shock its an OSNA player and teammate of Jevon so maybe its helping out?  Otherwise we over extend and the ships clean themselves up next year ala Arizona.

I like the way you think Moose.  I didn't think of that possibility.

Re: Daouda Soumaoro - C - OSNA - Mali, Africa
« Reply #79 on: May 01, 2011, 01:57:25 PM »
Don't worry people, the likelihood that all 10 recruits and the 2 returners stay is slim to none.  We will have room for everyone we want.  When you bring in this many people, a few will be destined to be upset with their playing time or something like that and leave.  If not there are always ways to make room for superior talents.  I have no problem offering another big man.

Very True, but usually players sign during the early signing period.  I know Anderson stated he wants to commit before his HS season and Gathers said he plans on signing in November.  I dont see us freeing up those ships in time unless Stith leaves, Jevon preps and becomes a 2013 recruit, or someone doesnt academically qualify.  And if Soumaoro commits, two of those will have to happen to make room (if we'd be so lucky).

Also, i may be mistaken but earlier in the the thread it stated that Soumaoro may move to 2013. 

THat being said, Lavin can do what he wants with who he offers.  After the last 10 years we've had and to see what he's accomplished in a year, he has an unlimited grace period with me. 

Can't we offer scholarships and have guys sign even if we don't have available scholarships yet?