Does anyone know if the NCAA has given a definitive outline of what each player NEEDs to accomplish be ok'd by the clearinghouse?
Obviously, simply taking and passing classes, getting good grades, isn't in itself sufficient (as we learned this summer).
And if it's not just grades, does that mean even after they complete whatever work can be completed during the coming semester, that it's still up to a Clearinghouse review rather than a completed set of requirements (as it is for just about every other schools recruits)? And does that mean that a Clearinghouse review could conceivaably take longer than just the end of fall classes (and passing grades) for any of our kids to be okayed?
Sorry for the negative tone, just really paranoid when it comes to the NCAA Clearinghouse. (And I start Chemo in the morning, so my moods are tad bi-polar this weekend anyway)....