Redmen 010, I agree. They are allowed to treat it like a commuter school. That's what it is. However, if they don't want to support the team, give the tickets to those who do. There will be fans of this program if it wins. That's the nature of sports in a pro town.
As far as older fans not cheering enough or making enough noise, I find that be pretty funny. It's more like how would you know the older fans aren't as into the game if you never go to the games?
Also, much has been said about students going to games and being reprimanded by alumni hall and msg security. I could understand that's hard to swallow. However. Consider that if you established some consistency you might be shown some respect. As it stands now, when you finally show up for those 3-4 games, it appears as if you're only here to incite a riot.
So, if I had my vote, this is your last chance. Show up, and show up consistently, or you lose the proviledge. Frankly, I can't understand why else anyone would bother attending this school to begin with. But maybe some of you actually like Jamaica. And if it's that's true, there really isn't anything to discuss.