St. John's to keep coach Norm Roberts

  • 31 replies
Re: St. John's to keep coach Norm Roberts
« Reply #20 on: February 29, 2008, 03:01:11 PM »
the problem was a 5 year contract, why so freckin long? what is the normal contract length for coaches?


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Re: St. John's to keep coach Norm Roberts
« Reply #21 on: February 29, 2008, 03:05:42 PM »
This is ridiculous !  Does the administration really have no clue ?  I would like to know if they actually believe half the bullshit that comes out of their mouth.  Once again the adminstration has put a band-aid on a bullet wound.  Norm better get his nose in a coaching book and sign the best recruit possible at this point in the game.

Re: St. John's to keep coach Norm Roberts
« Reply #22 on: February 29, 2008, 03:07:19 PM »
i doubt any one transfers

I don't think anyone will either.
When you're a kid from New York and you do it in New York, that lasts forever!

Re: St. John's to keep coach Norm Roberts
« Reply #23 on: February 29, 2008, 03:10:01 PM »
i wanna give a little perspective on this: with sju keeping norm, if he doesnt get an extension its almost as if hes being set up to fail next year recruiting wise.  he will not have a contract on no-one in his right mind would come here if norm isnt under contract for more than 1 year.  if sju REALLY has confidence in norm, its almost as if they have to extend him.  i stick to my belief that this staff has not done a good job and shouldn't be given next season, but this is really setting norm up to fail.  i can tell you that there is currently a recruit that wants to come to st johns but doesnt know if norm will be there or not.  saying that he'll be there next year doesn't do too much to solve the whole trust and recruiting problem.  if they really do keep him without extending him theyre really botching this (altho i think theyre botching this by keeping him next year). 

I think thats why they included in the press release the fact that Monasch will meet with Roberts after the season to work on an extension.  But I bet the buyout will be minimal.  Some paper said it was only $100,000 to $200,000 so even with the extension he's got one year left to show improvement or he's done.
When you're a kid from New York and you do it in New York, that lasts forever!


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Re: St. John's to keep coach Norm Roberts
« Reply #24 on: February 29, 2008, 03:14:00 PM »
i wanna give a little perspective on this: with sju keeping norm, if he doesnt get an extension its almost as if hes being set up to fail next year recruiting wise.  he will not have a contract on no-one in his right mind would come here if norm isnt under contract for more than 1 year.  if sju REALLY has confidence in norm, its almost as if they have to extend him.  i stick to my belief that this staff has not done a good job and shouldn't be given next season, but this is really setting norm up to fail.  i can tell you that there is currently a recruit that wants to come to st johns but doesnt know if norm will be there or not.  saying that he'll be there next year doesn't do too much to solve the whole trust and recruiting problem.  if they really do keep him without extending him theyre really botching this (altho i think theyre botching this by keeping him next year). 

Theo is that recruit Kilpatrick ? 

Re: St. John's to keep coach Norm Roberts
« Reply #25 on: February 29, 2008, 04:28:45 PM »
I'm not a norm supporter, but like it or not, we will all still support (non-monetary at least) SJU bb. Everyone on this board will still watch games next year. Its that simple, life goes on and we will have to deal with the administrations decision.


Re: St. John's to keep coach Norm Roberts
« Reply #26 on: February 29, 2008, 04:29:55 PM »
this is terrible news.  absolutely terrible.  extremely disappointed.  i'm pissed. 

Re: St. John's to keep coach Norm Roberts
« Reply #27 on: February 29, 2008, 05:52:15 PM »
god when will this end...i feel like the kid in the hockey episode of south park: "no hope...[flatlines]" that is I have no hope and this program has officially flatlined. what reason have they possibly thought of to think he is good for the program. we have nobody signed for next season that is pathetic. and we never ever win. and worse than that there is no reasonable expectation of winning. when we played villanova i was honestly so numb to have pathetic we've become that I barely noticed we only had 13 at the half. at that game, someone threw up in the aisle behind me leading to someone falling in it and causing what felt like an earthquake minutes later. and that wasn't the saddest sight of the game. i honestly find it hard to care about them these days which is really sad for me. i've been watching them play since i was two years old and i never imagined the team being so insanely awful that i passed the point of anger over a month ago and now i'm essentially indifferent. keep in mind I am a freshman who as I mentioned had a prior rooting interest for the team and appreciation of college basketball in general. if I don't care anymore I doubt a lot of other people do. I never imagined a scenario that I gave up on this team but it finally came and its name was Norm Roberts. And no one else (admin.) seems to care.

The saddest thing of all is that St. John's central is flooded with emails this week about free tickets. It's headlined twice on the front page. I hate that they tell me how great the tradition is in the email when there is clearly no intention of upholding it. I have serious doubts we could get a bid in a low major conference with any team Norm assembled. I'm sure he's a great guy and I'm glad their grades are all better (though evans is in my history class and he hasn't been there in weeks lol) but I'm also sure there's another great guy who cares about his kids succeeding that can actually coach and recruit. And if there isn't why are we pouring money into the program. It isn't making any money at this point (not that I have statistics to prove that but look at the garden lol) so what possible reason is there to continue down this path of not mediocrity but irrelevance.

Re: St. John's to keep coach Norm Roberts
« Reply #28 on: February 29, 2008, 06:25:36 PM »
where all this free ticket stuff you speak of? I don't see any of it can you fwd it to my email address
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Re: St. John's to keep coach Norm Roberts
« Reply #29 on: February 29, 2008, 11:31:45 PM »
its obvious this university does not care about a fielding a winning basketball team and is content being the doormat of the big east for years to come. the downward spiral continues
We Not Me

Re: St. John's to keep coach Norm Roberts
« Reply #30 on: March 01, 2008, 08:25:13 AM »
Norm is a nice guy but.............
We stink and will continue to stink. He is a lousy game coach. The kids do not improve.
Wow as a season ticket holder, I am so disappointed.
We will continue to have attendance numbers of 3,500 for our MSG home games and 2,000 for CA. I can't understand how the administration can allow this to continue in NYC of all places. The program is dead. Only the die-hard's like us care. Why in God's name would a recruit want to come here? The kid is looking at 1.a lousy staff 2.CA is an old home arena 3.An empty MSG with no life 4.We don't win....Jeez
This is horrible.

Re: St. John's to keep coach Norm Roberts
« Reply #31 on: March 01, 2008, 09:57:11 AM »
Well i guess i was wrong also, sad day in our beloved hoops history. I now know what has to be done we must look to leave the big east conf. How are expected to compete with national powers year in and year out. SJU should look to enter the A10, which would give us some hope to be competitive every few years. This is the official end of us being any type of player on the national hoop scene.Let face we have'nt mattered in over 20 yrs, sure we had a moment or two since but our best memory for fans who are still in their 30-40's is a final four app. not even a championship. WE NO LONGER MATTER, schools like butler and gonzaga now are dream programs compared to our sorry state.