My email to Chris

  • 3 replies


My email to Chris
« on: April 03, 2008, 05:02:45 PM »
I've sent a few emails to him, which were actually very polite and understanding, but after reading about Brown today, knowing it would never happen even though if they offered him he would come here, i'm a little upset...every email i sent to him up to this one was actually well written, intelligent and considerate...i think this broke the streak lol...well here it is:

Ive written to you a few times concerning the basketball program and you've never gotten back to me,  but i understand a man with your job is busy.  However hoping that you at least read your emails, ill say this.  I just read an article on Larry Brown and how he desperately wants to coach again, either pro's or college, he doesnt care which and I thought, oh, this would be a perfect opportunity for St Johns to wrap up a legit coach and turn around the program, but considering the past decisions all im really doing is dreaming.  Even though if you hired Larry Brown you would be praised by every media outlet in the country, would have the support, and not to mention, financial support of the alumni, I have a feeling you won't do it, especially after telling Norm he's comming back for another year. I dont know how many more years you think you will have a job in atheltics if you let opportunities like this continue to pass.  Congratulations on cleaning up the program, not the horrid record, historic blowouts, and making me embarissed every time i mention I'm a st johns fan.


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Re: My email to Chris
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2008, 05:51:56 PM »
SJD dont hold your breathe on a response.  I have sent several emails and know countless others who have also and not one response.  I dont blame the guy what is he gonna say in response to your above email ?  I am not sure on the hierarchy within the University but I have a feeling Monasch isnt the one making the decisions about the program and the people who are you would have a better chance of getting a response email from the Pope.


Re: My email to Chris
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2008, 04:25:41 PM »
ha i know i know...i thought maybe bc he was AD when my sisters played softball he might remember them and grant me a response but oh sure he reads the first line of our emails and deletes them...and yea i was gonna say to him, maybe your not really callin the shots but your the AD, you cant let this go on...your an AD at a university that has no football team...your priorities should be basketball, and then soccer and baseball in that order...what i meant to stress there towards the end was, if this program doesnt rebound, your gonna end up having a pretty crappy resume considering the moves the school is making are against what the alumni and media wants to be done...although im sure he'll use the excuse that he had no real say, harrington called the just mad that theres almost a seemingly endless supply of solutions to this programs problems, almost like every year God is saying, here you can make things better, take this gift, and every year harrington spits in his face, or her face ;)...larry brown wants to coach again, even at the college level, might even be a better deal than having calapari or pitino be here, but they wont spend 10 seconds thinking about it, let alone offering him

Re: My email to Chris
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2008, 04:59:21 PM »
SJD dont hold your breathe on a response.  I have sent several emails and know countless others who have also and not one response.  I dont blame the guy what is he gonna say in response to your above email ?  I am not sure on the hierarchy within the University but I have a feeling Monasch isnt the one making the decisions about the program and the people who are you would have a better chance of getting a response email from the Pope.
He has more pressing issues like negotiating "knitted hat night" with Allstate for a game next season against Mercer and hitting the tanning beds three times per week.

According to the latest Sears Cup Rankings (a means by which most ADs are judged), his athletic department is currently tied with New Mexico for 70th place.