Harrison suspended rest of the year

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Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #480 on: April 18, 2013, 03:43:22 AM »
Shaving's important in basketball.

He has an acting career ahead of him on the next A Team movie

Yeah, but D'Lo's still in college.   Remember the AZ State freshman? 


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Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #481 on: April 18, 2013, 07:59:27 AM »
Point is that you were the one that was suggesting it was the reason he was suspended.  No mystery here.  Don't know why you're trying to deny it?  It's exactly what you were doing.

I'll have to deny that I said that Harrison was suspended for not shaving. To the contrary. It was I who originally noted that Harrison was quoted as saying that he was suspended for "nothing more than being late to the team bus and not shaving on game days." Which I later paraphrased as "so he didn't shave on game days .... and he stared off into the stands ... and then later missed the bus."  I said shaving was a reason - which it was - not the reason, which it wasn't. Not a subtle distinction and yet it seems to have flown over your head.

I'm not sure why you'd want to lie about what I said. (Unless you're still upset that I said Steve was going to divorce you for having a hairy back? For the record I'm sorry I caused you a moment's consternation.) I can only assume that because my boot so often ends up lodged in your colon when you attempt to engage me with your mindless BB commentary that you've developed some sort of personal animus towards me. If so, the feeling isn't mutual. In fact, I don't care whether you live or die: the only reason I kick you is that you continually present your red ass to me like an estrous mandrill and it would be rude not to notice. Just because I wasn't raised in a zoo doesn't mean that I've never been to the monkey house.


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Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #482 on: April 18, 2013, 08:36:24 AM »
Point is that you were the one that was suggesting it was the reason he was suspended.  No mystery here.  Don't know why you're trying to deny it?  It's exactly what you were doing.

I'll have to deny that I said that Harrison was suspended for not shaving. To the contrary. It was I who originally noted that Harrison was quoted as saying that he was suspended for "nothing more than being late to the team bus and not shaving on game days." Which I later paraphrased as "so he didn't shave on game days .... and he stared off into the stands ... and then later missed the bus."  I said shaving was a reason - which it was - not the reason, which it wasn't. Not a subtle distinction and yet it seems to have flown over your head.

I'm not sure why you'd want to lie about what I said. (Unless you're still upset that I said Steve was going to divorce you for having a hairy back? For the record I'm sorry I caused you a moment's consternation.) I can only assume that because my boot so often ends up lodged in your colon when you attempt to engage me with your mindless BB commentary that you've developed some sort of personal animus towards me. If so, the feeling isn't mutual. In fact, I don't care whether you live or die: the only reason I kick you is that you continually present your red ass to me like an estrous mandrill and it would be rude not to notice. Just because I wasn't raised in a zoo doesn't mean that I've never been to the monkey house.

A little defensive, no?


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Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #483 on: April 18, 2013, 08:54:52 AM »
A little defensive, no?

Physician's assistant heal thyself. I'm merely (a) correcting your lies or (b) teaching you to read.

Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #484 on: April 18, 2013, 11:25:12 AM »
Why is everyone attacking Foad? He was just quoting what Harrison was quoted as saying in the Post story. Is Harrison diminishing the story? Maybe. But it is pretty funny to me that most of you assume Harrison would be lying and not a college basketball coach , which is about one step up from a used car salesman.


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Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #485 on: April 18, 2013, 11:31:31 AM »
I don't think the staff is at all at fault in the Harrison situation. Love the kid a lot. However we see what goes on while he is on court during games. What happens is a closed gym? Dee was handed the keys to the program and he messed up. I believe Choz' analogy that it was a bunch of misdemeanors. Give the kid a boot in the ass now and hopefully it serves him in the long run. I truly want him to go out as a 2K scorer at St Johns and someone the NCAA tourney announcers talk of glowingly like the Trey Burke's and McDermott;s of the world.   


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Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #486 on: April 18, 2013, 01:06:03 PM »
Point is that you were the one that was suggesting it was the reason he was suspended.  No mystery here.  Don't know why you're trying to deny it?  It's exactly what you were doing.

I'll have to deny that I said that Harrison was suspended for not shaving.
You are correct that you didn't "say" that was the reason.  But that is not what you have been accused of doing. You were accused of "suggesting" that was the reason which you seemingly and conveniently failed to address. So let's recap shall we…..

"Harrison was vague about what happened but resolute it would never happen again, revealing nothing more than being late to the team bus and not shaving on game days."
Notice the bold lettering? Seems to be an emphasis on only one part of the quote, curious to say the least.

Wow, not shaving sounds serious. I guess Lavin had no choice.
No mention of being late to the team bus, is that not serious enough? It was serious enough for Harrison to mention it. Could it be Lavin had no choice once Harrison missed the team bus? It's possible, not according to that quote however. That quote says Lavin had no choice to suspend Harrison for not shaving.

If this is true it means that Harrison is lying to the media and Lavin, who knows Harrison is lying to the media, is more okay with that than he is with Harrison not shaving on game day. He gets suspended for something bad, and when asked about it says ah it was no big deal, I didn't shave - and that qualifies as the sort of personal growth and maturation that justifies reinstatement.

Actually, when asked about it Harrison said that he was late to the team bus as well, yet that was conveniently left out and only the fact that he didn't shave was mentioned. See a trend? 

Do some of you actually believe his suspension is because he didn't shave?

That's one theory. Another is that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Base on your response, your answer to the question I posed is….. yes.

I'm not speculating. Harrison says he was suspended for among other things not shaving. I am taking him at his word. Here is presented evidence that Lavin takes shaving seriously.
Harrison didn't say other "things"; he said one other "thing" being late to the team bus, which you conveniently omitted yet again.

Your focus on the shaving gave the appearance or suggested that Harrison not shaving may not have been the only reason, but the main reason. Maybe I was reading too much into it but that is what is seemed like.   
« Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 01:23:36 PM by STJFAN »

Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #487 on: April 18, 2013, 01:40:18 PM »
Maybe he was late for the bus becuase he was shaving? If he has an electric razor perhaps from now on he could shave on the bus. That would take care of all of his and Lavin's problems.


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Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #488 on: April 18, 2013, 01:42:31 PM »
 Amazed no one else on the team had issues with the shaving rule.  Seems like such a hard one to follow.

 Glad he's coming back.  Still at 99% he's gone, WASJU?


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Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #489 on: April 18, 2013, 01:51:47 PM »
Amazed no one else on the team had issues with the shaving rule.  Seems like such a hard one to follow.

 Glad he's coming back.  Still at 99% he's gone, WASJU?

Why can Rico have a goatee then?
Remember who broke the Slice news


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Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #490 on: April 18, 2013, 02:00:10 PM »
Amazed no one else on the team had issues with the shaving rule.  Seems like such a hard one to follow.

 Glad he's coming back.  Still at 99% he's gone, WASJU?

Why can Rico have a goatee then?

 The goatee was grandfathered in...


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Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #491 on: April 18, 2013, 02:10:10 PM »
Point is that you were the one that was suggesting it was the reason he was suspended.  No mystery here.  Don't know why you're trying to deny it?  It's exactly what you were doing.

I'll have to deny that I said that Harrison was suspended for not shaving.
You are correct that you didn't "say" that was the reason.  But that is not what you have been accused of doing. You were accused of "suggesting" that was the reason which you seemingly and conveniently failed to address. So let's recap shall we…..

Zzzzz. I don't care what you think I'm suggesting. I addressed what I wanted to address and failed to address what I didn't care to address. Do you go to Chinese restaurants and assume because they don't have lasagna they deny the existence of pasta? Because that's what you're doing here.

I quoted him as mentioning two things. If he'd said that "bananas, apples, and oranges are fruits" and I had quoted that and gone on to post about only bananas, that is not a denial that there is such a thing as apples or that they are a type of fruit. It is rather a discussion of bananas.

"Harrison was vague about what happened but resolute it would never happen again, revealing nothing more than being late to the team bus and not shaving on game days."
Notice the bold lettering? Seems to be an emphasis on only one part of the quote, curious to say the least.

Right, I highlighted the part of the quote I meant to address. You might find that curious, I do not.

Wow, not shaving sounds serious. I guess Lavin had no choice.
No mention of being late to the team bus, is that not serious enough? It was serious enough for Harrison to mention it. Could it be Lavin had no choice once Harrison missed the team bus? It's possible, not according to that quote however. That quote says Lavin had no choice to suspend Harrison for not shaving.

This is argumentum e silentio. Thus are your conclusions fail.

And no, being late to the team bus is not serious enough. You don't suspend someone for the season for over sleeping. That's absurd.

If this is true it means that Harrison is lying to the media and Lavin, who knows Harrison is lying to the media, is more okay with that than he is with Harrison not shaving on game day. He gets suspended for something bad, and when asked about it says ah it was no big deal, I didn't shave - and that qualifies as the sort of personal growth and maturation that justifies reinstatement.

Actually, when asked about it Harrison said that he was late to the team bus as well, yet that was conveniently left out and only the fact that he didn't shave was mentioned. See a trend? 

Yes, I see a trend. I meant to mock the idea that he was suspended for the rest of the season for not shaving, among other minor infractions, and did so. I suggest that if you are fascinated by the fact that he missed the bus - old news - then you should write an essay about it. That I don't isn't a denial that it happened.

Do some of you actually believe his suspension is because he didn't shave?

That's one theory. Another is that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Base on your response, your answer to the question I posed is….. yes.

My response was no. Based on my response of no, my answer is ... no, first because no is what I actually said, and second that's what Harrison actually said.

I'm not speculating. Harrison says he was suspended for among other things not shaving. I am taking him at his word. Here is presented evidence that Lavin takes shaving seriously.
Harrison didn't say other "things"; he said one other "thing" being late to the team bus, which you conveniently omitted yet again.

Your focus on the shaving gave the appearance or suggested that Harrison not shaving may not have been the only reason, but the main reason.

I said other things because I didn't want to use the phrase "inter alia" which is latin for among other things, and you were having so much trouble with English that I didn't want to confuse you further. Not to mention that "among other thing" makes no sense. That there are other things plural is inferrable, since he was "vague" and "would reveal nothing more" than two listed things - that means there was more to reveal, he just didn't. Moreover that I said "things" plural puts the lie to your insistence that I said he was suspended for one thing singular. See also petard, hoisted on your own.

Maybe I was reading too much into it but that is what is seemed like.

You are reading too much into it and I don't care what it seemed like. I'm not responsible for your inability to read and parse simple English sentences.


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Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #492 on: April 18, 2013, 02:48:28 PM »
Your a funny guy. Whatever, like I said, glad your on board. 

Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #493 on: April 18, 2013, 03:22:14 PM »
I can't believe this discussion is still going!


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Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #494 on: April 18, 2013, 03:45:19 PM »
Rumor has it that there is a new addition to staff--a barber so that when the trainer is taping ankles, the player will also get a straight edge shave.


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Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #495 on: April 19, 2013, 09:05:12 AM »
Rumor has it that there is a new addition to staff--a barber so that when the trainer is taping ankles, the player will also get a straight edge shave.

They say bad things come in threes: if the Wiggins barbershop incident is one and the Harrison shaving scandal is two something unpleasant is lurking on the horizon.

There are candidates for the third man - the Lobalbo / Keady toupee disasters and the point shaving that occurred under Lapchick - but none seems particularly on point. The obvious next shoe to drop is Sampson: some Phillistine trollop shaves his head and he loses his jump shot. Other suspects include David Lipscomb-over and Felix Bala-mousse.

Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #496 on: May 15, 2013, 02:23:37 PM »
this doesn't sound like someone who's coming back.  this is his GF. they both left to Houston today:

"Of all the people I met over the past 2 years, I'm only gonna miss 4 people."

"Airport. See ya later NY ✌"

Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #497 on: May 15, 2013, 02:36:59 PM »

Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #498 on: May 15, 2013, 02:38:54 PM »
His GF not returning might be a good thing (I've heard rumors).  Hopefully, he comes back.


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Re: Harrison suspended rest of the year
« Reply #499 on: May 15, 2013, 02:45:01 PM »
Girlfriend quotes/ tweets.   We've reached a new low.