My Ruminations on SJ's FT shooting - revisiting Rick Barry

  • 8 replies
My Ruminations on SJ's FT shooting - revisiting Rick Barry
« on: March 27, 2014, 06:07:20 PM »
If there's any one facet of a player's skill set that can simultaneously baffle and infuriate a basketball fan, it's the free throw.

I've had more than a few comments on the board this past month or so wondering why just one head coach or staff as a whole doesn't have the wherewithal to install a mandatory underhanded FT training program to increase the (especially) poor free throw shooting players' percentages as a means of helping the team.

Given the competitive nature of sports, it dismays me to watch free points being squandered away with every poorly shot FT in a game. 

For all of coach's sayings, etc., I want him to be "the guy" when it comes to getting out of the box (paint - hah) and improving an area where we were 69.9% for the year (178th nationally, 6th in conference).  we did improve from 64% (317/15th) from 2012-2013, but at a minimum I want to see the 65% and below FT shooters putting the time in the gym to prop themselves, and our team, over the 75% mark as a goal.

It's not just me that's been wondering.  Sports on Earth (SoE) just did a piece on Rick Barry and the underhand Free Throw.  Dads/Moms - you'll be touched by Barry's comments about his sons at the 15 minute mark. 

In addition, as a very young bballer in Barry's era, I can recall reading/hearing about Barry's arrogance and selfishness due to his bolting to the ABA.  However, it did not stop me from practicing underhanded FT shooting in the yard, despite the fact I would continually win team FT contests every year at around 70% in grammar school while shooting from the shoulder area.  It's a fascinating topic to me in light of all these competitive coaches not encouraging a more efficient technique for FTs.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 06:16:49 PM by bball purist »

Re: My Ruminations on SJ's FT shooting - revisiting Rick Barry
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2014, 06:53:45 PM »
Heard they are instituting just such programs in all the urban areas in the US. Heard it is being very well received in many disadvantaged hoods where they view it as a very macho way to play basketball and can earn them much respect. Also heard the image of an underhanded free throw shooter has become the new No. 1 tattoo request by inner city youth.

Re: My Ruminations on SJ's FT shooting - revisiting Rick Barry
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2014, 09:46:00 PM »
Heard they are instituting just such programs in all the urban areas in the US. Heard it is being very well received in many disadvantaged hoods where they view it as a very macho way to play basketball and can earn them much respect. Also heard the image of an underhanded free throw shooter has become the new No. 1 tattoo request by inner city youth.
Exactly why it has earned derision even when Barry started doing it.  I'm not sure if that image will ever be shed.  I expected a joke like yours because that is what is in the back of my mind whenever the topic comes up.  The funny part of the video is when ex Terp Steve Blake, himself a 80+% career FT shooter, makes FT after FT underhanded when they film him. His teammates don't fare as well.  I hope a tipping point somehow will occur in the future instead of players like Shaq being immature macho du basses regarding the "style."
« Last Edit: March 28, 2014, 07:42:48 AM by bball purist »

Re: My Ruminations on SJ's FT shooting - revisiting Rick Barry
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2014, 02:36:21 AM »
Glad you took my post with humor. We live in a world of style over substance and you can bet almost all players rather shoot 50% conventional style rather than 85% underhanded-who cares if it cost us the game, did you see my dunk! Same goes on in football. Both even on the pro level.

Re: My Ruminations on SJ's FT shooting - revisiting Rick Barry
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2014, 05:43:36 AM »
Shaq is an ass with an over- inflated sense of self.

Re: My Ruminations on SJ's FT shooting - revisiting Rick Barry
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2014, 12:20:30 PM »
If it wasn't about style guys wouldn't be trying to break the rim on dunks, taking mid-range jumpers and taking 2 handed set shots.  I used to play against this guy who shot like that and he would light it up.

As for Shaq he might be the Birdman of Alcatraz

Birdman Birdman!!!


Re: My Ruminations on SJ's FT shooting - revisiting Rick Barry
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2014, 12:31:40 PM »
I remember Wilt Chamberlain taking free throws underhand.  I don't know if that changed his percentage since I can't remember the year he switched.


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Re: My Ruminations on SJ's FT shooting - revisiting Rick Barry
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2014, 01:19:55 PM »
I'd like to see evidence that it substantially improves a player's shooting %.   But aside from that I would be all for it. 
Substance over style always.   Coaches who think otherwise are just obstinate. 

Good luck getting any of our guys to do it though.   They all think they're auditioning for the NBA, and that would be percieved as a weakness by NBA gms. 

Re: My Ruminations on SJ's FT shooting - revisiting Rick Barry
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2014, 01:42:11 PM »
I remember Wilt Chamberlain taking free throws underhand.  I don't know if that changed his percentage since I can't remember the year he switched.
I looked on bball, and Wilt was all over the map in FT% over his career.  He actually was a higher overall FT% his 1st four seasons than any other stretch of his career. It ranged from 61% to 38%!