Here are some numbers. Play along at home and guess what they represent:
Are they...
a) Dress sizes of Mrs. A's sisters Adriana, Angelina, Francesca, Maria and Theresa?
b) Byer's figures of the entries in today's third race at Aqueduct?
c) Blood alcohol level's of popular poster Doc at various points of a typical St. John's telecast?
d) Carmineabbatiello's gross earned income for tax years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014?
e) Positions on the all-time St. John's University scoring list for in order players Avery "Single game 3 pt record holder" Patterson; Anthony "Junior" Mason; Elijah "Cell phone camera" Ingram, Andre "Long commute" Stanley ; and Phil "Don't call me circle" Greene IV.
Answer to be provided on the same date that the Malik Sealy bobbleheads are made available.
*Some numbers appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real numbers, living or dead, is purely coincidental.