I knew it.
In the last post you write "your entire argument is non sense". Now 1 post later you admit having no idea what my argument is. I may not be the best poster ever but you quite possibly could be the worst.
I have no idea what your point is. Or what you think you are proving. I don’t believe that you believe everything that you have posted. I don’t believe that you are a unaware as you make out to be just so Chris mullin can save some face.
I don’t understand your entire argument because, U DONT HAVE ONE.
I remember freshman year philosophy class. The professor talked about the point for about 3 weeks. You would have loved that class. It was basically non sense like your posts. 20-59 is never changing.
You cut off my post again, what did you see at games? If you answer that honestly that goes against everything you have posted before.
Since Marillac conceded the fact that your boy kind of sucked. You have softened and called the hero a novice.
In my school both 1st year teachers are having tough times. That’s what happens to novice teachers. Most likely both will be given a second chance. Improvement will definitely be expected if they want a 3rd chance. They work plenty hard. They will have to work harder. They will have to make changes.
We don’t know exactly what would have happened if Mullin got his another contract. I bet my life St. Jean would still be coaching. I bet Mitch would still be here. I bet another coach would still be a 100 percent in charge of recruiting. I know we would be in last place. As bad as this season (it hasn’t been that bad) has been, the rebuild has started.
I don’t know why you still want to discuss this. Mullin is still relevant because of the shitty job he did. Transfer U is why we are in 9th place. If you don’t agree with that you are lying to yourself. This roster doesn’t have enough big east players.