Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ - UCLA

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Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1020 on: August 25, 2011, 10:09:22 PM »
Not many over at Seton Hall
480 over at Hoyatalk
Does Florida even have a basketball forum?
And crgreen seems to be the only one excited about KA over at Bruinzone. Those guys are ridiculous.

You think that Florida doesn't have enough fans? We can't sell out an arena that's seats 5000 people.

Where did I say that, or anything remotely close?

I said do they even have a basketball forum? Serious question. They don't even have a sole-basketball section on rivals, All I see is football posted on their scout forums, and the first google search for a private sports site shows like 3 posts in the past 10 days, and an 8:1 ratio of football:basketball posts.

Maybe I'm missing somewhere.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1021 on: August 25, 2011, 10:16:19 PM »
I am not a fan of Zags and never have been and do not trust his information. Has nothing to do with this recruitment. Never has, probably never will. You can dismiss me for that fact, but that's how I feel about him and I know lots of people who feel that way. He covers the NYC area and plays to his audience. I do not believe he has a different source I think he was just parroting Jerry or his source was. Again I get why you would dismiss my opinion and think me  :idiot2: I get that and don't mind.

The posting of Telep's response was pointing out New information on Kyle that hadn't posted here yet. I was accused of not posting information that wasn't positive for Georgetown. I say so what? And pointed out something that hadn't been posted here yet and was not 100% pro St. John's as a joke. Hence the smiley face.

My point was Jerry's article does not have quotes that say UCLA and St. John's lead he stated it and that is his opinion. It's not really different from Telep. Telep is obviously hearing things from multiple sources as well. He just points out that various sources are saying various things. You dismissing Telep's comments is no different than other fans dismissing things that don't jive with their outlook.

Florida's 247 board has posted a lot of stuff from their mods about how good of a position Florida is in. I don't see many people anywhere outside that board discussing their comments and sources.

I guess I don't get what the big deal is about fans cherry picking information?  Why is that an issue? Why do you care? It doesn't hurt anyone. Fans like to focus on the positives.

As long as all 5 are on the list still getting visits still getting 2 more visits (1 on campus; 1 in home) based on the latest articles. So despite the various sources that are saying different things everyone still has a shot. If fan bases choose to focus on the positive rather than the negative that is their prerogative. Most of the news out there is positive about St. John's. I admit St. John's appears very well situated. So it's hard to know how St. John's fans would react and if they'd post every bit of negative news here.

Telep's info on yesterday wasn't exactly new.  Seriously, he practically said the same thing verbatim back in July.  Actually, I posted a link to Telep's blog on Anderson in July, but it's a premier (pay) blog.   So, I can't dig it up.  LOL   

We talk about everything under the sun on here, whether it's positive or negative.  Even moreso, when it's relating to St. John's men's basketball.  We had gotten used to talking about the doom and gloom over the past several years, so many folks had gotten accustomed to it.  Lately, it's been pretty positive, but we can mix it up on here, nonetheless. 

It's not about someone caring or focusing on the positive rather than the negative.  No need to attempt to fancify the situation.  It boils down to dismissing info or not believing it when it doesn't fit your agenda, but believing it when it does.  You see how that works?

Secondly, I know why you don't care for Zags.  It's all good, dude!  We know why you dismissed it....  No offense, but it fits your agenda. 
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 11:04:53 PM by mjdinkins »


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Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1022 on: August 25, 2011, 10:16:58 PM »
He's right. They really have no BBall message boards for Florida.


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Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1023 on: August 25, 2011, 11:58:42 PM »
Not many over at Seton Hall
480 over at Hoyatalk
Does Florida even have a basketball forum?
And crgreen seems to be the only one excited about KA over at Bruinzone. Those guys are ridiculous.

They're slowly coming around to how good the kid is.   I think Kyle at SJU, with the kids here, = deep tourney runs by his 2nd year (elite 8, final four).   I think Kyle in a Bruin lineup with Junior Josh Smith, Senior Reeves Nelson, (likely) #1 frosh Shabazz Mohamad and Larry Drew with backups in the Junior Wear Twins, Jr. Anthony Stover,  Soph Normann Powell, Jr. Tyler Lamb, Senior De'End Parker and Frosh Dominic Artis would = hanging Banner 12 in Pauley Pavillion.  That would be 6 McD AA's in the lineup.

As I said elswhere in the thread, for me, if his final two really are SJU and UCLA, its a win-win for me (but hey, I REALLY want to hang banner 12 soon - not sure how many seasons I have left!)

As for the count on their boards, unfortunately neither of the Bruin boards organizes posts.  You'ld have to look back thru thousands of threads over the last year + to find the hundreds related to Kyle, and count the responses in each thread.    And you'd probably have to discount the early responses on Kyle that are really just ad nauseum crucifictions of yours truly for daring to mention something perceived as Lavin-St. Johns related.  That alone would TRULY pad the total!

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1024 on: August 26, 2011, 12:37:28 AM »
Not many over at Seton Hall
480 over at Hoyatalk
Does Florida even have a basketball forum?
And crgreen seems to be the only one excited about KA over at Bruinzone. Those guys are ridiculous.

They're slowly coming around to how good the kid is.   I think Kyle at SJU, with the kids here, = deep tourney runs by his 2nd year (elite 8, final four).   I think Kyle in a Bruin lineup with Junior Josh Smith, Senior Reeves Nelson, (likely) #1 frosh Shabazz Mohamad and Larry Drew with backups in the Junior Wear Twins, Jr. Anthony Stover,  Soph Normann Powell, Jr. Tyler Lamb, Senior De'End Parker and Frosh Dominic Artis would = hanging Banner 12 in Pauley Pavillion.  That would be 6 McD AA's in the lineup.

As I said elswhere in the thread, for me, if his final two really are SJU and UCLA, its a win-win for me (but hey, I REALLY want to hang banner 12 soon - not sure how many seasons I have left!)

As for the count on their boards, unfortunately neither of the Bruin boards organizes posts.  You'ld have to look back thru thousands of threads over the last year + to find the hundreds related to Kyle, and count the responses in each thread.    And you'd probably have to discount the early responses on Kyle that are really just ad nauseum crucifictions of yours truly for daring to mention something perceived as Lavin-St. Johns related.  That alone would TRULY pad the total!

But CR, UCLA has had their titles, glory, and fame. Is'nt it time St. John's got theirs?
*wipes ketchup from his eyes* - I guess Heinz sight isn’t 20/20.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1025 on: August 26, 2011, 01:09:13 AM »
As a St. John's fan, I'm a lot more concerned right now with Kyle's Florida Gators OFFICIAL-visit on September 16th right before he's set to announce his college choice.


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Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1026 on: August 26, 2011, 01:43:16 AM »
As a St. John's fan, I'm a lot more concerned right now with Kyle's Florida Gators OFFICIAL-visit on September 16th right before he's set to announce his college choice.

FWIW, Florida has a Premium basketball board on their Scout sight.   Can't read the posts without joining, but you can see the sublect lines of the posts and their replies.   It appears to have almost NO Anderson discussion whatsoever the last couple weeks.....

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1027 on: August 26, 2011, 08:34:52 AM »
They're slowly coming around to how good the kid is.   I think Kyle at SJU, with the kids here, = deep tourney runs by his 2nd year (elite 8, final four).   I think Kyle in a Bruin lineup with Junior Josh Smith, Senior Reeves Nelson, (likely) #1 frosh Shabazz Mohamad and Larry Drew with backups in the Junior Wear Twins, Jr. Anthony Stover,  Soph Normann Powell, Jr. Tyler Lamb, Senior De'End Parker and Frosh Dominic Artis would = hanging Banner 12 in Pauley Pavillion.  That would be 6 McD AA's in the lineup.

By the way, Neal Nieves mentioned Shabazz Muhammad looks to add more schools to his list. 

Shabazz Muhammad also tells me that he's looking to expand his list of schools sometime soon, doesnt have a clue when he will commit.!/NealNieves/status/106639636209745920


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Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1028 on: August 26, 2011, 08:45:52 AM »
If shabazz is looking to add more schools. I'd guess that ucla might ot be what he wants.  I could be wrong but usually kids looking to add schools haven't found what they want yet. 

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1029 on: August 26, 2011, 08:48:47 AM »
I don't give a flying **** what you care about.

"Oh I don't put much weight in what Zags says even though he might have talked with Kyle or his father."

"I put more wieght in someone who didn't talk to anyone and gives his opinion."

That is great.  Maybe we should believe you.

Bottom line is what this comes down to is hoyahooligan chooses NOT to believe a direct tweet coming from a direct source close to Kyle saying SJU and UCLA are standing out.  That is what this comes down to.  Period.  Your choice.  You choose to not believe things that don't mention Georgetown and then argue you should be listened to.

If Zags talked to Kyle directly, you wouldn't believe him either.  If Zags said 2+2 is 4 you would believe it equaled 5.  If Zags said tomorrow is Saturday you would believe it is Sunday.  And on and on.  Mind you, you would be WRONG but hey, it is not illegal to be wrong in this country.

But this has nothing to to with credibility.  BTW-Dave Telep a few weeks ago said KA was down to Florida,  SJU, SHU, Georgetown and Villanova.  He had 'Nova not UCLA.  Caused an uproar.  He printed it.  Remember?  Zags among others contacted Kyle's father to confirm Nova did not replace UCLA.  Of course there was no way Zags is believable so we should all believe the fact that Nova still has a chance.

Guys-Dave Telep broke remarkable ground the other night.  Mind you he has no source or talked to no one close to Kyle before he answered this question he said that Georgetown, SHU, UCLA, Florida and SJU are int he running and all seem to have a case.  Remarkable stuff.  Cannot find that anywhere on the internet.  Hoyahooligan is the man.....LOL!!!

« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 08:51:17 AM by fordham96 »

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1030 on: August 26, 2011, 09:04:07 AM »
Here is a straighforward question:

Do you think Zags invented the source or quote?  Yes or no. 

Assuming you don't think he invented it who do you think was his source?  Kyle's dog, his maid, his housekeeper.

Very simple.  You don't get off by simply saying you don't trust him.  Sorry that is too convenient.  More like you are in denial and just CHOOSE not to believe it.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1031 on: August 26, 2011, 09:09:40 AM »
Here is a straighforward question:

Do you think Zags invented the source or quote?  Yes or no. 

Assuming you don't think he invented it who do you think was his source?  Kyle's dog, his maid, his housekeeper.

Very simple.  You don't get off by simply saying you don't trust him.  Sorry that is too convenient.  More like you are in denial and just CHOOSE not to believe it.

IMO, our rival Big East brethren comes off as being full of it.  He was posting some interesting dialogue until the last couple of days.  He sprays aesthetics all over the place, but we clearly can see where he's coming from in the end.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 09:11:09 AM by mjdinkins »

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1032 on: August 26, 2011, 01:34:28 PM »
Not many over at Seton Hall
480 over at Hoyatalk
Does Florida even have a basketball forum?
And crgreen seems to be the only one excited about KA over at Bruinzone. Those guys are ridiculous.

You think that Florida doesn't have enough fans? We can't sell out an arena that's seats 5000 people.

That was true in the Norm Roberts (NON) era but will not hold true for the future. 

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1033 on: August 26, 2011, 01:42:18 PM »
Not many over at Seton Hall
480 over at Hoyatalk
Does Florida even have a basketball forum?
And crgreen seems to be the only one excited about KA over at Bruinzone. Those guys are ridiculous.

They're slowly coming around to how good the kid is.   I think Kyle at SJU, with the kids here, = deep tourney runs by his 2nd year (elite 8, final four).   I think Kyle in a Bruin lineup with Junior Josh Smith, Senior Reeves Nelson, (likely) #1 frosh Shabazz Mohamad and Larry Drew with backups in the Junior Wear Twins, Jr. Anthony Stover,  Soph Normann Powell, Jr. Tyler Lamb, Senior De'End Parker and Frosh Dominic Artis would = hanging Banner 12 in Pauley Pavillion.  That would be 6 McD AA's in the lineup.

As I said elswhere in the thread, for me, if his final two really are SJU and UCLA, its a win-win for me (but hey, I REALLY want to hang banner 12 soon - not sure how many seasons I have left!)

As for the count on their boards, unfortunately neither of the Bruin boards organizes posts.  You'ld have to look back thru thousands of threads over the last year + to find the hundreds related to Kyle, and count the responses in each thread.    And you'd probably have to discount the early responses on Kyle that are really just ad nauseum crucifictions of yours truly for daring to mention something perceived as Lavin-St. Johns related.  That alone would TRULY pad the total!

The last big recruit we lost to UCLA was Lou Alcinder in the 60's, thanks to poor timing by St. john's in letting Lapchick go and we all saw the difference that made in our future as St. John's had some good but not great teams with Mr. Carnessecca and The Bruins reached the summit.  UCLA has enough National Championships............ St. John's is still seeking its first NCAA championship.  Lets not get too greedy cgreen or we will change your tag to cgreedy. :2funny:


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Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1034 on: August 26, 2011, 01:53:30 PM »
I was just looking at the hoya message board and it is a complete joke. First off there master plan is to type as many messages with Kyle anderson and Georgetown in the same sentence so it comes on Google, and I gues that this will sway Kyle to chose Georgetown. They are also trying to create a thread as long as this one which is virtually impossible. but even funnier is this posting that says that a few years ago a kid cam on their board and asked for advice on how to start a St' Johns board, and apparently they think this is how JJ started.

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   Re: Kyle Anderson '12
« Reply #494 Today at 12:29pm »   
pretty amazing how just two years ago a st. john's fan came on to hoyatalk seeking advice on how to create a talkboard and just a short while later their Kyle Anderson thread is blowing ours away. agree that we need to step up our game.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1035 on: August 26, 2011, 02:02:55 PM »
I was just looking at the hoya message board and it is a complete joke. First off there master plan is to type as many messages with Kyle anderson and Georgetown in the same sentence so it comes on Google, and I gues that this will sway Kyle to chose Georgetown. They are also trying to create a thread as long as this one which is virtually impossible. but even funnier is this posting that says that a few years ago a kid cam on their board and asked for advice on how to start a St' Johns board, and apparently they think this is how JJ started.

One of their posters called the scene exactly what it is.... "embarrassing."

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1036 on: August 26, 2011, 02:04:51 PM »
I was just looking at the hoya message board and it is a complete joke. First off there master plan is to type as many messages with Kyle anderson and Georgetown in the same sentence so it comes on Google, and I gues that this will sway Kyle to chose Georgetown. They are also trying to create a thread as long as this one which is virtually impossible. but even funnier is this posting that says that a few years ago a kid cam on their board and asked for advice on how to start a St' Johns board, and apparently they think this is how JJ started.

[Click to ignore]

Joined: Apr 2007
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   Re: Kyle Anderson '12
« Reply #494 Today at 12:29pm »   
pretty amazing how just two years ago a st. john's fan came on to hoyatalk seeking advice on how to create a talkboard and just a short while later their Kyle Anderson thread is blowing ours away. agree that we need to step up our game.

Why would Kyle choose Hoyaland?  Their coach is boring and they play a boring brand of basketball.  Right now, St. John's is the hot ticket.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1037 on: August 26, 2011, 02:51:00 PM »
I think Zags is repeating what Jerry said or heard it from a third party source. Could he have made it up. probably not he doesn't really need to do that anymore. Are you implying it was from Kyle or his dad? Because if that were the case why wouldn't he just say that? Jerry was allowed to quote Kyle Sr? But what you think Kyle Sr. Said don't use my name to Zags? My dislike for zags has nothing to do with this recruitment. Haven't ever trusted his info on where recruitment stand. There have been times where posters on hoyatalk have quoted zags with positive info on the hoyas and followed it up with Not that it means much coming from Zags. Lot's of people consider him a hack. Of course I believe him when he says Player X committed. When he names a source and posts quotes I don't dismiss them. The only quote he has is "large media markets" Could've been pulled in any context. From a source with knowledge. Doesn't even make that much sense. Seton Hall is essentially in the same media market as St. John's. DC is not exactly a small media market. Doesn't make sense for a reason for those two schools to stand out. There could be plenty of legitimate reasons for those two schools to stand out, but what is he worried he won't get enough press if he goes to Florida or Georgetown? Please.

I have an agenda: To discuss the hoyas and our chances of getting Kyle.  Until Kyle Sr. or Kyle give a quote that says someone leads. I'm going to continue to believe that Georgetown has a shot. As long as he's still taking visits and open to hearing from all 5 schools I believe we have a shot.

I'm not just going to take third party sources on this and I'm pretty sure people would be saying the same thing here if the roles were reversed. It's not like we dismiss all info that says another school leads we've talked about the rumors that Seton Hall and St. John's lead and the UCLA and Florida rumors as they arose. He cut his list to 5 until he comes out and says otherwise he's still considering all 5 and nothing has really changed.

Here's a florida message board that has thread's on kyle, but like Seton Hall and UCLA's board's it's a bunch of little threads with updates here and there and not one long thread.

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1038 on: August 26, 2011, 03:00:51 PM »
Exclusive: Muhammad, Anderson Talking about Combining at UCLA

Shabazz Muhammad and Kyle Anderson are together this weekend at the Boost Mobile Elite 24 game in Venice Beach, Calif.

And if you don't think the two elite prospects have talked about playing with one another in college, think again.

"We're thinking about it a lot," the 6-foot-8 Anderson from St. Anthony said Friday afternoon by phone from the event. "I mean, we're thinking about it. I don't know how far it will go, but there's a definitely a possibility it could happen."

Asked if UCLA was the only potential landing spot for both players, Anderson said, "Yes."

Muhammad, a 6-6 shooting guard from Las Vegas Bishop Gorman ranked No. 1 in the Class of 2012, also said the dynamic duo have developed a strong friendship and have discussed playing together with the Bruins.

"Kyle, me and him really want to play together in college," Muhammad said. "Just building a relationship with these guys, trying to build up a team for college. We need guys to go with me so our team can be a national championship contender."

Asked about the UCLA possibility, Muhammad added, "Yeah, I think it's an option. We've been really talking about that. Pretty much he's like my best friend now, so I'm always hanging around with him. We're just talking about UCLA, what other schools he likes, what other schools I like."

Anderson lists UCLA, Seton Hall, St. John's, Georgetown and Florida and is due to announce Sept. 20.

A source close to Anderson recently said that UCLA and St. John's "stand out" because of where they're situated.

"Yes, because of their location," the source said. "Both being in large media markets."

Still, publicly, Anderson won't give anything up.

"I don't have any favorites," he said Friday.

Anderon's older sister, Brittany, checked out the UCLA campus earlier this week en route to the Boost Mobile game, but Anderson himself did not go. He has already been there twice.

Muhammad and Anderson shared a recent visit to UCLA with 6-8 Shaq Goodwin of Atlanta and 6-5 UCLA pledge Jordan Adams of Oak Hill Academy.

UCLA coach Ben Howland has talked to the group about forming a potential monster 2012 recruiting class for the Bruins.

"Yeah, yeah, he does," Anderson said. "He definitely does. He tells us every time we come into the office. Just a great class we could have with us four and how the arena's going to be renovated by the time we're freshmen so he definitely talks about it a lot with us."

Muhammad echoed those sentiments from Howland.

"Yeah, he talks about it all the time," Muhammad said. "He talks about that all the time. Coach Howland's a great guy. He's trying to really get good players, and he's already got guys who are good already, Jordan Adams [and Findlay Prep point guard Dominic Artis]. He's gotten guys in there, he's working on more. He's a really good coach, and I really like UCLA and their program."

Still, Muhammad said as many as 13 or 14 schools are currently on his list, with USC, Arizona, Duke, Kansas, Kentucky, Memphis, Texas and UNLV among those in the mix.

The only official visit he has set is to Kentucky for Big Blue Madness Oct. 15.

"I haven't cut it yet," Muhammad said of his list. "My list is pretty big. I'm probably going to cut it in a couple weeks, to seven."

Is this really considered an "Exclusive"? Of course two kids that are playing in a ton of tournaments together are going to talk about possibly playing on the same team. I'm sure it happens all the time but nothing every comes of it. And I doubt Kyle will be making his decision on where Shabazz is gonna play. Especially with Shabazz adding more schools to his list. It doesn't really seem like he's close to a decision.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 03:02:42 PM by kingofk1ngs »

Re: Kyle Anderson - F - St. Anthony's - Paterson, NJ
« Reply #1039 on: August 26, 2011, 03:03:37 PM »
Some recent buzz that Anderson and Muhammad may team up in college. Here is what they have to say about it:

"We're thinking about it a lot," the 6-foot-8 Anderson from St. Anthony said Friday afternoon by phone from the event. "I mean, we're thinking about it. I don't know how far it will go, but there's a definitely a possibility it could happen."

"Kyle, me and him really want to play together in college," Muhammad said. "Just building a relationship with these guys, trying to build up a team for college. We need guys to go with me so our team can be a national championship contender."

Asked about the UCLA possibility, Muhammad added, "Yeah, I think it's an option. We've been really talking about that. Pretty much he's like my best friend now, so I'm always hanging around with him. We're just talking about UCLA, what other schools he likes, what other schools I like."