Anyone having trouble reaching

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Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2011, 04:07:52 PM »
Dave has done a marvelous job with this site. He's always looking for new ways to improve JJ and invariably succeeds in doing so. You can count on him to assist you if you're having difficulties of any sort with the board. It is a first-class operation.

In my opinion, Johnny Jungle and BEB all serve a function and each has its own unique attractions. No day is complete for me without checking out all three.

I too would be more than willing to chip in to help get back on line just as I would be if the same fate were to befall JJ or BEB.

With the rebirth of SJU basketball I expect all three sites to be humming come this Fall.


Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2011, 05:27:46 PM »
Great stuff guys and I am more than willing to help Paul out as well...Unfortunately, I have a lengthy update today and Paul really got screwed:

I've received a lot of inquiries and offers of assistance.  Thank you. 
I stopped doing the daily update when it was clear that this was not going to be resolved quickly and frankly I have barely moved from my computer for over two weeks and slept very little.  On my birthday I spent a good part of that being castigated by a customer - including getting screamed at over the phone for about an hour!  So I have not had a lot of time to be updating or responding to people.   I apologize for that.
The three issues here that are affecting the time frame are: Technical, Financial and Legal.
I've hired a couple of independent third party companies in this process and have gotten an attorney involved.  The current status is this:
1) Let me start by saying that I have been working with, hiring, administrating, owning, data center/networks and specifically those related to web/data hosting, for 20 years.  Even in the days when a microsoft windows server would need to be rebooted several times a day as a standard, I have never witnessed or in any way been a part of something as extreme as this.   
(in my opinion) the original data center made a huge technical blunder but worse, took this to ridiculous extremes by attempting to cover it up and deny responsibility.  When after two days they had no reasonable answer (and remember that in this business it is 24/7 and these data centers brag and market about "five nines" i.e. 99.999% up time) so not even being able to talk to the guy in charge until late into the second day of complete outage is completely unacceptable.  Then his answer to me "I have to investigate."  Shouldn't the investigation have begun immediately not two days later?  So I won't rehash this further here but on the technical side, I have hired a leading data recovery company.  And completely independently, they confirmed my conclusion as to what had occurred - what the data center had denied or more specifically "I see no evidence of that."  (sounds like an attorney wrote that line for him)
2) This is quite a costly situation.  The data center would not let a Dell technician / employee; access the hardware that my data was on even though it was Dell equipment and while I don't know this for a fact, this data center claims to run about 60,000 servers in Dallas where my equipment was housed, and I'd venture a guess that a large percentage of them are Dell - and further take a wild guess that Dell techs are in the data center on a regular if not daily basis...  They gave me a line about not allowing anyone in the data center - this after providing him/me with the wrong address then him (the Dell tech) going to the correct address despite the wild goose chase. 
Ultimately their solution was that they would sell me the equipment at several times Retail - that is "NEW" retail.  Example: a single hard drive not even produced any more and certainly not new, but last competitively priced around $90 new, they priced at $500.  They said (with a concerned sounding voice - and they had a young woman present this to me) they'd do me a favor and sell it to me for $250.  Really swell of them!  I had to get a vice president of their company to get approval to get that down to $175 per drive and the impression that I got was that by doing this, I should consider them on par with Doctors Without Borders and Mother Teresa.  He also apparently had to get approval from someone (legal maybe?) to do me this enormous favor - no matter that the clock was ticking and that 99.999% was long gone so had to hang up on me to call me back even when I told him that I was willing to stay on hold for as long as it would take.   In my opinion this entire scenario was part of the orchestrated effort to build their plausible deniability and some ridiculous attempt at making themselves look good regardless of whether or not the end result was further sticking it to me. (as I said ridiculous)
3) With an independent third party, that is an industry leader in data recovery, essentially confirming exactly what I suspected occurred, I believe I have a rock solid case to compel them to cover the expenses incurred and lost.  Just data recovery is approximately $10,000.  But the third of my list: Legal, means that even the best outcome has no specific timeframe and of course the attorneys need to get their cut, so my only option is to pay out of pocket until which time the legal route brings a resolution.  And of course there is no guarantee there.
And after the initial deposit and report the data recovery company states that they believe they have a "high level of confidence" that 3/4 of the data can be recovered.  But I have no idea which 3/4 that will be.  If that 75% of the total includes the operating systems and various software that runs the servers and/or older backups or deprecated files/data - that could mean that the actual important data could be recovered to a much lower percentage - even 0%.  The other thing here is that there is ZERO guarantee that ANY data will be recovered.  Only a "high level of confidence" with a big - no guarantee asterisk
So into the third painful week of this, I am waiting for the data recovery company to give me the results of their efforts to recover the data.  Once that is complete and they are paid, they will provide the restored data.  Once I receive it, I can get an idea of what is involved and how long it will take to begin restoring the data into its proper place.  Needless to say, I am not restoring this into the same equipment and data center but I have the infrastructure completely ready/live and in place to accept the new data.  I'm also using the services of three distinct and separate companies to house, monitor and backup everything so should some sort of perfect storm scenario occur again, we'll have options for a quicker resolution.  I'm also going to be using Amazon web services moving forward (4th service provider) to both improve network performance as well as keep segments of the data/files diversified.
I am sorry I don't have anything more positive or specific for you.  I appreciate the generosity of various sorts and the offers of financial assistance.  Let's hold off on that please.  I'd be embarrassed to accept money from anyone while everything has been offline for over two weeks and I don't even have a reasonable eta for restoring or replacing things.  I am however, 100% committed to that (restoring or replacing) in one form or another. 

Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2011, 05:34:45 PM »
I just want to add that I think and JJ are both outstanding websites...I have been with since 1998 and it is like a second home to me, like many that have migrated over...It's a shame that had some real problems with trolling and shut down registration for so long but at least it helped launch JJ is full of old timers who have actually witnessed great St. John's basketball prior to this past season...It's great to see the students so involved with the team when they really stunk for so long and become such passionate fans when they didn't have much to cheer for...I know that a lot of us people have a tremendous amount of respect for the younger fans and students that have been through such difficult times and haven't been able to witness the success of the glory teams of the past...Fortunately that started to change this year and looks like it will only get better in the future


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Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2011, 08:37:16 PM »
Paul has done a wonderful job and i have been an avid reader since he started.  As an St. John's fan it is an essential source of info as is Dave's site at the Juncle with his excellent contributors.  In today's technology world, we learn that what ever can go wrong will go wrong so having two excellent SJU sites is essential so fans always have a place to turn too.  With Redmen down, the Jungle is a saviour as it keeps people from jumping off the roof when they can't get their SJU "fix" as it is addictive to all us "users"

Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #44 on: April 26, 2011, 10:44:54 AM »
But when will FUN show up?

He already posts here.  Has forever.

I am not sure JJ has the bandwidth to cover the 10,000 word responses that FUN is famous for on Redmen! LOL!

Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2011, 10:56:46 AM »
But when will FUN show up?

He already posts here.  Has forever.

I am not sure JJ has the bandwidth to cover the 10,000 word responses that FUN is famous for on Redmen! LOL!

He's been a regular poster here for a while.
Follow Johnny Jungle on Twitter at @Johnny_Jungle


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Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #46 on: April 26, 2011, 11:53:13 AM »
The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.

Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #47 on: April 26, 2011, 09:12:12 PM »
Thanks for a great site. I joined JJ when I was also boxed out of became a member eventually).
Keep up the great work! I do not post a lot but I am a avid reader. The site keeps getting better every year
Thanks again


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Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #48 on: April 27, 2011, 12:18:35 AM »
Same here guys.. I joined JJ as I seen it as the last one standing for us Johnny fans.  My username is IcemanSJU at Hopefully when he gets it back up and running my username will still be active. I went with the new version and politically correct one here with IcemanSTJ :-) Hopefully this site and Redmen make sure their webhost have mirror images of servers backed up ever 24 hours at a second webhost site. Incase of a situation like Redmen they would've only needed to go to the mirrored backup servers to pull a backup and reload it onto a new server either with the same host or somewhere else. I used to work for a webhost company called and they did that. You gotta have the money to backup your whole server farm but as a company but this is where it would come in handle and be worth paying a little extra in cases such as this...


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Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #49 on: April 27, 2011, 08:37:07 AM »
Hopefully this site and Redmen make sure their webhost have mirror images of servers backed up ever 24 hours at a second webhost site. Incase of a situation like Redmen they would've only needed to go to the mirrored backup servers to pull a backup and reload it onto a new server either with the same host or somewhere else. I used to work for a webhost company called and they did that. You gotta have the money to backup your whole server farm but as a company but this is where it would come in handle and be worth paying a little extra in cases such as this...

Hey I have an idea, why don't you go over to Sloan Kettering and advise people they should never have started smoking.

Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #50 on: April 27, 2011, 07:46:46 PM »
Many of us including myself owe Paul a large amount of gratitude for starting and allwing people like me for more than a decade to talk SJU hoops.  He did it with little fanfare and never charged.  I hope at some point he gets up and running or at least gets some satisfaction from those who caused this mess. 

I also thank Dave for having this site to continue to discuss SJU hoops.

Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #51 on: April 28, 2011, 03:18:18 PM »
Been a member here for a while but never posted as much as I did on  I couldn't remember my username here so I had to "re-join" under a new username.  I knew this site would tell me what's going on with  It's still down as of today.  There is clearly enough room, and now interest, in SJU hoops, for both sites and I hope comes back.


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Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #52 on: April 28, 2011, 04:00:31 PM »
Been a member here for a while but never posted as much as I did on  I couldn't remember my username here so I had to "re-join" under a new username.  I knew this site would tell me what's going on with  It's still down as of today.  There is clearly enough room, and now interest, in SJU hoops, for both sites and I hope comes back.

The main thing is that they be able to recover many years of posts and boxscores etc.

Thankfully we have JJ to discuss exciting times for STJ hoops

Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #53 on: April 28, 2011, 08:27:12 PM »
I feel for Paul and thank him for all he's done at  As others have said, logging on over there was a daily routine for the past ten years.  I'm sure Paul will get the site back up as he certainly is determined.

Thanks to Dave and the rest of the JJ's for welcoming us here.  You guys have a great and active site and feels good to be welcomed.


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Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #54 on: April 28, 2011, 10:18:53 PM »
Hopefully this site and Redmen make sure their webhost have mirror images of servers backed up ever 24 hours at a second webhost site. Incase of a situation like Redmen they would've only needed to go to the mirrored backup servers to pull a backup and reload it onto a new server either with the same host or somewhere else. I used to work for a webhost company called and they did that. You gotta have the money to backup your whole server farm but as a company but this is where it would come in handle and be worth paying a little extra in cases such as this...

Hey I have an idea, why don't you go over to Sloan Kettering and advise people they should never have started smoking.


Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #55 on: April 29, 2011, 12:36:23 AM »
Paul is a wonderful gentleman and I hope his dilemma is soon solved to his advantage. I am willing to help in any manner possible. I'm also grateful for JJ in order to get my daily Redmen fix.


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Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #56 on: April 29, 2011, 02:39:49 PM »
When you go to now, it has the domain as being sold via auction as of yesterday afternoon. Does anyone know if this means he will no longer have the domain when he gets everything up and running? I'm not very sure how these things work.


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Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #57 on: April 29, 2011, 02:45:07 PM »
When you go to now, it has the domain as being sold via auction as of yesterday afternoon. Does anyone know if this means he will no longer have the domain when he gets everything up and running? I'm not very sure how these things work.

No. was auctioned.


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Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #58 on: April 29, 2011, 02:56:41 PM »
Got it. Thanks.

Re: Anyone having trouble reaching
« Reply #59 on: April 30, 2011, 07:56:13 AM »
Been a member here for a while but never posted as much as I did on  I couldn't remember my username here so I had to "re-join" under a new username.  I knew this site would tell me what's going on with  It's still down as of today.  There is clearly enough room, and now interest, in SJU hoops, for both sites and I hope comes back.
Ditto. I have also made the migration to JJ to get my STJ basketball "fix".  I'm looking forward to many exciting times in the future!!