Alex Kline (the recruit scoop) has a long list of schools (ie. Syracuse/Gtown/Cinn/Gtech/etc) and which 2013 recruits they contacted starting at 12am today. St Johns does not seem to be on the list. Does anyone know if we were doing this and if so whom we reached out to?
What Kline did yesterday was beyond annoying. Tweeting every couple minutes about the schools contacting players. I understand it was Day 1 but my god was it over the top. And I'm not the only one who felt that way as many others commented on it as well.
To answer your question, maybe the staff didn't contact anyone. Maybe they did later in the day when they knew less schools would be calling and they had more time to talk with the kids. So many factors. All I know is if this staff tells me the sky is purple I will believe them, so they have my trust.