Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?

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Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2012, 06:05:52 AM »
Foad:  Navy and Boise aren't coming for basketball.   But your point is well taken.

Thanks to you and others for fact checking my little monkeyshine. Obviously I'm chagrined at making so many misteaks, such as that Navy will not be playing basketball and that Syracuse has not won various championships but at least I splet Franz Dunfreys name right and Jerry Paginini of Memphis and did not make any other factual horrors other than the ones you so generously corrected. And despite my chagriniosity rest assured I am pleased to have my facts corrected which I why I come here for learnings at the feets of basketball experts such as yourself and especially Marcus, who is not at all a know nothing gasbag pollyanna but instead someone who watches many u tube highlight videos from which he learns about lateral quickness and tertiary footwork which he shares along with his feelings about what recruits are thinking and his gut reactions, which is always welcome in this great sports desert - or is it dessert? no matter someone will be a long in a tic - between the Big Dancings and the Breeders Cup.

Regarding the primacy of the BE, in the past 25 years since mighty Saint John's appeared in its lone FF of the modern era the ACC has produced 7 national champions coached by 4 different individuals - 8 and 5 if you count new member Syracuse - and 5 losers in the championship game. The BE has produced 4, 3 by the finest coach of his era, Jim Calhoun, by SJ fans usually reviled as a drunk and a cheat but in this case its savior and baby jesus, one by bye-bye Syracuse, and a loss by in the NC game by sad sack Seton Hall. The lowly SEC has produced 6. Take away Calhoun - and if his liver doesn't get him the ACC will soon enough - and the BE is about as dominant nationally as the the PAC 10.

Pre the Repole years I was convinced that the only way SJ could be successful was to move to the A10 or some league similar. That level of competition seemed to be in line with the resources the university was willing to expend and would assuage the expectations of a fan base lost in delusions of antediluvian grandeur. Now though, instead of SJ moving to the A10 the A10 is moving to SJ and it turns out to be a positive boon. Losing Syracuse for Houston and and Pitt for Central Florida is subtraction by addition and the measure the quality of the conference is the strength of its bottom. Good thing I'm an ass, man.


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Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2012, 08:22:26 AM »
Fun calling anybody else a know-nothing gasbag Pollyanna is laughable to the highest degree.  Now you're lashing out at several posters here who corrected your obvious know-nothing diatribe which was full of dumb mistakes.  Fun, you maybe don't realize it but you come across as the most insecure know-nothing on these boards trying to hide behind it with wit. 

I don't need to hide behind anything like you do. I never pretend to be any sort of bball expert.  It is simply leisure for me as it is for most on these boards.  The idea that you have to come to these boards and just throw insults at people let's me know exactly the type of guy you are.  You're still acting the part of the dorky high-schooler who is annoyed that hes not the prom king.  Time to get over it fun.  There's nothing wrong with playing the tuba nor the Renniassance festival.  I bet you hear that enough from your mom already though.


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Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2012, 09:47:52 AM »
Fun calling anybody else a know-nothing gasbag Pollyanna is laughable to the highest degree.

Indeed. Most things I say are hilarious: I think its the deadpan delivery. Hence my great popularity as an after dinner speaker. Anyway I'm with you so far, fun's posts = high degree of laughability.

Now you're lashing out at several posters here who corrected your obvious know-nothing diatribe which was full of dumb mistakes.  Fun, you maybe don't realize it but you come across as the most insecure know-nothing on these boards trying to hide behind it with wit. 

Wit, Marcus, is the ability to say something clever. A know nothing, someone who knows nothing, has nothing clever to say. One cannot be both a know nothing and a wit. Next time take a deep breath and concentrate on one insult at a time. As for lashing out, shirley not: I'm chatting, as one does. You seem a bit het up though. As for my dumb mistakes, the stinkiest bait catches the dopiest fish. Here I was angling for a blowfish and found one.

I never pretend to be any sort of bball expert.  It is simply leisure for me as it is for most on these boards

On the contrary, you pretend to be every kind of basketball expert. You have an opinions about every subject, in every thread, on every board, thousands upon thousands of them piled one atop the other, a veritable mountain of posh and twaddle, each readily expressed with utter certitude, and especially when this week's sermon is diametrically opposed to last week's. It is what makes you such a prize buffoon, and so remarkably easy to wind up. The fact is that you want to be taken seriously, and I find it impossible to take you so, and it wads your panties. If it was in fact leisure you wouldn't care what I said, or how I said it.

The idea that you have to come to these boards and just throw insults at people let's me know exactly the type of guy you are.  You're still acting the part of the dorky high-schooler who is annoyed that hes not the prom king.  Time to get over it fun.  There's nothing wrong with playing the tuba nor the Renniassance festival.  I bet you hear that enough from your mom already though.

Yes well in order: I got over the terrors of high school a bit ago although I remain bemused at how often you dopes draw the analogy; I play the saxophone, not the tuba - the only thing I keep around the house with a spit valve is the current Mrs Fun; and mater's dead and in hell giving Satan a nervous twitch. Also, my favorite color is Jamaican, I like Mahler more than Schubert but not as much as Beethoven, and my hobbies include long wanks on the beach, johnnie walker black, collecting modern american firsts, and trolling the internets. Now, Dave doesn't like squabbling, so be circumspect with your reply. I hear OTOH that the new proprietor of BEB encourages the stuff, perhaps I'll meet you there for cocktails some time and we can discuss how popular I was in middle school before we stare deeply into each others eyes and fall madly in love. Ciao till then mon cherie.


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Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2012, 10:18:41 AM »
Actually fun, one can say something clever and still be a know-nothing.  It was made possible with advent of the internet.  How would you pull off all these witty posts with your false factoids with a stack of books in front of you instead of a computer? 

I do have opinions on a lot of different topics.  Things I enjoy.  I have lots of interests, some I'm more versed in than others.  Its not because you dont take me seriously that gets me wound up.  What gets me wound up is the idea that you have that you can cast insults at people, real people and not just Internet handles.  You think that somehow it shouldn't be taken seriously.  I don't agree at all.   People here shouldn't be viewed as "targets" for your amusement. 

Most of the people Ive met after games are fairly educated and I would never go out of my way to insult them.  I take them seriously as they deserve to be.  I venture to guess that many are smarter than you are, even if their interweb posts aren't as epic.


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Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2012, 10:38:59 AM »
The ACC has been top heavy . Duke and NC. They have a lot of NCs. But from top to bottom, they have not been as good as the BE.

Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2012, 10:43:57 AM »
Get a room you 2


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Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #26 on: July 19, 2012, 02:16:56 PM »
Thanks to you and others for fact checking my little monkeyshine. Obviously I'm chagrined at making so many misteaks,... And despite my chagriniosity rest assured I am pleased to have my facts corrected which I why I come here for learnings at the feets of basketball experts such as yourself and especially Marcus

Wit, Marcus, is the ability to say something clever. A know nothing, someone who knows nothing, has nothing clever to say. One cannot be both a know nothing and a wit. Next time take a deep breath and concentrate on one insult at a time. As for lashing out, shirley not: I'm chatting, as one does. You seem a bit het up though. As for my dumb mistakes, the stinkiest bait catches the dopiest fish. Here I was angling for a blowfish and found one.

Ohh, please, please, may I play? 

It troubles me very little whether you come for the lessons I impart or some less tangible gain, Foad.   Your contributions to conversation actually have their place in the cavalcade of debates here; despite your apparent belief that we all somehow are missing the synapse between ideas that only a man of your intelligence can perceive.  And on topics, mind you, that in the grand scheme of things, matter so little to so few.
And, for what it's worth my friend, you're welcome.  Because, here endeth lesson two.  What I mentioned above is the modern-western understanding of "wit"; making connections between ideas, or the expression of ideas, that requires some superficial observance and therefore a presumed level of skill or inventiveness.   It is therefore quite possible, to be witty, and although not a literal "know-nothing", very close to it.   Wit is not a measure of knowledge in the aggregate in any way that I'm aware.   But far be it for me to correct you on the use of a term, that you being so unequivocally sure of it's proper usage, you felt the apparent duty to deride another poster's employment of it.

And please save us the ex post facto excuses.    Your statement to Marcus that in your subtle brilliance you've feigned initial ignorance in an attempt to make a broader point and win the day is very convenient whence you've been made to look a fool.   The Great Tacticians and their rope-a-dope attacks: Napolean at the battle of Austerlitz,  Cassius Clay in his defeat of Foreman,.. and Fun of Johnny Jungle on July 18th, 2012.  Is that what we are to believe?
I think not...

Besides overrated DeWK, perennial choksters UNC, a Boeheimless Syracuse (my sources tell me he'll never coach a game in the ACC), Pitt (who knows how long Dixon stays), NC State, Maryland, Wake, Virginia, and Florida, what else do they have? A bunch of teams at the bottom of the conference who tend to lose more often than they win. Unlike the BE, where all the teams at the top tend to win more games than they lose - which is a huge difference not apparent to most casual fans. And anyway none of those teams can hold a candle to West Virginia, much less traditional basketball powerhouses like Central Florida, Boise State, and Navy. With a healthy Jim Calhoun safely at UConn for another 10 or 20 years and up and comers like the classy Mike Rice at Rutgers and Mick Cronin at UC the sky's the limit for the new conference.

In establishing the point that the ACC is superior, comparatively, to the Big East, why would someone reference a previously mentioned list of ACC teams (NC State, Maryland, Wake..) and claim sarcastically that such programs "can't hold a candle" to WVU, UCF, Boise, and Navy?   
Is there an inherent irony in the comparison?    Does mocking such a comparison make his argument stronger?

Or, is the author unawares that 3 of the 4 teams he mentioned will never dribble a ball in the Big East conference?    (WVU is a member of the Big12 sir)

I have no perverse pleasure in pointing out the mistakes of others, if you took notice you would see my original comments were in agreement with your position, and the correction was a minor aside.   You only draw further attention to your mistakes however when you claim to be above making such errors, and clearly you are not.  Defensiveness doesn't suit you well Foad.   So be a good boy and return to playing the part of the cocksure, magniloquent, schoolboy in the back row, who on occasion finds himself bored enough to proclaim innately truthful doctrine to his unsophisticated classmates.  You were tolerable in that role, despite your obviously eager attempts to impress. 


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Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #27 on: July 19, 2012, 02:33:58 PM »
Never thought I would need to consult my old Strunk and White's Elements of Style and Merriam-Webster dictionary to peruse the posts at JJ!   ;)


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Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2012, 02:37:45 PM »
Safe to say this brilliant exchange is off topic?


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Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2012, 04:07:53 PM »
you've feigned initial ignorance in an attempt to make a broader point and win the day

Good grief that was quite a load of gas. Anyway, I wasn't trying to "win the day," good grief again. I was engaging in trollery, which in the post modern-Western Tao of Zen heuristic dharma for one post hoc prompter ergo hoc deconstructed understanding means being a prick on the internet with the intent of draw nice persons into pointless conversation to the great delight of my many fans. One wouldn't think an Einstein (Einstien? Ienstein? whatever) such as yourself would need that explained to him. But thanks for obliging me just the same.

<remainder hosed>

Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2012, 06:02:32 PM »
Mahler over Schubert, Yecchh.


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Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #31 on: July 20, 2012, 09:16:44 AM »
Mahler over Schubert, Yecchh.

Do I seem like a Romantic to you? No. Songs About Dead Babies: I often think they have just gone out and now they will be coming back home. It'd tear out my heart out, if I had one. Anyway, it could've been worse, I almost said Bruckner.

But to answer your query, yes, I suspect SJ will secure a 2014 summer commit. I've been watching utube highlight reels of many of the prospects and think any of the names mentioned would be good fits, although as they say you can't teach height. You can't teach intangibles either, but nobody says that, I don't know why. Al McGuire used to say you need an aircraft carrier in the middle. If you look back at the really successful SJ teams of the past we always had that sort of presence: Jeff Allen, Tom Bayne, Sean Muto, and of course Paul Berwanger. That to me is not a coincidence. Anyway, a big or a point, anything dear god but another wing.


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Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2012, 09:59:25 AM »
Does anyone know if Chris Obekpa has started Summer school..?


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Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2012, 10:02:07 AM »
Does anyone know if Chris Obekpa has started Summer school..?

Remember who broke the Slice news


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Re: Will STJ secure a 2013/2014 summer commit?
« Reply #34 on: July 20, 2012, 07:59:11 PM »
you've feigned initial ignorance in an attempt to make a broader point and win the day

Good grief that was quite a load of gas. Anyway, I wasn't trying to "win the day," good grief again. I was engaging in trollery, which in the post modern-Western Tao of Zen heuristic dharma for one post hoc prompter ergo hoc deconstructed understanding means being a prick on the internet with the intent of draw nice persons into pointless conversation to the great delight of my many fans. One wouldn't think an Einstein (Einstien? Ienstein? whatever) such as yourself would need that explained to him. But thanks for obliging me just the same.

<remainder hosed>

The idea that you're trolling for validation is telling.   I guess it means you take me seriously.   I was only correcting your dumb inaccuracies.  Not for one minute, for one hour...    ;D

Seriously though, you should meet us out before or after a game instead of hiding on the internet.  Someone of your robust intelligence, wit and bravado should make easy work of us.  Maybe you can school us on the pentagram and none.   I think you might be surprised as you won't be amongst nice persons like you might think. 
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 08:26:34 PM by MCNPA »