• 123 replies
« Reply #80 on: March 28, 2013, 04:00:47 PM »
See the thing about Kate Upton is she is different. She is a full figured model which is against the grain. I agree Upton's face while nice is not exotic or anything and I personally still list Jessica Alba as my favorite. Upton is refreshing in that, personally I am not a fan of waif looking models.


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« Reply #81 on: March 28, 2013, 04:32:45 PM »
Name one game where it was super apparent lavin strategically coached us to a victory this year. And nobody mention the notre dame game with that freaking small lineup we do that crap every game. And ND coach did us a favor benching Cooley that long. So next?

Super apparent..... Can you tell us were he strategically cost us a game and it wasn't the execution? Unless your holding a clip board on the side lines or wearing a Jersey, we can't say what he did or didn't do. All we see is the results. Plenty of people wanted Marco to get more time, glad everyone finally sees he is not the solution. None of us know the players' abilities better than Lavin, we need to stop pretending like we do.
So you enjoyed the end of the providence game?

It did not look good, but who is that on is my question and how would we know. Some may say the coach, others may say its a young team. You can work on something all week in practice and during a game you call a time out and instruct the team to run the play and when the kids get on the floor they don't do it. That's reality and it happens often, especially with young teams. I think its clear that the team as a whole does not appear to have a high basketball IQ, they demonstrate that, so its not far fetch to think there may be some break downs in execution. Could it be the coaching, sure, but until that becomes evident my position is to side with the coach.   

« Reply #82 on: March 28, 2013, 05:33:50 PM »
See the thing about Kate Upton is she is different. She is a full figured model which is against the grain. I agree Upton's face while nice is not exotic or anything and I personally still list Jessica Alba as my favorite. Upton is refreshing in that, personally I am not a fan of waif looking models.

Yeah, that's an interesting way to look at it.  She may look like an attractive version of any one of dozens of women you see on your walk to get lunch but she's unique in the model world, well besides those page 3 chicks in the UK.  They all seem to be VERY full figured.


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« Reply #83 on: March 28, 2013, 05:47:23 PM »
See the thing about Kate Upton is she is different. She is a full figured model which is against the grain. I agree Upton's face while nice is not exotic or anything and I personally still list Jessica Alba as my favorite. Upton is refreshing in that, personally I am not a fan of waif looking models.

Yeah, that's an interesting way to look at it.  She may look like an attractive version of any one of dozens of women you see on your walk to get lunch but she's unique in the model world, well besides those page 3 chicks in the UK.  They all seem to be VERY full figured.

Page 3 girls rule.  Upton is just a slightly smaller version of Anna Nicole Smith in her younger days.  Not kicking her out of bed by any stretch, but she's overhyped.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 05:47:44 PM by DFF6 »

« Reply #84 on: March 28, 2013, 08:30:49 PM »
See the thing about Kate Upton is she is different. She is a full figured model which is against the grain. I agree Upton's face while nice is not exotic or anything and I personally still list Jessica Alba as my favorite. Upton is refreshing in that, personally I am not a fan of waif looking models.

Alba is my favorite. I'm so pissed because she did a book signing speaking engagement at the bookstore in my town this past month and I couldnt make it. What a bummer

« Reply #85 on: March 28, 2013, 10:26:26 PM »
Harrison -F.   How do you give him anything else?  He failed to comply with team rules. He failed to play team ball, he failed as a team leader.  He failed against the good BE teams and he failed to remain on the team for the duration of the season.  Do you give a student who gets suspended from school a class grade of A?  You guys are too much.

Obekpa ....defense A, offense D

Jakar.... A-  needs to work a bit more on being consistent.

Lavin"........ C game coaching.   A, PR

Green.....B. gets the most out of his ability

Borgault....... Incomplete, the Yemen did him in.

Pointer.......B , great at times, other times?,

Garrett, .....D. Can't seem to do both sports

Branch......C+. Has shown flashes but not there yet

Jones........C. Needs to learn how to rebound


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« Reply #86 on: March 28, 2013, 10:40:38 PM »
Harrison -F.   How do you give him anything else?  He failed to comply with team rules. He failed to play team ball, he failed as a team leader.  He failed against the good BE teams and he failed to remain on the team for the duration of the season.  Do you give a student who gets suspended from school a class grade of A?  You guys are too much.

Obekpa ....defense A, offense D

Jakar.... A-  needs to work a bit more on being consistent.

Lavin"........ C game coaching.   A, PR

Green.....B. gets the most out of his ability

Borgault....... Incomplete, the Yemen did him in.

Pointer.......B , great at times, other times?,

Garrett, .....D. Can't seem to do both sports

Branch......C+. Has shown flashes but not there yet

Jones........C. Needs to learn how to rebound

I agree with the part on Harrison. He was named the captain (maybe a mistake by Lavin by naming him captain), but he's got to step-up to the task instead of stepping back from it. I know he scores, and we collapsed without him, but he's gotta be strong mentally for the team and himself.

I would give a D to Borgault instead of an incomplete. He got enough playing time. I felt his shot was too flat, and not have enough arc.  With a flat shot, if he doesn't get a ton of playing time, he's not going to have the 'feel' to sink his three pointers.  I think the onus is on him this offseason to to put more arc on his shot so he can be effective in shorter bursts off the bench.  He's too slow to get major minutes.

Green I would downgrade to a C or C+.  I think he was too streaky to earn a B.  He was good at times, but also earned the wrath of fans because of his cold streaks.

Jakkar's grade - is about right.  For his sake, I wish he could get rid of the push/delayed release/hitch in his jump-shot for his future NBA prospects.  He is uber athletic.  If he would have a smoother shot, I think he would probably make in the NBA.  If the hitch in his jump-shot remains, it's much more uncertain.

Pointer, Jones, Obekpa, Branch - I agree on your grades.  Jones has to get better at putting the ball in the basket on his few opportunities.  Branch has to - MUST - step it up next year. Our season will greatly depend on it.

Lavin's grade;  To me, he's an A off the court.  D or C (for now) on the court is right.  - I don' understand his timeouts. I don't understand the weave.  If the kids can't run a weave to your liking, then run pick and rolls.  If the pick and roll doesn't work because we don't have a big man with skill enough to roll to the basketball, then just run lots of screens for shooters.  When the half court offense crumbled, why didn't we see lots of off-ball screens to free up Harrison, Borgault or Green?  That doesn't seem hard to set-up.

I also didn't like the use of the match-up zone. We gave up too many open threes in winnable games earlier in the season because of it.    I feel that a coach may have a system that he wants to play, but a good coach has to adapt to the pieces he has at his disposal.  I'm not sure Lavin maximized them this year.   I think he is great for St. Johns, getting pieces to walk through the door - I just want the pieces maximized a bit more.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 10:50:56 PM by bk8664 »


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« Reply #87 on: March 28, 2013, 10:42:00 PM »
Harrison -F.   How do you give him anything else?  He failed to comply with team rules. He failed to play team ball, he failed as a team leader.  He failed against the good BE teams and he failed to remain on the team for the duration of the season.  Do you give a student who gets suspended from school a class grade of A?  You guys are too much.

Obekpa ....defense A, offense D

Jakar.... A-  needs to work a bit more on being consistent.

Lavin"........ C game coaching.   A, PR

Green.....B. gets the most out of his ability

Borgault....... Incomplete, the Yemen did him in.

Pointer.......B , great at times, other times?,

Garrett, .....D. Can't seem to do both sports

Branch......C+. Has shown flashes but not there yet

Jones........C. Needs to learn how to rebound

Did you mean the country of Yemen or were you using an old favorite word on these boards
Remember who broke the Slice news

« Reply #88 on: March 28, 2013, 10:55:19 PM »
Harrison -F.   How do you give him anything else?  He failed to comply with team rules. He failed to play team ball, he failed as a team leader.  He failed against the good BE teams and he failed to remain on the team for the duration of the season.  Do you give a student who gets suspended from school a class grade of A?  You guys are too much.

Obekpa ....defense A, offense D

Jakar.... A-  needs to work a bit more on being consistent.

Lavin"........ C game coaching.   A, PR

Green.....B. gets the most out of his ability

Borgault....... Incomplete, the Yemen did him in.

Pointer.......B , great at times, other times?,

Garrett, .....D. Can't seem to do both sports

Branch......C+. Has shown flashes but not there yet

Jones........C. Needs to learn how to rebound

Did you mean the country of Yemen or were you using an old favorite word on these boards

Total Realfan Freudian Slip. Sooner or later writing patterns will trip someone up


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« Reply #89 on: March 29, 2013, 05:12:59 AM »
Harrison -F.   How do you give him anything else?  He failed to comply with team rules. He failed to play team ball, he failed as a team leader.  He failed against the good BE teams and he failed to remain on the team for the duration of the season.  Do you give a student who gets suspended from school a class grade of A?  You guys are too much.

Obekpa ....defense A, offense D

Jakar.... A-  needs to work a bit more on being consistent.

Lavin"........ C game coaching.   A, PR

Green.....B. gets the most out of his ability

Borgault....... Incomplete, the Yemen did him in.

Pointer.......B , great at times, other times?,

Garrett, .....D. Can't seem to do both sports

Branch......C+. Has shown flashes but not there yet

Jones........C. Needs to learn how to rebound

Any particular reason for not including Balamou?

« Reply #90 on: March 29, 2013, 08:09:39 AM »
Harrison -F.   How do you give him anything else?  He failed to comply with team rules. He failed to play team ball, he failed as a team leader.  He failed against the good BE teams and he failed to remain on the team for the duration of the season.  Do you give a student who gets suspended from school a class grade of A?  You guys are too much.

Obekpa ....defense A, offense D

Jakar.... A-  needs to work a bit more on being consistent.

Lavin"........ C game coaching.   A, PR

Green.....B. gets the most out of his ability

Borgault....... Incomplete, the Yemen did him in.

Pointer.......B , great at times, other times?,

Garrett, .....D. Can't seem to do both sports

Branch......C+. Has shown flashes but not there yet

Jones........C. Needs to learn how to rebound

Did you mean the country of Yemen or were you using an old favorite word on these boards

It was supposed to say..... Incomplete, the system did him in.  Don't know what that word was.

« Reply #91 on: March 29, 2013, 08:14:32 AM »
Harrison -F.   How do you give him anything else?  He failed to comply with team rules. He failed to play team ball, he failed as a team leader.  He failed against the good BE teams and he failed to remain on the team for the duration of the season.  Do you give a student who gets suspended from school a class grade of A?  You guys are too much.

Obekpa ....defense A, offense D

Jakar.... A-  needs to work a bit more on being consistent.

Lavin"........ C game coaching.   A, PR

Green.....B. gets the most out of his ability

Borgault....... Incomplete, the Yemen did him in.

Pointer.......B , great at times, other times?,

Garrett, .....D. Can't seem to do both sports

Branch......C+. Has shown flashes but not there yet

Jones........C. Needs to learn how to rebound

Any particular reason for not including Balamou?

No, just an oversight. I would give Balamou an incomplete as well as I believe he was underutilized and did not progress with all the time wasted on Harrison's antics. 

« Reply #92 on: March 29, 2013, 08:21:04 AM »
Harrison -F.   How do you give him anything else?  He failed to comply with team rules. He failed to play team ball, he failed as a team leader.  He failed against the good BE teams and he failed to remain on the team for the duration of the season.  Do you give a student who gets suspended from school a class grade of A?  You guys are too much.

Obekpa ....defense A, offense D

Jakar.... A-  needs to work a bit more on being consistent.

Lavin"........ C game coaching.   A, PR

Green.....B. gets the most out of his ability

Borgault....... Incomplete, the Yemen did him in.

Pointer.......B , great at times, other times?,

Garrett, .....D. Can't seem to do both sports

Branch......C+. Has shown flashes but not there yet

Jones........C. Needs to learn how to rebound

Did you mean the country of Yemen or were you using an old favorite word on these boards

Total Realfan Freudian Slip. Sooner or later writing patterns will trip someone up

I don't get it, are you admitting that you are Realfan?


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« Reply #93 on: March 29, 2013, 09:17:16 AM »
Don't get some of these grades. Garrett plays hard gets the most out of his ability. He is 6'4 power forward. He didn't play the wing in hs. He doesn't have wing skills. Why should we expect him to have played better. He was rated high so I assumed he would be better. As an 8th man - rate him a B. Teams don't usually lose because of there 8th men


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« Reply #94 on: March 29, 2013, 09:17:35 AM »
I don't get it, are you admitting that you are Realfan?

Realfan was a poster who used to only show up after losses and would start myriad threads all of which said the same thing over and over and over and over again, all of which made the same dreary obvious nice personic point, usually in capital letters and festooned with emoticons. Mahar thinks you are realfan. I don't. Although you make the same dreary monotonous points over and over again and only post after losses, you do not type in ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS and eschew winkies. Moreover you display several traits that lead me to believe you're a broad, eg, like most women you have difficulties parsing simple logical propositions, are disinterested in facts, and are ruled by your hormones rather than your brain.

« Reply #95 on: March 29, 2013, 01:25:25 PM »
I want to buy the newspaper wherever Yankranker gets his. If he sees Kat Uptons on every corner, I need to move!

« Reply #96 on: March 29, 2013, 02:21:06 PM »
On a scale of 1 to 10, Upton is an 11. 10 on looks and add a point for natural breasts.

« Reply #97 on: March 29, 2013, 05:58:04 PM »
I want to buy the newspaper wherever Yankranker gets his. If he sees Kat Uptons on every corner, I need to move!

Please come to LA for the spring time!  ;)


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« Reply #98 on: March 29, 2013, 06:13:43 PM »
I want to buy the newspaper wherever Yankranker gets his. If he sees Kat Uptons on every corner, I need to move!

Please come to LA for the spring time!  ;)

YESSS!!! Bonus points for the Dave Loggins reference!!!!  (Altho it's "to live forever" in LA - springtime was reserved for Boston!)  :)

« Reply #99 on: March 29, 2013, 06:17:55 PM »
I want to buy the newspaper wherever Yankranker gets his. If he sees Kat Uptons on every corner, I need to move!

Please come to LA for the spring time!  ;)

YESSS!!! Bonus points for the Dave Loggins reference!!!!  (Altho it's "to live forever" in LA - springtime was reserved for Boston!)  :)

Yeah, but I really don't want WASJU living in LA.