Coach lavin

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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #100 on: January 23, 2014, 01:42:20 PM »
The thing is, and this is true with any system, that the effectiveness relies on the players within the system.

You are beating a dead horse with this one.

Pot meet kettle.


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #101 on: January 23, 2014, 02:01:15 PM »
Sampson has been regarded by high school basketball analysts, and BE coaches to be more worthy of recognition than anyone in Providence's front court. I'm saying that all of his skills are sharper than Batts or Henton. That's my point. Sampson, with better coaching would be in position to declare for the NBA draft.

He was a better player last year. A bad coach can ruin a player's development, no matter how much talent is there. A great coach can help a player with potential realize that potential. It's not a recipe that works every time in every situation. These are all individual people, who can be motivated to work as hard as they want, and take it upon themselves to decide how much work is enough?

Felipe Lopez was more talented than Lawrence Moten as a freshman. Moten was smarter. Not more talented, smarter.

AND it's not a foolish notion that we don't run set plays. We don't run many set plays. You are correct that we run an offense with plays. It's just that we run them rarely. Harrison should be looking for an open player when he is doubled teamed late in the game. He did that once, and Sanchez missed a wide open 3 pointer. So, the next time, he took the shot himself, except he didn't have a shot.

Think about like this. One team has 5 guys who were regarded as legit NBA prospects in October in their starting line up. One team has zero. Cotton isn't a pro. Batts isn't a pro. These guys are hard workers who have learned Cooley's system.

Our system, is apparently unclear to me, and most of the "slow" people on this board. So, if you understand it so well, please take a moment and explain it me/us. Not trying to be a dic, but I've watched most of our games and I honestly have no idea what we try to do.

I thnk Sampson is pressing, he needs to be patient and let his game develop. He wants to go to the league so bad that he's hurting himself by trying to do things he's no able to do yet. I believe we run a set play on every play. I remember Lavin saying in his first year that he was going to install a reverse motion offense that his father taught him. Now that does not look like we run that now, there is no continuity. I may be wrong, but it does appear to look more like a 3-2 motion offense. The pick and roll we do, the curl, they are basic plays out of the 3-2 offense. The thing is, and this is true with any system, that the effectiveness relies on the players within the system. Few coaches change their system to match the players, they have to fine the players to play to their system.

Accepting your points about player deficiencies, can you enlighten me where Lavin could a better job of working with this group to win more games and finish better. If individual execution is the problem, is there anything Coach can do to better things? Quite honestly, too many coaches I know on a personal basis, note SL is a recruiter, not a very skilled coach and teacher. I tend to lean towards that assessment, but defer to your coaching expertise. Thanks.

There lies the problem. If the players' are struggling with the execution then you could simplify the offense but that only means you become more reliant on the players' individual ability. I don't think its much to ask the players to learn 3-4 defensive schemes. What separates coaches is not their knowledge of the game, because at this level they all know the game, but its their ability to teach it and motivate their players. I'm not at Lavin's practices, so i don't know how he is teaching it, but he's not alone. He has a HOF consultant with him and Whitesell who is highly regarded. So I will give the coaches the benefit of doubt that the players are being taught. 

I believe what Lavin needs to do is cut out his mind games because its not working. If he truly believed that Felix and the Walk on had something to contribute they would play. So the only reason he started them was to send a message but that hasn't worked. The fact he is still looking for the right combination is ridiculous. He need to shorten his bench and set a rotation and stick with it. I think the players need to be supportive and encouraged more. Stop pulling them everytime they make a mistake. There is no continuity being built.


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #102 on: January 23, 2014, 02:06:32 PM »
Sampson has been regarded by high school basketball analysts, and BE coaches to be more worthy of recognition than anyone in Providence's front court. I'm saying that all of his skills are sharper than Batts or Henton. That's my point. Sampson, with better coaching would be in position to declare for the NBA draft.

He was a better player last year. A bad coach can ruin a player's development, no matter how much talent is there. A great coach can help a player with potential realize that potential. It's not a recipe that works every time in every situation. These are all individual people, who can be motivated to work as hard as they want, and take it upon themselves to decide how much work is enough?

Felipe Lopez was more talented than Lawrence Moten as a freshman. Moten was smarter. Not more talented, smarter.

AND it's not a foolish notion that we don't run set plays. We don't run many set plays. You are correct that we run an offense with plays. It's just that we run them rarely. Harrison should be looking for an open player when he is doubled teamed late in the game. He did that once, and Sanchez missed a wide open 3 pointer. So, the next time, he took the shot himself, except he didn't have a shot.

Think about like this. One team has 5 guys who were regarded as legit NBA prospects in October in their starting line up. One team has zero. Cotton isn't a pro. Batts isn't a pro. These guys are hard workers who have learned Cooley's system.

Our system, is apparently unclear to me, and most of the "slow" people on this board. So, if you understand it so well, please take a moment and explain it me/us. Not trying to be a dic, but I've watched most of our games and I honestly have no idea what we try to do.

I thnk Sampson is pressing, he needs to be patient and let his game develop. He wants to go to the league so bad that he's hurting himself by trying to do things he's no able to do yet. I believe we run a set play on every play. I remember Lavin saying in his first year that he was going to install a reverse motion offense that his father taught him. Now that does not look like we run that now, there is no continuity. I may be wrong, but it does appear to look more like a 3-2 motion offense. The pick and roll we do, the curl, they are basic plays out of the 3-2 offense. The thing is, and this is true with any system, that the effectiveness relies on the players within the system. Few coaches change their system to match the players, they have to fine the players to play to their system.

Accepting your points about player deficiencies, can you enlighten me where Lavin could a better job of working with this group to win more games and finish better. If individual execution is the problem, is there anything Coach can do to better things? Quite honestly, too many coaches I know on a personal basis, note SL is a recruiter, not a very skilled coach and teacher. I tend to lean towards that assessment, but defer to your coaching expertise. Thanks.

There lies the problem. If the players' are struggling with the execution then you could simplify the offense but that only means you become more reliant on the players' individual ability. I don't think its much to ask the players to learn 3-4 defensive schemes. What separates coaches is not their knowledge of the game, because at this level they all know the game, but its their ability to teach it and motivate their players. I'm not at Lavin's practices, so i don't know how he is teaching it, but he's not alone. He has a HOF consultant with him and Whitesell who is highly regarded. So I will give the coaches the benefit of doubt that the players are being taught. 

I believe what Lavin needs to do is cut out his mind games because its not working. If he truly believed that Felix and the Walk on had something to contribute they would play. So the only reason he started them was to send a message but that hasn't worked. The fact he is still looking for the right combination is ridiculous. He need to shorten his bench and set a rotation and stick with it. I think the players need to be supportive and encouraged more. Stop pulling them everytime they make a mistake. There is no continuity being built.

Fair response. Agree totally with your  last paragraph. Appreciate it!

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #103 on: January 23, 2014, 02:08:06 PM »
“I’ve been pretty consistent that this would be a team that would probably hit its stride in February,” coach Steve Lavin said in advance of Thursday night’s showdown against Seton Hall

We have underlined the key word above and it is so funny how now probably was inserted into his now infamous February boom quote.  Never before was it probably but now he has put probably in there.  That is not a lot of confidence coming from our leading throwing around the word probably a little too little.  Probably isn't good enough for me I want results and I want them in February. 


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #104 on: January 23, 2014, 03:00:30 PM »
Sampson has been regarded by high school basketball analysts, and BE coaches to be more worthy of recognition than anyone in Providence's front court. I'm saying that all of his skills are sharper than Batts or Henton. That's my point. Sampson, with better coaching would be in position to declare for the NBA draft.

He was a better player last year. A bad coach can ruin a player's development, no matter how much talent is there. A great coach can help a player with potential realize that potential. It's not a recipe that works every time in every situation. These are all individual people, who can be motivated to work as hard as they want, and take it upon themselves to decide how much work is enough?

Felipe Lopez was more talented than Lawrence Moten as a freshman. Moten was smarter. Not more talented, smarter.

AND it's not a foolish notion that we don't run set plays. We don't run many set plays. You are correct that we run an offense with plays. It's just that we run them rarely. Harrison should be looking for an open player when he is doubled teamed late in the game. He did that once, and Sanchez missed a wide open 3 pointer. So, the next time, he took the shot himself, except he didn't have a shot.

Think about like this. One team has 5 guys who were regarded as legit NBA prospects in October in their starting line up. One team has zero. Cotton isn't a pro. Batts isn't a pro. These guys are hard workers who have learned Cooley's system.

Our system, is apparently unclear to me, and most of the "slow" people on this board. So, if you understand it so well, please take a moment and explain it me/us. Not trying to be a dic, but I've watched most of our games and I honestly have no idea what we try to do.

I thnk Sampson is pressing, he needs to be patient and let his game develop. He wants to go to the league so bad that he's hurting himself by trying to do things he's no able to do yet. I believe we run a set play on every play. I remember Lavin saying in his first year that he was going to install a reverse motion offense that his father taught him. Now that does not look like we run that now, there is no continuity. I may be wrong, but it does appear to look more like a 3-2 motion offense. The pick and roll we do, the curl, they are basic plays out of the 3-2 offense. The thing is, and this is true with any system, that the effectiveness relies on the players within the system. Few coaches change their system to match the players, they have to fine the players to play to their system.

Accepting your points about player deficiencies, can you enlighten me where Lavin could a better job of working with this group to win more games and finish better. If individual execution is the problem, is there anything Coach can do to better things? Quite honestly, too many coaches I know on a personal basis, note SL is a recruiter, not a very skilled coach and teacher. I tend to lean towards that assessment, but defer to your coaching expertise. Thanks.

There lies the problem. If the players' are struggling with the execution then you could simplify the offense but that only means you become more reliant on the players' individual ability. I don't think its much to ask the players to learn 3-4 defensive schemes. What separates coaches is not their knowledge of the game, because at this level they all know the game, but its their ability to teach it and motivate their players. I'm not at Lavin's practices, so i don't know how he is teaching it, but he's not alone. He has a HOF consultant with him and Whitesell who is highly regarded. So I will give the coaches the benefit of doubt that the players are being taught. 

I believe what Lavin needs to do is cut out his mind games because its not working. If he truly believed that Felix and the Walk on had something to contribute they would play. So the only reason he started them was to send a message but that hasn't worked. The fact he is still looking for the right combination is ridiculous. He need to shorten his bench and set a rotation and stick with it. I think the players need to be supportive and encouraged more. Stop pulling them everytime they make a mistake. There is no continuity being built.

Fair response. Agree totally with your  last paragraph. Appreciate it!

Agreed, let the obviously better players play together and get 25-32 minutes per game or more. (Dlo, Dom, Sampson, Jordan and Sanchez)

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #105 on: January 23, 2014, 03:18:47 PM »
Subject of most threads since I started posting here:
1. Norm
2. Lavin
3. Geno
4. Burrell
5. Harrison
6. Greene 50% negative 50% Carmine
7. Sean Evans-all started by Bobre
8. Larry Wright-all started by WASJU

I think Lavin can catch Norm if he stays another couple years
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 03:19:24 PM by we are sju »


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #106 on: January 23, 2014, 06:18:54 PM »
Keep posting. It's refreshing to read a post that intelligently discusses SJU Basketball


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #107 on: February 07, 2014, 06:14:09 PM »
@StJohnsBBall: @SJUCoachLavin goes for his 200th career win on Sunday. Lavin is 54-37 (.593) at #SJUBB and 199-115 (.638) as a head coach overall.

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #108 on: February 08, 2014, 02:07:29 PM »
@StJohnsBBall: @SJUCoachLavin goes for his 200th career win on Sunday. Lavin is 54-37 (.593) at #SJUBB and 199-115 (.638) as a head coach overall.

I thought the year Dunlap covered for him counted on his overall coaching record?

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #109 on: February 08, 2014, 02:54:11 PM »
@StJohnsBBall: @SJUCoachLavin goes for his 200th career win on Sunday. Lavin is 54-37 (.593) at #SJUBB and 199-115 (.638) as a head coach overall.

I thought the year Dunlap covered for him counted on his overall coaching record?

Not sure why it would, he was not coaching.


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #110 on: February 08, 2014, 04:52:39 PM »
@StJohnsBBall: @SJUCoachLavin goes for his 200th career win on Sunday. Lavin is 54-37 (.593) at #SJUBB and 199-115 (.638) as a head coach overall.

I thought the year Dunlap covered for him counted on his overall coaching record?

Not sure why it would, he was not coaching.

Because at first it didn't count.  Then someone corrected it and all of last year it was included.  Now its not?

And so it continues…...
Remember who broke the Slice news

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #111 on: February 09, 2014, 01:19:17 AM »
@StJohnsBBall: @SJUCoachLavin goes for his 200th career win on Sunday. Lavin is 54-37 (.593) at #SJUBB and 199-115 (.638) as a head coach overall.

I thought the year Dunlap covered for him counted on his overall coaching record?

Not sure why it would, he was not coaching.

Because at first it didn't count.  Then someone corrected it and all of last year it was included.  Now its not?

And so it continues…...

I was also pretty sure in like every sport at every level interim coaches that are filling in and not taking over for fired coaches don't get a record it all goes on the regular coach.

Like in the NFL when Bruce Arians took over for Chuck Pagano when he was recovering from cancer, Pagano was credited with the whole season worth of wins.

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #112 on: February 09, 2014, 01:33:52 AM »
@StJohnsBBall: @SJUCoachLavin goes for his 200th career win on Sunday. Lavin is 54-37 (.593) at #SJUBB and 199-115 (.638) as a head coach overall.

I thought the year Dunlap covered for him counted on his overall coaching record?

Not sure why it would, he was not coaching.

Because at first it didn't count.  Then someone corrected it and all of last year it was included.  Now its not?

And so it continues…...

Really doesn't make sense why it would count.


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #113 on: February 09, 2014, 02:59:59 AM »
@StJohnsBBall: @SJUCoachLavin goes for his 200th career win on Sunday. Lavin is 54-37 (.593) at #SJUBB and 199-115 (.638) as a head coach overall.

I thought the year Dunlap covered for him counted on his overall coaching record?

Not sure why it would, he was not coaching.

Because at first it didn't count.  Then someone corrected it and all of last year it was included.  Now its not?

And so it continues…...

Really doesn't make sense why it would count.

It's up to the school to determine per th NCAA.  Check out roster section in the link. It shows examples of it counting towards HC and interim. My confusion is it seems to have been back and forth since that year
Remember who broke the Slice news


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #114 on: February 09, 2014, 10:00:43 AM »
Why would anyone care about the Dunlap/Lavin win issue?  Neither will set any records and all that is important is that Lavin starts winning regularly

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #115 on: February 09, 2014, 11:14:15 AM »
@StJohnsBBall: @SJUCoachLavin goes for his 200th career win on Sunday. Lavin is 54-37 (.593) at #SJUBB and 199-115 (.638) as a head coach overall.

I thought the year Dunlap covered for him counted on his overall coaching record?

Not sure why it would, he was not coaching.

Because at first it didn't count.  Then someone corrected it and all of last year it was included.  Now its not?

And so it continues…...

Really doesn't make sense why it would count.

It's up to the school to determine per th NCAA.  Check out roster section in the link. It shows examples of it counting towards HC and interim. My confusion is it seems to have been back and forth since that year
Moose - side note - did not notice until now all the Mas image love from you, Paultzman and others.  I'm surprised to see it front and center in profile pics - lol

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #116 on: March 08, 2014, 09:38:05 AM »
He is going nowhere guys. So stop these redundant useless posts about new coaches. The administration loves him. This is same administration that gave norm who had about one one-hundredth of the success lavin has had 6 years. You will see an extension before a new coach. Plus the grass is not always greener on other side of the fence. The big time guys are not obtainable. Plus sju job is not as desirable these days as some think.

Seemed to be taken to task for this post in January. Looks like it is close to happening. Sorry all you masiello lovers. At least we dont have to look at those avatars
« Last Edit: March 08, 2014, 09:52:23 AM by Billthetruth »


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #117 on: March 08, 2014, 10:05:33 AM »
as long as Lavin keeps it clean he is here.  Priests were devastated by Jarvis and want to ensure this does not happen again.  Roberts was hired to clean up program, Lavin to bring the PR and smooth recruiting while, hopefully, keeping it clean. SJU Priests are very conservative.


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #118 on: March 08, 2014, 11:10:26 AM »
He is going nowhere guys. So stop these redundant useless posts about new coaches. The administration loves him. This is same administration that gave norm who had about one one-hundredth of the success lavin has had 6 years. You will see an extension before a new coach. Plus the grass is not always greener on other side of the fence. The big time guys are not obtainable. Plus sju job is not as desirable these days as some think.

Seemed to be taken to task for this post in January. Looks like it is close to happening. Sorry all you masiello lovers. At least we dont have to look at those avatars

Any rational SJU fan, Masiello fan or anyone else knew once we made that mid season run nobody was going anywhere.  If you want to believe that a 4 win BE season would have earned him an extension well you are entitled to that opinion.
Remember who broke the Slice news


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #119 on: March 08, 2014, 11:12:02 AM »
He is going nowhere guys. So stop these redundant useless posts about new coaches. The administration loves him. This is same administration that gave norm who had about one one-hundredth of the success lavin has had 6 years. You will see an extension before a new coach. Plus the grass is not always greener on other side of the fence. The big time guys are not obtainable. Plus sju job is not as desirable these days as some think.

Seemed to be taken to task for this post in January. Looks like it is close to happening. Sorry all you masiello lovers. At least we dont have to look at those avatars

Any rational SJU fan, Masiello fan or anyone else knew once we made that mid season run nobody was going anywhere.  If you want to believe that a 4 win BE season would have earned him an extension well you are entitled to that opinion.
