You guys are all crazy? In 5 years Tony Chiles made around 1 million dollars. He had to have known that he would one day be fired. Now he has another high paying job. Revenge- The guy hit the lottery when he got hired from St. Johns.
"Source: Felix Balamou violation was pre-existing issue with previous staff leaked to NCAA. Goes back ta few years." someone with knowledge of a years old recruiting violation leaked that information to the NCAA, and that violation involved an interaction with the previous staff. Other than Balamou, the previous staff, and perhaps Balamou's former teammates, who was likely to have known about it? No one. It seems unlikely that Balamou ratted himself out. It seems unlikely that any of his former teammates did it except maybe the guy he allegedly had a fist fight with a couple of years ago, which IIRC was Dlo. That only leaves the former staff, all of whom are presumably disgruntled at having been unceremoniously dumped, albeit for sucking at coaching. Could Lavin had done it, absolutely. He's mentally ill, thin skinned, and known to hold grudges. And he's already displayed a willingness to injure Balamou for personal gain. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Hines? His attempt to fight Othella Harrington last year displayed he has at least one screw loose. Keady? Probably not, but that's what would make it so diabolical. Lead recruiter Chiles, the one in the position to know the most about Balamou's shady recruitment? Means, motive and opportunity.