Holy Cross - Game Discussion

  • 140 replies
Re: Holy Cross - Game Discussion
« Reply #140 on: November 25, 2012, 12:30:11 PM »
Agree Bobre.  To me the biggest thing we are lacking right now is a banger who can present a threat in the low post and rebound.  Hopefully Sanchez is that guy (even if only for stretches), or some combination of Jones and Obekpa become that guy as the season progresses.  Obviously a big learning curve with the latter.  Branch will help with ball movement and distribution, and Jakar looks like he is going to be deadly in the high post (Jones can probably play there too a bit).  But it seems like we rarely have anyone under the glass when a shot goes up.  With our athleticism, I think we should get more rebounds on the offensive side, and certainly protect the glass better on defense.

Yeah Gift wasn't a killer last year but he fits the banger description better than anyone active right now.  Beyond that I think Jones is the next best bet.  He needs a crash course on crashing. There have been a lot of guys his size who dominated on the boards.  We're talking a career opportunity here.  It's nice that he can hit a mid range jumper but we have to have the ball to win.