He suspended junior center Jelani McCoy, and future team leading scorer Kris Johnson (son of Marques) - costing him a likely return to the Elite 8 his 2nd year at UCLA.
Confused. Didn't McCoy quit the team? Weren't he and KJ suspended for failing drug tests? Didn't Schea Cotton flunk out of school? Hard to see how that makes Lavin a disciplinarian.
On a related note, this is pretty bizarre, considering its from CA circa 1998. It sounds like me, circa two months ago:
"the Bruins look less like a cohesive unit than a careless NBA tryout camp ... the UCLA program has become a safe place for self-promotion, catering to large egos, high-maintenance talent, and the mini-mistakes of Coach Steve Lavin ... Lavin's disingenuous statements throughout the agonizing process, all the way through his groan-inducing news-conference performance on Sunday ....
the team's recent sloppy play signifies a sloppier attitude ... a chaotic half-court offense, its lax perimeter defense, Lavin's strained reactions to even the smallest second-guessing ...
In that context, McCoy's ever-increasing distance from the team and from its rules is a dark indicator for the future, because McCoy was not a bad person finally bounced for horrible crimes. McCoy is a smart, stubborn 20-year-old with the God-given talent to control basketball games, who didn't know any better and was never forced to know better. He wasn't a lost cause, not until midway through this season. These things do not happen in a vacuum."