Wagner Game Discussion

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Wagner Game Discussion
« on: November 15, 2013, 12:55:17 PM »
We will win a close ugly game. Small part of me would like to see this board a day after a Wagner loss though :)

  Sad thing is that there are plenty that are dying for it to happen..
Simply not true. At the end of the Norm regime there was some of that in the hopes of ensuring Norm's departure. While there has been criticism of Lavin there has not been one poster calling for his ouster and consequently I doubt anyone is rooting against us.

Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2013, 01:10:46 PM »
Frustration with Lavin is some small adjustments he does not seem to make that can get us over the hump finally. It is a forum, ctiticism comes with the territory.
With Norm it was like asking a 2 year old to explain quantum physics.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 01:12:03 PM by we are sju »

Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2013, 01:18:39 PM »
Frustration with Lavin is some small adjustments he does not seem to make that can get us over the hump finally. It is a forum, ctiticism comes with the territory.
With Norm it was like asking a 2 year old to explain quantum physics.

You're right, criticism comes with the territory. But with certain posters, about 90% of their posts take some sort of shot at Lavin, or the team, or posters who actually support the team. I just don't understand why you'd choose to post on a fan forum if 90% of your posts are going to be bashing the team/coach when overall we are better off than we've been in a decade.

And sadly, I get a feeling that certain posters are almost foaming at the mouth to see us lose to Wagner or another OOC cupcake so they can relish in being right on an online forum. I hope I'm wrong, but that's the feeling I get with certain posters.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 01:19:19 PM by redstorm212 »

Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2013, 01:31:42 PM »
Yes we are better than we were under Norm, but if that was the only criteria you could have hired Bernie from weekend at Bernies to be coach. Yes I agree some people will complain no matter what. As for me, even though I don't think there is any other realistic coach that would be better for the program, I thought we would be a little further along. Outside of one NCAA tourney game, we have stunk for 10 years. Personally even though I don't want Lavin to go anywhere, I am pretty much at the end of my patience. Even Boston's Big Dig  has been quicker than this turnaround. And what makes things even more annoying for me is my hopes for the program are less than most. As I have noted just get me in the tourney for one game 7 out of every 10 years and I am all good. Just like some posters are annoyed at the doomsayers and trolls, I get annoyed when people get bent out of shape at any Lavin criticism, yet still hold on to the antiquated belief that SJU is still some NCAA basketball power.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 01:33:11 PM by we are sju »

Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2013, 01:38:26 PM »
Yes we are better than we were under Norm, but if that was the only criteria you could have hired Bernie from weekend at Bernies to be coach. Yes I agree some people will complain no matter what. As for me, even though I don't think there is any other realistic coach that would be better for the program, I thought we would be a little further along. Outside of one NCAA tourney game, we have stunk for 10 years. Personally even though I don't want Lavin to go anywhere, I am pretty much at the end of my patience. Even Boston's Big Dig  has been quicker than this turnaround. And what makes things even more annoying for me is my hopes for the program are less than most. As I have noted just get me in the tourney for one game 7 out of every 10 years and I am all good. Just like some posters are annoyed at the doomsayers and trolls, I get annoyed when people get bent out of shape at any Lavin criticism, yet still hold on to the antiquated belief that SJU is still some NCAA basketball power.

But who has said we are a NCAA basketball power?


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Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2013, 01:40:22 PM »
 That ship sailed a long time ago.

Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2013, 01:42:45 PM »
If you polled the board based on posts I would say half the board. Couple that with the people picking us to go to the sweet 16 this year. Again, my only issue is I think Lavin can firm up some small stuff and I think we could get back to the louie years. 

Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2013, 01:45:12 PM »
The thing with me is I feel that we are pretty much on schedule.  The only minor blip was the Harrison suspension which caused us to be an NIT rather than NCAA team last year.  I give the coach a pass on that because I suspect that he was justified in what he did.

This year, I believe we will make the tourney.  If we don't, then I may have concerns.  Recruiting has been a bit better than I expected---especially his first class.  With one schollie in this latest class, he filled our primary need with an excellent recruit.  2014 is not done yet and, since Lavin has yet to disappoint me, I will give  him the benefit of the doubt that he will  bring in good players.

I don't really get too worked up about negative posters.  They have the  right to their opinions.  It is no different with this coach  than it was with past regimes (actually more tempered than in the past).  Those in the financial markets know the expression "contrarian."  Some posters are natural contrarians.  The annoying posters who flooded the site  with repetitive posts saying the exact  same thing are all gone.  The debate now  is  a lot more tolerable  than in the recent  past.

Long live the Jungle!  ( I couldn't get on last night and got very lonely).


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Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2013, 01:49:57 PM »
I don't mind the criticism, but what confuses me is why posters who predicted a 10pt win against Wisconsin aren't being more critical.  It would naturally follow from their prediction that they think we are a pretty good team, and therefore we must have really under-performed in that game.   Yet they seem very complacent.

It makes perfect sense to me though that someone like Poison, who thought we should win, is being critical of the team/staff.    In his mind the team isn't playing up to their potential.

But the posters who expected a nice win for us, and who were faced with evidence that they under performed, those posters seem to be extra lenient.  So my question is why?   Now you're claiming that it takes time for a team to gel;  we're integrating new pieces; the team will develop as the season progresses - and all that may be true.   But a week ago you thought we should be "gelled" and playing cohesively already.  And now you're making excuses for why the team isn't. 
There's an inconsistency there. 

Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2013, 01:54:26 PM »
Yes, that was my point. You can't predict a sweet 16, then be ok with being overmatched by Wisconsin. Yes Wisc. is good but generally they win ugly.
PS I am not that sure Poison really believed his preseason predictions, but instead used them to validate his gripes. Again after watching the last 10 years, gripes come with the teritory though.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 01:55:38 PM by we are sju »


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Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2013, 01:58:24 PM »
Pretty sure I didn't make a prediction in the Wisco game.

If I did, I don't remember. 

In all the years making predictions on here I predict a win 90% of the time.

I don't take it seriously and nor should anyone else. 


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Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2013, 02:07:43 PM »
STJ-  112

 Wagner- 34


 Please don't hold me to this....


Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2013, 02:23:54 PM »
Yes, that was my point. You can't predict a sweet 16, then be ok with being overmatched by Wisconsin. Yes Wisc. is good but generally they win ugly.
PS I am not that sure Poison really believed his preseason predictions, but instead used them to validate his gripes. Again after watching the last 10 years, gripes come with the teritory though.

I didn't think we'd beat Wisconsin, as they are a top 20 team. Did I think we'd play a little better? Sure. But that doesn't mean my final prediction for the season should change all that much after one game. I still think we are a tourny team, and should get a relatively high seed, hopefully somewhere in the 5-9 range, and if that doesn't happen, then I will be concerned.


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Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2013, 02:25:34 PM »
Pretty sure I didn't make a prediction in the Wisco game.

If I did, I don't remember. 

In all the years making predictions on here I predict a win 90% of the time.

I don't take it seriously and nor should anyone else. 

It wasn't directed at you Boo, and no you didn't make a prediction on the game.

I didn't mean to take the predictions too literally, but in general I understand why people who thought we'd play great against Wisconsin are upset, because we didn't play too well.  That makes sense.   But some people who thought we were definitely ready for that game,  and that we're also on our way to a regional or final 4, some of those guys are now making excuses. 

And not for nothing, but the converse is true too WASJU.  You didn't think the team would look perfect, you thought they'd struggle.  And they did.  So why are you up in arms?   They should be right about where you'd expect them to be,  no?


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Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2013, 02:36:34 PM »
We'll see, but right emphasis;

@CNG_Staszewski: It's been nearly a completely defensive week for the Red Storm.  The players talked about missed assignments and rotations. #stjbb
Our players are clueless. We played great. Just ask many of our posters.

Its about the players executing, not lack of a game plan. The staff knows what they are doing, the players need to get it right.

The reason the players arent getting it right is that the staff does NOT know what they are doing. Hopefully the STAFF begins to get it right.

And yes, this is a game that hould not be close. Less than 20 pt margin and something is  wrong. A team full of top 100 guys and at least two future NBAers vs a team from  a borderline Div 2 conference........ had better not be close.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 02:41:32 PM by uwsfan »

Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2013, 02:41:24 PM »
We'll see, but right emphasis;

@CNG_Staszewski: It's been nearly a completely defensive week for the Red Storm.  The players talked about missed assignments and rotations. #stjbb
Our players are clueless. We played great. Just ask many of our posters.

Its about the players executing, not lack of a game plan. The staff knows what they are doing, the players need to get it right.

The reson the players arent getting it right is that the staff does NOT know what they are doing. Hopefully the STAFF begins to get it right.

And yes, this is a game that hould not be close. Less than 20 pt margin and something is  wrong. A team full of top 100 guys and at least two future NBAers vs a team from  a borderline Div 2 conference........ had better not be close.
Those expectations aren't crazy but it's a little extreme.  I can't find a line on this game, but if I had to guess, the spread will be -11 points.  So, a 14 point win would be a strong showing in my opinion. 


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Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2013, 02:44:58 PM »

"Those expectations aren't crazy but it's a little extreme."- Chudney

 How about these from uwsfan?  No wonder he's so pissed.  Went from a Final Four staff to clueless in a week or so...

 Predictions thread:


St. Johns
Okla St

Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #17 on: November 15, 2013, 02:45:37 PM »


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Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2013, 02:45:54 PM »
 Heading to the game..  Enjoy..

Re: Wagner Game Discussion
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2013, 02:46:22 PM »
I thought we would lose a tight ugly game. I was curious to see the new guys as well. The way we lost alarmed me. Again as I have repeatedly posted,  I am just commenting on the actual game. If 5 games in, the offense is still the Harrison show and we are shuffling people in and out for no reason and leaving guys wide ope shooting threes, then I will be worried for the season.
The only good I took out of the game was Phil Greene's role was demphasized. I will admit, even though I predicted otherwise, I wanted to believe the hype about Hooper.