Coach lavin

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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #40 on: January 21, 2014, 06:31:37 PM »
Agreed coach has to pick who he thinks will help him win. However this guy is always wrong . His ideas make no sense. As a coach it is ur right to go out on a limb , but ur the coach u should know ur team best. This guy has no clue. Every button he presses seem random . Every idea seems stupid
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 06:33:41 PM by TONYD3 »


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #41 on: January 21, 2014, 06:35:25 PM »
The players don't know where they should be on the court. Watch them on a fast break. Watch them against the zone. (Which, BTW, Jordan has no idea what he should be doing against)

Trust they are being taught, they are just not responding. To me its to soon to tell if it's the players' or if it's the coaches. Because Keady is there, and Whitesell who is very well respected, I give the coaches the benefit of doubt. Lavin isn't a control freak. He will let his coaches do there thing.


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #42 on: January 21, 2014, 06:39:02 PM »
As players struggle with individual deficits, must we be reminded constantly that Coach Lavin hand picked this group.? As a GM, so to speak, he should be judged on whether or not he can make this work.

Regarding his technical abilities, you will have to search long and hard to find him featured at coaching clinics. Plain and simple he is not a highly respected  game planner, teacher or tactician.


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #43 on: January 21, 2014, 06:41:04 PM »
Sjufan- I hope ur right. But I also hope to win the lottery. What has this guy done for u to believe in him ? Seton hall game at home should be easy win.


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #44 on: January 21, 2014, 06:42:10 PM »
Also don't think the assistants have gotten enough blame . They look shitty also


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #45 on: January 21, 2014, 06:56:57 PM »
As players struggle with individual deficits, must we be reminded constantly that Coach Lavin hand picked this group.? As a GM, so to speak, he should be judged on whether or not he can make this work.

Regarding his technical abilities, you will have to search long and hard to find him featured at coaching clinics. Plain and simple he is not a highly respected  game planner, teacher or tactician.

Have to agree. At some point, for whatever reason, he needs to be held accountable. However that point ins't now. I just don't think that he should be judged from his first class especially being away for so long. He had to field a team and got some players who have some good potential. I believe each year, the quality of the player he has brought in has improved. I'm concerned if he doesn't bring in any quality big man next year. I don't care about rating just bring in a couple lunch pale bigs who can play solid D and clean the boards.


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #46 on: January 21, 2014, 06:59:49 PM »
This is not as bad as it gets. See mahoney jarvis end and norm. The roster needs to be revamped some next year. Some of the blame falls on the players too. Lavin needs to get some better iq basketball guys. He is smart enough to realize that. Plus hiis success with fund raising will get him plenty of more time if he wants!!!

Lavin has done no better than Mahoney. He's been better than Norm, so I guess he can put that in his résumé after the season. Jarvis was a better coach at STJ than Lavin. I'm not even sure it's close.

Lavin may be doing better then Norm but Norm was a joke, why compare him to Norm?  Just curious, does any one know what the record is for consecutive Big East losses?  Lavin now holds the record for consecutive Big East losses by a St. Johns team, and......................  has accomplished this the present year with the WEAKEST Big East basketball conference of all time.
Hey Linda, SJU has had a one win season so your numbers don't come out. Loses 4 and 5 was our kids grabbing loses from wins.  What you bring to this board is bad vibes and lousy posts. What we got going on now is a poor season that you no doubt relish in. How about giving that negative crap a rest? 

My first question for you JR is..... when you typed this post were you sober???  Your post is idiotic and makes no sense at all. Please tell me which year we won only one Big East game? 
This is not as bad as it gets. See mahoney jarvis end and norm. The roster needs to be revamped some next year. Some of the blame falls on the players too. Lavin needs to get some better iq basketball guys. He is smart enough to realize that. Plus hiis success with fund raising will get him plenty of more time if he wants!!!

Lavin has done no better than Mahoney. He's been better than Norm, so I guess he can put that in his résumé after the season. Jarvis was a better coach at STJ than Lavin. I'm not even sure it's close.

Lavin may be doing better then Norm but Norm was a joke, why compare him to Norm?  Just curious, does any one know what the record is for consecutive Big East losses?  Lavin now holds the record for consecutive Big East losses by a St. Johns team, and......................  has accomplished this the present year with the WEAKEST Big East basketball conference of all time.
Hey Linda, SJU has had a one win season so your numbers don't come out. Loses 4 and 5 was our kids grabbing loses from wins.  What you bring to this board is bad vibes and lousy posts. What we got going on now is a poor season that you no doubt relish in. How about giving that negative crap a rest? 

Just curious, were you sober when you wrote this post?  Please tell me in which year we only won one Big East game? Even if that were true, unless that game was the first or last game of the season, my statement would still hold. Grabbing losses from wins, are you for real?  Face it, the team lost, trying to spin a positive in this situation is nice personic. I have been questioning this organization and mostly Lavins BS for some time now when everyone called me out etc.  I also have been saying that recruiting had not been going well but was once again reminded what a great recruiter Lavin was.  So now many of our more popular posters are stating what I have been stating all along.  and now you post this garbage about me enjoying the breakdown?  Not at all, and if you had a brain you would have seen that as I truly feel for these kids as they are lost out on the court, yet Im sure the BS from Lavin will continue about what a work in progress we are.
Calling me out on not having a brain is fine. I did give the board the wrong info so I deserved it, and I apologize to all. Our only BE win the year of the Pitt nonsense came against Georgetown. I think Hoyas fired Eschrick that year.     


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #47 on: January 21, 2014, 07:16:55 PM »
Lavin has had one good recruiting class and that's it.  The problem with that first good recruiting class is half of them were ineligible so he was recruiting against himself for players that had no chance to play.

The second year he had to re recruit Sampson who was initially part of the first class and he pretty much struck out on everybody else.  Obeckpa was the very last kid in all of America to sign and seems like after the Cincinnati players couldn't stop fighting where ever they went he pretty much fell in our laps and I think we are starting to see what type of player we got.  He seems lazy and disinterested (except in one thing and that is blocking shots).  He cant rebound, shoot, shoot ft's, stay out of foul trouble and so on so nothing special here he has no chance of making it in the league. 

Sad to say but Sampson and Obeckpa would have both benifitted by leaving after their freshmen years.  Their stock has both absolutely plummeted.  I remember seeing Obeckpa as a Top 10 pick in a 2015 Mock Draft now he is barely at the end of the second round.  He has a quarter of the skills as Hasheem Thabbet and he is barely hanging in the league.

Really Lavin has struck out on way more big recruits than he has gotten.  Way more

I see it differently. With the understanding that Lavin was not recruiting any one for almost a decade and then comes on the scene and lands players' that other programs were recruting for years speaks of his recruiting ability. Are they flawed? sure but they are great pieces to build a program with. When they are seniors they will be really good, especially if they are playing with better players. A more experienced Jordan, and better young talent. That's is what is missing in all of this is that these players' were never one and done type players, regardless of what some website stated, my position has always been that they are all four year players. That's not a bad thing. They are pieces that needs to develop. That takes time.

Now that Lavin has been building relationship over the past few years he will be able to land better players' to play with our seniors. I don't care if we don't win a single BE game that is not going to stop Lavin from bringing in players. You just play to the ego of the kid and let them kno that's why we need him and he'll be given the keys to the team. He'll have minutes, exposure, NY, etc, many selling points.

I see nowhere to  but down after this year.  at the moment there are no recruits of note on the horizon and the loss of GG and Sanchez will leave the inside game small and weak, Obekpa being a nonfactor offensively.  Initially I was very optimistic about this year but that has changed with every bad coaching move.  Player become confident in a system that is predicable and rational.  The constant juggling of playing time has left the players confused and lacking direction, a factor which shows up at the ends of games in particular.  I believe the SJU program  will go down flames with  Lavin at the helm.  It has gotten to the point that when Lavin calls a timeout at the end of games I cringe with the expectation of an even worse shot.


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #48 on: January 21, 2014, 07:29:11 PM »

I don't want to give all the players a pass, I'm sure to some degree they're making the coach look bad.  They're not without fault.  I particularly blame them for not sharing the ball.  Even without a good scheme, good ballplayers should know better.
But how is it that all of them are not doing what they're taught?  Boxingout, setting screens, moving the ball.  It seems like like ridiculous odds for all of them to look so discombobulated.   If it was one or two of them doing this I could draw a conclusion that we have some disappointing players who can't be taught.   But no one on this team looks like they've improved.  None of them are  regularly making sound fundamental moves on the court.   With the possible exception of Dangelo.

I could buy the story of a few bad apples, but it can't be a coincidence when Lavin's whole team's progress has stagnated. 
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 08:09:44 PM by desco80 »


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #49 on: January 21, 2014, 07:53:42 PM »
I think in regards to Lavin calling the team a work in progress, I think he's right. But, I think he's the reason why they are so far behind other BE programs. Providence may have a limited roster, but at least they know what role everyone has. Who's our center? Our PG? Lavin hasn't figured that out yet, and as much as he's like to blame that on the players, it's his fault for settling on a line up and sticking w it.

Players' define there roles, not coaches. If you were a 240lb beast and grabbed 7 boards a game and controlled the paint, then you will play the middle. If you could run the offense, take care of the ball, score and distribute, then you will play point. However, if one guard is turnover prone but can score, and your other guard doesn't turn the ball over and can score but can't pass, then as a coach your forced to mix and match maybe go with the hot hand.

The reason why it may seem like we don't have define roles is because, all of our players', with the exception of Jordan, is one dimensional. Gift can't score, but he rebounds, Obekpa can't rebound or score, but he can block shots, Sanchez does a little bit of everything but is foul prone. Sampson scores, but does nothing else. Yet you say its the coach that has to define the role of the players'? The coaches are going to play who he thinks he needs to win that particular game, and it can very from game to game because of the skill of the individual player and the strength and weakness of the opposing teams.

By his senior year, Donald Emanuel could hit a 3, block a shot, make a free throw and face the basket while holding the ball in his hand on offense. I agree that we have one dimensional players after Harrison and Jordan, but what is this staff working on in practice? What did they practice over the summer?

Why does Obekpa look worse on offense? Why is Sampson so raw? Why does Dom not have a better handle by now, and at least a bank shot or a 10 foot jumper? If Lavin had a team full of one dimensional players, and 1 freshman, it's on him because they're not improving. IDK what Fran said to Lavor after his freshman season, but I wish we could put it in a bottle.

This is frustrating mostly because we have finally landed the talent we've been praying for since Jarvis was fired, and the simple fact is not one player is more than marginally better. Lavin was given 100% of the credit for Hardy, Brownlee, Evans, Burrell, Boothe and Horne finally realizing their potential. But what's happened Obekpa? Sampson? Even Harrison seems out of his mind, and almost performing instead of playing, even if he isn't displaying anger on the court.

Lavin needs to do more than lead with speeches. What is the role of his staff? Who teaches big men a back to basket game? Who teaches dribbling? Who designs plays to beat the zone?

Never in my wildest imagination did I think we could start the BE season at 0-5. And seriously, if you're defending the coach after he's lost every close game against a high major opponent, I gotta wonder if you're a relative, or something?
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 07:56:07 PM by Poison »

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #50 on: January 21, 2014, 08:18:12 PM »
I believe each year, the quality of the player he has brought in has improved.

Dude, can you please explain this?

You are really reaching in all your posts and most of them make no sense. 

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #51 on: January 21, 2014, 08:27:59 PM »
What is the role of his staff? Who teaches big men a back to basket game? Who teaches dribbling? Who designs plays to beat the zone?

They are there getting all these guys ready for the NBA.  They are a developmental staff and know what it takes to get you in the league.

Lavin will not get another eligible major recruit in here.  Mark my word the guy who said the program is on the verge of going down in flames couldn't be more right.  I have never had less hope for this program than I have right now and it could be years till be ever even come close to sniffing the NCAA tournament again.  Lavin gets an F- - - - - for the job he has done. 


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #52 on: January 21, 2014, 08:38:20 PM »
I believe each year, the quality of the player he has brought in has improved.

Dude, can you please explain this?

You are really reaching in all your posts and most of them make no sense. 

Because you lack the ability to understand does not mean I'm reaching and make no sense. Play a real game of basketball instead of 2K13 and maybe you will understand. I'm referring to Lavin's recruiting and the quality of the recruit he has brought in with regard to their "ranking", year over year, has improve culminating with Jordan this year. I believe in time as Lavin continues to build and cultivate relationships this trend will continue. We suppose to be favored with some really talented kids in 15'. We will see. 

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #53 on: January 21, 2014, 08:39:47 PM »
Quite critical

LOL they are starting to post his HYPE quotes and show everybody what a donkey this guy is.  He is going to get exposed big time if he hasn't already. 

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #54 on: January 21, 2014, 08:48:02 PM »
Absolutely great article.  They are starting to call him out on all his B.S.

I might give the writer of the article a heads up about our thread over here which is about all the hot air he has blown.

sjufan should get together with this Mark Fratto guy they seem like 2 peas in a pod
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 08:48:52 PM by Needs2go »

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #55 on: January 21, 2014, 08:53:37 PM »
That is why Lavin is always speaking about us clicking in February. Those two players need the time to adjust, if they don't, we are not a talented team.

First off this is college and teams always have new guys come and go so using that as an excuse is lame.  Secondly Sanchez, Hopper and God's Gift practiced all year with them last year so they were familiar with them not like they just showed up on campus and were thrown into the mix.  This team went to Europe for 2 weeks and their core has gotten tons of playing time in major conference basketball so in reality this team should have been the most prepared team in the conference and should have been hitting their stride mid December rather than mid May.  This guy is a dirty salesman collecting a big check, I cannot believe there is anyone buying into his crap anymore except for possibly you and that brilliant team spokesmen.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 08:54:35 PM by Needs2go »


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #56 on: January 21, 2014, 09:21:56 PM »
Stjfan- u have to be on the payroll. Tell whoever is paying u that I will take the same deal. lavin is doing his best. Players are getting better . Even though our current  top players aren't playing well we will get even better ones soon. They will be better. Hammer and rock. Febuary is almost here - we are ready to take off.  I will post this a few times a week. Can I get 100$

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #57 on: January 21, 2014, 09:26:47 PM »
Stjfan- u have to be on the payroll. Tell whoever is paying u that I will take the same deal. lavin is doing his best. Players are getting better . Even though our current  top players aren't playing well we will get even better ones soon. They will be better. Hammer and rock. February is almost here - we are ready to take off.  I will post this a few times a week. Can I get 100$

My personal favorite post of all time.  Tony seems like a good man and gets it.

Funny how sjufan started posting within days of Lavin getting hired here and seems to put just as much delusional b.s. out there as Lavin does.  Quit the nonsense and stop telling other people they cant understand what you write.  I understand fully just cant stop shaking my head at how much garbage you can pile as Tony might be right about you being on payroll.


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Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #58 on: January 21, 2014, 09:53:27 PM »
Stjfan- u have to be on the payroll. Tell whoever is paying u that I will take the same deal. lavin is doing his best. Players are getting better . Even though our current  top players aren't playing well we will get even better ones soon. They will be better. Hammer and rock. February is almost here - we are ready to take off.  I will post this a few times a week. Can I get 100$

My personal favorite post of all time.  Tony seems like a good man and gets it.

Funny how sjufan started posting within days of Lavin getting hired here and seems to put just as much delusional b.s. out there as Lavin does.  Quit the nonsense and stop telling other people they cant understand what you write.  I understand fully just cant stop shaking my head at how much garbage you can pile as Tony might be right about you being on payroll.

When did you start posting here?

Re: Coach lavin
« Reply #59 on: January 21, 2014, 10:02:54 PM »
Stjfan- u have to be on the payroll. Tell whoever is paying u that I will take the same deal. lavin is doing his best. Players are getting better . Even though our current  top players aren't playing well we will get even better ones soon. They will be better. Hammer and rock. February is almost here - we are ready to take off.  I will post this a few times a week. Can I get 100$

My personal favorite post of all time.  Tony seems like a good man and gets it.

Funny how sjufan started posting within days of Lavin getting hired here and seems to put just as much delusional b.s. out there as Lavin does.  Quit the nonsense and stop telling other people they cant understand what you write.  I understand fully just cant stop shaking my head at how much garbage you can pile as Tony might be right about you being on payroll.

When did you start posting here?
the rapid fire posts remind me of joe3. lol