Poison, you've lost your mind.
I don't have the time to go through ncaa bylaws, but there is no doubt that Lavin and the school wouldn't have done this unless they had to.
they might just be saying the school suspended him, but basically he's been suspended by the ncaa.
and the rule changed just after McGary failed his test. I don't think it's a full year anymore, maybe that's where the 2 weeks comes from. Idk
You're right, I have lost my mind, but not completely. I'm furious with St.John's, and since you can't fire college athletes who aren't getting paid a penny, it seems only fair to point the finger at the one person who helped create situations like this one since he started bringing in his own talent. It's time to look at the long term prospects of the program and realize that the honeymoon is long over. Top talent sees suspension after suspension and the commonality is Lavin. Who wants to play for a person who pulls shit like that?
Eventually the blame has to be on him. This is year 5. Enough of this shit. Let him teach his life lessons elsewhere. He's got no business calling out Obekpa for letting the team down. It's 100% on Lavin that we don't have a capable player to take his place.
Thankfully, there are dozens of capable coaches out there who will gladly come to NY, live in Soho and run a great program here. And should a player come 5 minutes late to practice, or Tweet a message during the season, the new coach can say, ok, I'm not gonna sweat the small stuff, because I've got a job to do, and that job isn't to be a nit-picking little shit.