Who is at the helm of this website? I ordered a gameday T shirt and NEVER got it

  • 163 replies
Re: Who is at the helm of this website? I ordered a gameday T shirt and NEVER go
« Reply #120 on: September 24, 2011, 10:33:48 AM »
  You changed shirts in the two pictures.....nice touch

LINY did not change shirts....he turned them inside-out like he does his panties!  AND, after seeing all those Mets and Jets pictues behind him I have officially become a Yankees and Giants fan!!

Re: Who is at the helm of this website? I ordered a gameday T shirt and NEVER go
« Reply #121 on: September 24, 2011, 10:35:35 AM »
Please do not get so upset with us that you will threaten to leave for the ACC! You are a very handsome young man and you should be proud of that marvelous body! I showed your picture to my gay nephew and he thinks he knows you from the gym! Just to make him happy could you confirm you have a tattoo on your lower back with a downward arrow that reads "Enter Here"?
....."Enter Here...." While wearing a medium of this lmao 

I'm surprised no one has even mentioned his creeper pedophile mustache

I hope the SU fans in my neck of the woods, don't drop by and read this thread. What will they think of us St. John's fans? :2funny:

liny and Marillac last night at Club Ramrods

« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 02:02:17 PM by Marco Baldi »

Because you guys won't stop, I'd like to see you make fun of this: Now make fun of how small I am you fat bastards. Go ahead.

Remove the hat and we now know who it is :)


maybe he likes this shirts to fit like this:

it shows off his man rack.

dave, maybe you should cut the sleeves off the shirt before you send it.


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liny and Marillac last night at Club Ramrods

Geez the kid on the right does look like me and the kid on the left looks like LINY from the photos sans

Lol...since when was stubble referred to as a "doustache"? I'd rather my face not look like Justin Bieber...ladies love some stubble. It can't be too bad to be made fun of for having muscle...could be worse. Although the guys in those other pictures are juice heads. I'm not a juice head and I can't stand them. 100% natural non-Mark McGwire status. I am also now instantly dubbed a guido because I have dark hair and some muscle? My arms aren't even that big lol I'm kind of flattered. Thanks to Jersey Shore, these days if you happen to be of italian descent with dark hair and have some kind of definition on your arms, you are labeled a guido. Instantly. If you guys want to see REAL and I mean REAL guidos go google "carfellas" the TV show on the Discovery Channel. You will be amazed.

maybe he likes this shirts to fit like this:

it shows off his man rack.

Lol...dude I'm 5'10 200 lbs...I still definitely fit in a medium. Some shirts run small and I will get the L, but they are often too baggy. Not trying to look like a drug dealer. I never realized how obsessed with shirt sizes guys were  ???


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I'm 5'11 190 an avid weight lifter and have competed in bodybuiding.  There is no way I would ever fit in a medium and you claim to be 10lbs heavier than me. 

Well you are probably much bigger than me then muscle wise. To me it makes sense...I'm an average sized man at 5'10 200 and I purchased an averaged sized shirt at medium.

Well you are probably much bigger than me then muscle wise. To me it makes sense...I'm an average sized man at 5'10 200 and I purchased an averaged sized shirt at medium.

The average man does not wear a medium shirt. 


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  Truly a remarkable thread.  I just re read it from the beginning because i was bored.  Good times.

 Liny-  Stick around here long enough and you'll realize that when someone opens themselves up , as you did,  the ball busters will come at you hard.  It happens to everyone.  No need to get your petite panties in a bunch over a little ball busting.  Its all good.  Not sure what you were thinking posting the pics of yourself,  but ...whatever.  You got accosted because your tone in the beginning.  Dave is really good a taking care of the site and members ( not the member your thinking of),  no way he's screwing anyone out of tee shirt. I'm sure you'll have it in time for Midnight Madness .  Do they do that anymore?

  Enjoy your youth kid. Being a father of 3 young children and working 10 hours a day doesn't lend itself to remaining in peak physical condition anymore unfortunately.....plus i like beer and food.


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I think he should definitely post a pic of him wearing the shirt he ordered -- assuming it ever arrives.

If the average man doesn't wear a medium, what does he wear? That makes 0 sense. Medium = average. Most people get mediums that's why they're usually the first sizes off the racks in stores.


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If the average man doesn't wear a medium, what does he wear? That makes 0 sense. Medium = average. Most people get mediums that's why they're usually the first sizes off the racks in stores.

34% of American Adults are obese...

Right...not the majority. So the most common size is medium. Think about the bell curve. Most things in life average out. By the way the Jets made me throw up in my mouth a little.