Midnight Madness

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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #60 on: October 15, 2015, 01:18:57 PM »
Need to keep things in perspective

-There has been a tremendous change over in personnel from the players to the AD. Things look like they were thrown together because they probably were and this left little time to properly resource this event.

-For the first time in 30 years there is an SJU President that cares about the program and is heavily investing in the program by his hiring actions

-Not saying The event is not important, but it will not make or break a season or turn away recruits in large numbers...If the team wins consistently people will show up. The LBS game at CA last year in Dec before Christmas was packed and there was a buzz in the stands...SJU was ranked at the time. The fans were great at the last home game at MSG. Winning will cover up most worts in a program. Midnight madness is a cherry on top of a program not the sundae.

This could of, should of, been handle better, but to let one school sponsored party throw a wet blanket on the start of a season seems silly. Maybe this will encourage more students to show up, maybe it won't . In either case I am confident that SJU will make proper adjustments in the future. I am confident that we have an administration that actually cares about the program and will continue to invest in it. I am also confident that this administration will make mistakes and will leave us scratching are heads, but they will make these mistakes because they are trying to make the school better.

This isn't the same old same old, there is a new administration and  they have already done more then the previous regime...Let's show a little patience and faith.  You don't have to agree with ever decision, just don't condemn the  school for a possible mistake.

You said the new administration has already more than the previous "regime". Just asking, but how so?

Last year, I attended an open practice at MSG. That was best St.John's related event that I have ever been to, and it's not close. This year, they're having a Red/White type game at Carnesecca Arena at 12:30 on Halloween. That's a big step down IMO.


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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #61 on: October 15, 2015, 01:26:12 PM »
Sorry, but we have fans who complain about cost all the time. The truth is if you want a big time program, you have to pay for it. There is no free ride. We hear complaints on this board because tickets are too costly, exhibition games should cost less, etc. How many on this board belong to the Red-White Club. How many are attending the team dinner tonight at the Metropolitan. How many went to the event a few months ago to introduce Mullin and the staff? We the fans should be supporting the program monetarily. If you don't want to, fine, but please no whining. There is also a logic gap in the argument that midnight madness is so important to recruiting that we should fill the stands. Really? If you think it is so critical, then  spend the 20 bucks and be there. The fact that it may be helpful to have you there, does not mean that therefore you should get in free. Duh!  Agree totally that slam dunk contests should be outlawed!

Sorry Loughlin, but this event isn't going take us to the 'big time".

And seriously, get off your horse about supporting the program monetarily. Whether you're a Red White Club member, or not, fans (Alumni or not) should still be encouraged to attend events like this one, should they want to. The Red White Club doesn't have enough members as it is. Those pre-game open bars are usually a sad reminder of that. And tomorrow night, they're kicking some future members square in the balls. 

The fact that anyone donates money to St.John's basketball after the horrible job they've done over the last 25 years is an incredible testament to a very small group of loyal fans who clearly have some kind of abnormal addiction to pain and suffering.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 02:29:48 PM by Poison »


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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #62 on: October 15, 2015, 01:39:26 PM »
This is all about the students. They make or break the atmosphere.

100%. This is an event for the students and for the teams. If alumni or fans would like to attend that's great but this is not who the event is geared towards. The free open scrimmage and dinners are for the alumni and fans this is frankly not. If some alumni get a kick out of it great but I don't see the big deal with them charging for this event. Maybe it should be free but not a big deal either way.


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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #63 on: October 15, 2015, 02:15:36 PM »
Sorry, but we have fans who complain about cost all the time. The truth is if you want a big time program, you have to pay for it. There is no free ride. We hear complaints on this board because tickets are too costly, exhibition games should cost less, etc. How many on this board belong to the Red-White Club. How many are attending the team dinner tonight at the Metropolitan. How many went to the event a few months ago to introduce Mullin and the staff? We the fans should be supporting the program monetarily. If you don't want to, fine, but please no whining. There is also a logic gap in the argument that midnight madness is so important to recruiting that we should fill the stands. Really? If you think it is so critical, then  spend the 20 bucks and be there. The fact that it may be helpful to have you there, does not mean that therefore you should get in free. Duh!  Agree totally that slam dunk contests should be outlawed!

Oh I love it when those can critique how someone should spend their money.

Season tickets are a pretty sizable investment.  I know it doesnt 'support' the program that way Red White and other events do but its still a sizeable investment.

I respect you and others who have the ability to attend all these other events but this specific event is not worth more than $5.  It's players dancing, running up and down the court dunking and some poorly planned shooting contest with a concert after.
Remember who broke the Slice news


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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #64 on: October 15, 2015, 02:27:32 PM »
This is all about the students. They make or break the atmosphere.

100%. This is an event for the students and for the teams. If alumni or fans would like to attend that's great but this is not who the event is geared towards. The free open scrimmage and dinners are for the alumni and fans this is frankly not. If some alumni get a kick out of it great but I don't see the big deal with them charging for this event. Maybe it should be free but not a big deal either way.

Midnight Madness is for anyone who supports the program, and wants to help usher in a new season. The excitement that comes from the event should be what's used to sell tickets for the upcoming season.

I'm not following the logic that Midnight Madness is really for the students, when the same students don't support the program during the season.

And these are the same students who need to be given an incentive to go games.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 02:29:21 PM by Poison »

Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #65 on: October 15, 2015, 02:58:38 PM »
Anyone know of any recruits that might be attending?


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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #66 on: October 15, 2015, 03:33:11 PM »
fyi, student tickets are indeed free. The students should fill the place. Whether alums are there should not make a difference. And the seven alums who don't want to spend 20 bucks sure aren't going to determine whether we sell out or not.

The 7 alums that don't want to spend 20 bucks are a figment of your imagination. It will be much closer to 7 alums who do.

For someone who professes to never have attended and has absolutely no desire to attend, why exactly do you care???
« Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 03:34:48 PM by Pete88 »


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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #67 on: October 15, 2015, 03:53:41 PM »
fyi, student tickets are indeed free. The students should fill the place. Whether alums are there should not make a difference. And the seven alums who don't want to spend 20 bucks sure aren't going to determine whether we sell out or not.

The 7 alums that don't want to spend 20 bucks are a figment of your imagination. It will be much closer to 7 alums who do.

For someone who professes to never have attended and has absolutely no desire to attend, why exactly do you care???

Why don't you read the thread again. I think I've explained my point pretty clearly. It has nothing to do with me.

And for the record, I have attended a Midnight Madness event before at St.John's. And when I went, it was at Midnight. The only reason to hold it at 7 was so that families with children and older people who just can't stay up that late could attend.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 03:57:08 PM by Poison »

Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #68 on: October 15, 2015, 04:08:17 PM »
Anyone know of any recruits that might be attending?
The one with $35


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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #69 on: October 15, 2015, 04:40:40 PM »
Didn't someone say it was the musical act that insisted the school charge for the event. They had someone else lined up but it feel through so to get any big name they probably just had to bit the bullet on this one. The musical act is a huge draw for the event. I remember a few years ago they had Vado who isn't very well known and the place was not very excited and not even half full. You may not know or like Mac Miller but he is popular with younger kids and is a good get.

Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #70 on: October 15, 2015, 04:55:05 PM »
Didn't someone say it was the musical act that insisted the school charge for the event. They had someone else lined up but it feel through so to get any big name they probably just had to bit the bullet on this one. The musical act is a huge draw for the event. I remember a few years ago they had Vado who isn't very well known and the place was not very excited and not even half full. You may not know or like Mac Miller but he is popular with younger kids and is a good get.

I  youtubed his style, htf will that get the joint jumping? Boring.  Wanna be a big time program, then come correct.
There must be some good hiphop artists today, but you sure dont hear it on the radio.
Remember oldschool videos too? Showing the hood, that was real. Today it's about fancy cars, flashing gold chains, and talking about getting ass.
Youtube  wutang, mob deep, cypress hills, boot camp click. 80s? Gangstar, eric b & Rakim, Kool G Rap, Kane.
The golden era of hiphop, I miss it.


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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #71 on: October 15, 2015, 05:00:43 PM »
Didn't someone say it was the musical act that insisted the school charge for the event. They had someone else lined up but it feel through so to get any big name they probably just had to bit the bullet on this one. The musical act is a huge draw for the event. I remember a few years ago they had Vado who isn't very well known and the place was not very excited and not even half full. You may not know or like Mac Miller but he is popular with younger kids and is a good get.

I  youtubed his style, htf will that get the joint jumping? Boring.  Wanna be a big time program, then come correct.
There must be some good hiphop artists today, but you sure dont hear it on the radio.
Remember oldschool videos too? Showing the hood, that was real. Today it's about fancy cars, flashing gold chains, and talking about getting ass.
Youtube  wutang, mob deep, cypress hills, boot camp click. 80s? Gangstar, eric b & Rakim, Kool G Rap, Kane.
The golden era of hiphop, I miss it.

What does that have to do with Mac Miller. College age kids like his music so thats all that matters to me. Again like I said this event isn't for older people its to get the students to come out or else they would have gotten Wu Tang lol.


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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #72 on: October 15, 2015, 05:35:22 PM »
Didn't someone say it was the musical act that insisted the school charge for the event. They had someone else lined up but it feel through so to get any big name they probably just had to bit the bullet on this one. The musical act is a huge draw for the event. I remember a few years ago they had Vado who isn't very well known and the place was not very excited and not even half full. You may not know or like Mac Miller but he is popular with younger kids and is a good get.

It's not the musical act who insisted the school charge for this. It's that the musical act refused to perform for free. I don't think that anyone would dispute that the STJ students would like Mac Miller. The problem is that they don't like St.John's basketball.   


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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #73 on: October 15, 2015, 05:36:04 PM »
This is all about the students. They make or break the atmosphere.

100%. This is an event for the students and for the teams. If alumni or fans would like to attend that's great but this is not who the event is geared towards. The free open scrimmage and dinners are for the alumni and fans this is frankly not. If some alumni get a kick out of it great but I don't see the big deal with them charging for this event. Maybe it should be free but not a big deal either way.

And these are the same students who need to be given an incentive to go games.

You've been complaining about the lack of incentives to attend this event for three pages, now you are knocking people that need incentives to attend? 


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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #74 on: October 15, 2015, 06:00:27 PM »
Didn't someone say it was the musical act that insisted the school charge for the event. They had someone else lined up but it feel through so to get any big name they probably just had to bit the bullet on this one. The musical act is a huge draw for the event. I remember a few years ago they had Vado who isn't very well known and the place was not very excited and not even half full. You may not know or like Mac Miller but he is popular with younger kids and is a good get.

It's not the musical act who insisted the school charge for this. It's that the musical act refused to perform for free. I don't think that anyone would dispute that the STJ students would like Mac Miller. The problem is that they don't like St.John's basketball.   

Why would a muscial act perform for free? I have worked at St. John's before and I can tell you even the bad artists they got 3-5 years ago did not perform for anything close to free.


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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #75 on: October 15, 2015, 06:01:59 PM »
Didn't someone say it was the musical act that insisted the school charge for the event. They had someone else lined up but it feel through so to get any big name they probably just had to bit the bullet on this one. The musical act is a huge draw for the event. I remember a few years ago they had Vado who isn't very well known and the place was not very excited and not even half full. You may not know or like Mac Miller but he is popular with younger kids and is a good get.

It's not the musical act who insisted the school charge for this. It's that the musical act refused to perform for free. I don't think that anyone would dispute that the STJ students would like Mac Miller. The problem is that they don't like St.John's basketball.   

Why would a muscial act perform for free? I have worked at St. John's before and I can tell you even the bad artists they got 3-5 years ago did not perform for anything close to free.

Agree on the students tho. There is always a group of like 50 who are really dedicated. For a school of 20K or so that is really pathetic but its been this way for a while now. Was terrible when i was in school until 2011 when we were good and i graduated.

Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #76 on: October 15, 2015, 06:08:41 PM »
Didn't someone say it was the musical act that insisted the school charge for the event. They had someone else lined up but it feel through so to get any big name they probably just had to bit the bullet on this one. The musical act is a huge draw for the event. I remember a few years ago they had Vado who isn't very well known and the place was not very excited and not even half full. You may not know or like Mac Miller but he is popular with younger kids and is a good get.

It's not the musical act who insisted the school charge for this. It's that the musical act refused to perform for free. I don't think that anyone would dispute that the STJ students would like Mac Miller. The problem is that they don't like St.John's basketball.   

Why would a muscial act perform for free? I have worked at St. John's before and I can tell you even the bad artists they got 3-5 years ago did not perform for anything close to free.

I guess SJU likes wasting money on bad performers then, oh well. Their choice.


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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #77 on: October 15, 2015, 06:10:36 PM »
Didn't someone say it was the musical act that insisted the school charge for the event. They had someone else lined up but it feel through so to get any big name they probably just had to bit the bullet on this one. The musical act is a huge draw for the event. I remember a few years ago they had Vado who isn't very well known and the place was not very excited and not even half full. You may not know or like Mac Miller but he is popular with younger kids and is a good get.

It's not the musical act who insisted the school charge for this. It's that the musical act refused to perform for free. I don't think that anyone would dispute that the STJ students would like Mac Miller. The problem is that they don't like St.John's basketball.   

Why would a muscial act perform for free? I have worked at St. John's before and I can tell you even the bad artists they got 3-5 years ago did not perform for anything close to free.

I guess SJU likes wasting money on bad performers then, oh well. Their choice.

Just curious who would you have like them to get that is a relevant performer who the students will come to see?


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Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #78 on: October 15, 2015, 06:11:49 PM »
This is all about the students. They make or break the atmosphere.

100%. This is an event for the students and for the teams. If alumni or fans would like to attend that's great but this is not who the event is geared towards. The free open scrimmage and dinners are for the alumni and fans this is frankly not. If some alumni get a kick out of it great but I don't see the big deal with them charging for this event. Maybe it should be free but not a big deal either way.

And these are the same students who need to be given an incentive to go games.

You've been complaining about the lack of incentives to attend this event for three pages, now you are knocking people that need incentives to attend? 

You're missing the point. I don't need an incentive to support the program. There probably isn't anyone on this board who does. The students aren't going to support the program. We've seen this movie before. Excluding families and anyone who has ever gone to a game and might go again is unbelievably stupid.

But not surprising considering who is doing it.

Re: Midnight Madness
« Reply #79 on: October 15, 2015, 06:15:08 PM »
Didn't someone say it was the musical act that insisted the school charge for the event. They had someone else lined up but it feel through so to get any big name they probably just had to bit the bullet on this one. The musical act is a huge draw for the event. I remember a few years ago they had Vado who isn't very well known and the place was not very excited and not even half full. You may not know or like Mac Miller but he is popular with younger kids and is a good get.

I  youtubed his style, htf will that get the joint jumping? Boring.  Wanna be a big time program, then come correct.
There must be some good hiphop artists today, but you sure dont hear it on the radio.
Remember oldschool videos too? Showing the hood, that was real. Today it's about fancy cars, flashing gold chains, and talking about getting ass.
Youtube  wutang, mob deep, cypress hills, boot camp click. 80s? Gangstar, eric b & Rakim, Kool G Rap, Kane.
The golden era of hiphop, I miss it.

What does that have to do with Mac Miller. College age kids like his music so thats all that matters to me. Again like I said this event isn't for older people its to get the students to come out or else they would have gotten Wu Tang lol.

What does that have to do with Mac Miller? Thought they want a party athmosphere? So his music will get the joint jumping?
How, it sounds boring, so boring music gets the crowd into it? Guess the hiphop culture really changed then since i listened in the 80s and  90s.