This might be the most ridiculous topic I've ever seen of a St. John's related web site/blog.
Yeah, yeah, I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but Slice's track record, contacts, high regard he's held in THROUGHOUT the country alone is enough to squash any similar thoughts from the novice fan. I spoke to several long time serious fans of ALL things H.S. & College HOOPS & they had the same reaction I did when I first saw this topic. "Are you F'in kidding me. You can't be serious."
Only thing that makes sense to me is that anyone who questions Slice's contributions (like we know what goes on between the scene 24/7) still drinks the Jarvis/Lavin (Both Program Killers)"Kool Aid" or are actual fans of a rival program. Ya think? PS , there are quite a few bars in Brooklyn where if you brought this subject up, you'd better have insurance or a good get away plan in mind.