Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK

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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #400 on: February 26, 2020, 12:11:42 AM »
What part of that is debatable?
Every part.

What he's accomplished at other outposts is irrelevant. St. John's is a whole other animal. He's about to have his first below .500 finish and he's coached for like 30 years at like 4 different spots. And it only took him 1 year here.

Contemplate that for a second.

Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #401 on: February 26, 2020, 12:13:38 AM »
Neither is or will ever be as accomplished as our home run hire Mike Anderson. No delusions just google it.
Home runs at other programs quickly turn into ground out double plays in Queens. No delusions just google it.


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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #402 on: February 26, 2020, 01:29:30 AM »
Everyone is flawed you f*cking mongoloid. That statement has no relevance to any conversation on any topic. Ever. That Charles Manson, he’s not without flaws.

I just hope for your sake that you are not actually this stupid, and you are actually just a prolific troll that pretends to be stupid to piss people off. I could get behind the latter.

Did you not say, “You’ve got four guys trying to convince the whole forum that he has it all as a coach“?

This goes way deeper than you being a fraud. You have something personal against this Old Red fella you keep accusing me of being.

What happened? Did he...touch you? Did he make you do things? It wasn’t your fault. wasn’t your FAULT!

« Last Edit: February 26, 2020, 01:31:00 AM by SJUFAN »

Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #403 on: February 26, 2020, 03:09:27 AM »
Welcome back, great post. Plenty of new info. Mike Dunlap is probably better on a dry erase board, as is Greg St. Jean. Neither is or will ever be as accomplished as our home run hire Mike Anderson. No delusions just google it.
Dunlap has 1 winning season in 6 at Loyola Marymount. His record is 80-105. Mike Anderson will win his 400th game next year and is 170 games over .500

I wouldn't call it a home run hire at all. The hiring process was a joke, and the jury is still very much out on Anderson.

I hope he succeeds her and isn't like another Mullin, but in all honestly nothing this year has shown me that anything will be different at St. John's in the future. The braintrust is still in charge and that makes me very pessimistic.
I hope the class coming in next year surprise and play well together as a unit. I just don't get how so many of you have bought all the way in when nothing has been proven yet. Once he starts proving that he can win here, then he deserves the praise. Past records are impressive yes but do nothing for us here at St. John's.


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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #404 on: February 26, 2020, 06:37:48 AM »
Home runs at other programs quickly turn into ground out double plays in Queens. No delusions just google it.
It takes time to clean up after an absentee head coach.


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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #405 on: February 26, 2020, 06:47:13 AM »
I wouldn't call it a home run hire at all. The hiring process was a joke, and the jury is still very much out on Anderson.

I hope he succeeds her and isn't like another Mullin, but in all honestly nothing this year has shown me that anything will be different at St. John's in the future. The braintrust is still in charge and that makes me very pessimistic.
I hope the class coming in next year surprise and play well together as a unit. I just don't get how so many of you have bought all the way in when nothing has been proven yet. Once he starts proving that he can win here, then he deserves the praise. Past records are impressive yes but do nothing for us here at St. John's.

Why was the hiring process a joke? Because you read that on the internet from the mullin faithful. Our AD did his due diligence and hired us a real coach. Of course the jury is out on him, but his work ethic that he has shown here and his resume should give him the benefit of the doubt.
Our coach is the furthest thing from mullin on the planet. Honestly how many games did you expect to win this season? I wanted to be on the NIT bubble, does t look like we will get there. But their is still a chance.
I expect our coach to do his job. Why is that a bad thing? I only used (home run) to Antagonize the mongoloids.
I expect the next class to be good. I expect that Anderson and his staff will work hard with our current players. I expect next year to be better. I can’t imagine why someone would choose to think otherwise.


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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #406 on: February 26, 2020, 08:06:04 AM »
Welcome back, great post. Plenty of new info. Mike Dunlap is probably better on a dry erase board, as is Greg St. Jean. Neither is or will ever be as accomplished as our home run hire Mike Anderson. No delusions just google it.
Dunlap has 1 winning season in 6 at Loyola Marymount. His record is 80-105. Mike Anderson will win his 400th game next year and is 170 games over .500

Over the course of his career Dunlap's won more games (405) than Coach Home Run (383), has lost fewer games (202) than CHR (213), and has a higher winning percentage (203 games over .500 = .667) than CHR (170 over = .643). He's also won two national championships, whereas CHR is one game over .500 in post season invitational tournaments and only if you count the NIT, which who does. Hmm mmm.

Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #407 on: February 26, 2020, 08:25:35 AM »
I expect next year to be better. I can’t imagine why someone would choose to think otherwise.
Because we're losing our best two players and will be relying heavily on freshmen to handle the ball.


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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #408 on: February 26, 2020, 08:32:04 AM »
Over the course of his career Dunlap's won more games (405) than Coach Home Run (383), has lost fewer games (202) than CHR (213), and has a higher winning percentage (203 games over .500 = .667) than CHR (170 over = .643). He's also won two national championships, whereas CHR is one game over .500 in post season invitational tournaments and only if you count the NIT, which who does. Hmm mmm.
You are counting division 2? The lengths you pathetic losers are going to win some imaginary argument is beyond comical. You and your ilk were going to hate on whatever coach came after the hero just because you are sad butt hurt losers. Your boy was shit canned for cause, you can lie and say you don’t care but you are only lying to yourself.
The fact that you are siding with mike Dunlap is just as funny. You have no idea if is a good coach. You never heard of him before he was Lavin’s assistant. I would bet my life you haven’t watched 1 second of Loyola Marymount basketball. But you are arguing still because your a pathetic loser trying to prove some point on a fan board.
I really liked Dunlap while he was here. I tried to follow him when he got the job at Loyola. I am sure his teams are very well coached. That doesn’t mean he is better then Anderson. Their is more to being a head basketball coach then holding a dry erase board.


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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #409 on: February 26, 2020, 08:46:37 AM »
Because we're losing our best two players and will be relying heavily on freshmen to handle the ball.
Those guys were leaving after this year anyway. So again I don’t understand your point. Posh won’t be a liability.


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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #410 on: February 26, 2020, 08:56:31 AM »
You are counting division 2?

Yes. Your experience consists of teaching 7th grade girls dodge ball and unsuccessfully interviewing for coveted JV coaching positions and that you think qualifies you as an expert witness on coaching so I'm counting winning multiple DII national championships as an accomplishment. Or do you figure Coach HR is more accomplished than Bob Hurley because Hurley's 25 state championships pale in comparison to HR's .500 NCAA tournament record. 

<shopworn rehash of sling blade's single thought hosed>


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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #411 on: February 26, 2020, 09:12:18 AM »
Yes. Your experience consists of teaching 7th grade girls dodge ball and unsuccessfully interviewing for coveted JV coaching positions and that you think qualifies you as an expert witness on coaching so I'm counting winning multiple DII national championships as an accomplishment. Or do you figure Coach HR is more accomplished than Bob Hurley because Hurley's 25 state championships pale in comparison to HR's .500 NCAA tournament record. 

<shopworn rehash of sling blade's single thought hosed>
Winning multiple national championships is a great accomplishment. Dunlap is supposed to be a great teacher. But what does that have to with Mike Anderson? Dunlap hasn’t gotten a head coaching position in a major conference, why? He did get a job in the NBA, how did that turnout?
What are you trying to prove?
Coach Hurley at St. Anthony, was a great coach. What does that have to do with Mike Anderson? I think hurley’s skill set would have travelled to college but we are never going to know. Again what are you trying to prove?
What we do know is Mike Anderson has been a very successful college coach. Without looking I bet his post season record is better then your favorite coach Doug McDermott’s dad.
Chris mullin- you don’t have to be an expert on anything to realize coach fxck you was an empty suit


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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #412 on: February 26, 2020, 09:24:49 AM »
Mike Anderson
9-9 NCAA tournament
4-3 NIT

Greg McDermott
3-8 NCAA tournament
2-1 nit
3-2 CBI

Ed Cooley
1-5 tournament NCAA tournament
3-3 nit
1-1 cit

Kevin Willard
1-4 NCAA
1-1 nit
Great points Foady.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2020, 09:29:29 AM by TONYD3 »


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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #413 on: February 26, 2020, 09:34:02 AM »
Winning multiple national championships is a great accomplishment. Dunlap is supposed to be a great teacher. But what does that have to with Mike Anderson?

What it has to do with Mike Anderson is you said "Mike Dunlap … will [n]ever be as accomplished as our home run hire Mike Anderson. No delusions just google it."

So I googled it and it turns out that you're delusional.

<remainder hosed>


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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #414 on: February 26, 2020, 09:46:46 AM »
What it has to do with Mike Anderson is you said "Mike Dunlap … will [n]ever be as accomplished as our home run hire Mike Anderson. No delusions just google it."

So I googled it and it turns out that you're delusional.

<remainder hosed>
Again I can’t compete in your made up arguments. You win. Mike Dunlap coaching at metro state from the Rocky Mountain athletic conference is more prestigious then mike Anderson winning in the big 12 and SEC.

I always wanted to see a game at duke or Kansas. But I changed my mind. Next year I am flying out to Denver. I can’t wait to go to auraia center. That’s where the road  runners  of metro state play. We should all go. The arena only holds 2200 people. It’s gotta be an amazing environment.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2020, 09:53:38 AM by TONYD3 »


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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #415 on: February 26, 2020, 11:04:01 AM »
I can’t compete

Yes I know.

You win.


Mike Dunlap coaching at metro state from the Rocky Mountain athletic conference is more prestigious then mike Anderson winning in the big 12 and SEC.

I'm afraid we're never going to be able to come to agreement because having trouble with rudimentary logic and rhetoric (not to mention grammar and spelling but that's a question for another day) you can't follow an argument from point A to point B. Which means that you're forever lurching from non sequitur to irrelevancy and along the way creating an army of straw men, which they call them straw men because like you they haven't got a brain. See, first you said that Home Run was more accomplished than Dunlap and challenged all comers to disprove that statement. When that statement was in fact disproven you dragged poor Doug McDermott's father into it and Ed Cooley's diseased head and when that proved unavailing moved on to claiming that "winning" in the SEC - winning being defined as making the NCAA tournament three times in eight years - is more prestigous (prestigious being a word no one used) than "coaching" in the RMAC - coaching being defined as winning two national championships - because Metro State's arena "only holds 2200 people." So accomplished becomes prestigious and let me guess, if I were to point out that Mike Dunlap got hired by no less a personage than Michael Jordan to coach the Bobcats of the NBA who play in front of 20K people 40 times a year, all of which is much more prestigious than anything Home Run's managed,  arena size won't matter anymore and prestige won't either and Dunlap's record in a single year at Charlotte will be dispositive of his accomplishments in a way that Home Run's record in his single year at St John's can never be.

tl;dr: you're a dim bulb.

Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #416 on: February 26, 2020, 11:26:07 AM »
Michael Jordan the player GOAT, MJ running a professional team an empty suit. Sound familiar to St. John's fans?


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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #417 on: February 26, 2020, 12:49:25 PM »
Did you not say, “You’ve got four guys trying to convince the whole forum that he has it all as a coach“?

This goes way deeper than you being a fraud. You have something personal against this Old Red fella you keep accusing me of being.

What happened? Did he...touch you? Did he make you do things? It wasn’t your fault. wasn’t your FAULT!

I know you are world class in stupidity, but how is it possible for even you to not get my clear point?
Saying someone is “not absent flaw” or is not perfect isn’t a concession of any kind. It literally describes every human being that has ever lived.

It does nothing to differentiate anyone. Let’s have it your way...Mullin was not absent flaw. Anderson is not absent flaw. Let’s never compare them again. Case closed. Cheers.

Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #418 on: February 26, 2020, 12:53:35 PM »
Why was the hiring process a joke? Because you read that on the internet from the mullin faithful. Our AD did his due diligence and hired us a real coach. Of course the jury is out on him, but his work ethic that he has shown here and his resume should give him the benefit of the doubt.
Our coach is the furthest thing from mullin on the planet. Honestly how many games did you expect to win this season? I wanted to be on the NIT bubble, does t look like we will get there. But their is still a chance.
I expect our coach to do his job. Why is that a bad thing? I only used (home run) to Antagonize the mongoloids.
I expect the next class to be good. I expect that Anderson and his staff will work hard with our current players. I expect next year to be better. I can’t imagine why someone would choose to think otherwise.

You must live under a rock. The college basketball world laughed at St. John's throughout the entire process. Mike Cragg looked an amateur (which he is). Hurley, Moser, & Odom all publicly turned down the job after offers. Tim Cluess pulled his name out of consideration. They then hired Anderson in a 24 hr period after it was reported that James Jones was going to get the job. If you don't believe me, Google it if your memory is that shot from Mullin's nuts smacking your forehead.


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Re: Mullin - Anderson Thread ***READ AT OWN RISK
« Reply #419 on: February 26, 2020, 01:08:47 PM »
You must live under a rock. The college basketball world laughed at St. John's throughout the entire process. Mike Cragg looked an amateur (which he is). Hurley, Moser, & Odom all publicly turned down the job after offers. Tim Cluess pulled his name out of consideration. They then hired Anderson in a 24 hr period after it was reported that James Jones was going to get the job. If you don't believe me, Google it if your memory is that shot from Mullin's nuts smacking your forehead.
I remember it very well. I would have been ok with any of the guys up for the job. Yes Hurley said no. As did porter moser. How is that embarrassing?
Within 10 days we made a great hire. Basically anyone would have been an upgrade. But lucky for me. We got someone that I like.
Tim cluess didn’t pull his name out of anything. If he was offered he would have taken the job. At that point no one in the basketball world was laughing.